Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Sacred Heart Sisters To Found College For Women In San Diego "oci t: }'amcd }"'or Learning and Higher Education Ace pt~ Bi hop·s Invitation. 1 Jesuit Fathers Consider 1 Plan To Inaugurate New Catholic Men's College Hi~ Excellency Has Petitioned Salesian Fathers To Open Vocational School For Boys In San Diego. During this joyful season come additional glad tidings in the announcement from the Most Reverend Bishop to the effect that the Religious of the Sacred Heart who conduct San Francisco College for Women, will inaugurate a similar insti- tution in San Diego. Several sites have been under considera- tion for the proposed new college of arts and sciences. llluch de- pends on whether a change of send their children to other cities as resident students to enjoy ad- Yanlages which San Diego should give.

and Acad- emie , which make it po .::ible for Grade School "'radua es to pur ·ue their • tudie under Catholic aus- pice where both moral and intel- lectual de\·elopment move in par- allel lines. Rut the most urgent need are Catholic Colleges where rr.en and women can qualify for liberal arts degrees. O,·er four year ago in a personal vi~it to Lone )lountail', an Francisco, the 1\Iost Reverend Bishop, long a deYoted friend of the Society 'of the Sacred Heart and an alumnus of one of their parochial schools in the )Iiddlewest, petitioned the Provincial Superior to consider San Diego for a new foundation. Three months ago at the invi- tation of His Excellenc)', Mother Rosalie Hill, ,Provincial Superior of the Western Vicaria te, and l\Iother de Leon, Provincial Treas- urer and a former San Diegan, visited San Diego and made a sur- Yey of the city•~ topography. Dur- ing this Yi~it they inspected sev- eral po. sible sites, for one of which negotiations have been car- ried on by Mr. LeRoy Goodbody, Business Agent of the Diocese of San Diego, and Mr. Nicholas J. Martin, Attorney to the Most Rev- erend Bishop. The drastic zon- ing Jaws enforced in San Diego, make expansion· difficult especial- ly in vew of the fact that the city has far outgrown the restrictions of the old zoning legislation. With the marked increase in population and the corresponding demands for higher education; it is hoped that a full measure of cooperation on the part of city officials may contribute to this step forward. It is well known that our Catholics institutions ·welcome non-Catholics to all their courses of study. Other progressive cities are quick to grasp both material and spiritual progre·s which institutions of higher learning bring to a com- munity.


1ncu l.V LU~ .J:l[U8 eakfast Club show ck Benny, who is auon m i-o far as erned; and • ·oel d by a severe at- lack at work after Ian Pneumonia is , who was bedded h. • , late!~- of the Chi- de a hurried trip , where she ls now I "Light of the to hear the Nelson aarhara and her gia Fuller of NBC , Eddy affairs for tt a miss, and each in the front row al which t.hey feel to miss. • "as iu town Sat- Hollywood to pro- • "ations picture e such stars as ngrirl Bergman, Th1wesa ·wright r. While on the


FRIDAY, March 19 S:15 p.m~WCL8-(Jallet) - N- ID 0.. Sorrowful Mother. 1:N p.m.-WCFL-Our udJ, of 9-TOW9 N.. venaServic... Father Huah Calldna,O.S.M, SATURDAY, March 2t 1:•a.m. - WTMJ - Marq- Ual...-.11:F Radio W orkabop. SUNDAY, MARCH 21 • 1:38 a.m.-WCLS-(Joliet) - Hip M.-. St. John'• Church. U:IO Noon - WGES - Our Lady of Sc,n.,.. Church (Hieb Mau). 1:15 p.m.-WLW-(Cincinnatt)-F!'th• F'laaa- san'• Life at Boya Town, Drama. 4:IO p.m.-WCFL-Roaary Haur. 4:3G p.m.-WCFL-Minclfuln..• of Oth.ra. i:IO p.m.-WMAQ--Catholic Hour, tbe S-. Fulton J. Sheen. 1:N p.m,-WGES-"ln Search of the Truth.• 1:SO p.m.-WHFC-Diatrlct Alllanoe of Czech Catholica. ~. a... Dr. Eraut Zlzka. 7·00 p.m.-WCFL-lrtah Hour, 7;30-8:00 p.m.-WIND-Ave Maria Hour, 1:SO p.m.-HVJ-Short Wave - Va- Cltll' Meuaae to U. S. MONDAY, March 1Z 1:IO p.m.-WHFC-lrisb Prosnm. Ala 11•» p.m, Directed by Tma Gib"- TUESDAY, March 23 1:45 p.m. - WHFC - Jriab Pt11snun. AI.. al 11:30 p.m. Directed by T- Gibbaaa. THURSDAY, March 7$ Z:00 p.m.-WJJD-Sacred HPUr. o:•~ p.m.-WHFC - lnal> P........,.. Amo al 10:30 p.m. Directed by Tma GI...,_ 1:38 p.m.-HV J - Short Waw - Vatican Cltp Mea&llll• to U.S.

zone can be obtained, which will make a\·ailable a sit&., convenient for both present and future g-en- erations of young women in San Diego and the surrbunding cities, who desire these superior advan- tages.

Outstanding in scholarship, the Socetr of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was founded in Paris in the year of 1800 by St. Made- leine Sophie Barat, has for its main purpose, the l1igher educa- tion of young women. The 153 houses the Societr has throughout the world include academies, ele- mentary and high schools. The Mother House is situated in Rome. The Religious who staff the col- leges, hold high degrees from the nation's leadng universities. San Diego will be privi)eged to ha\'e these distinguished educators in charge of an institution of learn- ing.

~k for three American cardinals as soon as the war is ended. We don't have any Inside dope on what the pontiff is contemplating, but it would not surprise us to live o see our old guide, philosopher fl nd friend wear the red hat some day. We refPr to Bishop Charles F. Buddy of the diocese of San Diego, former St. JoReph priest. That man !s a go-getter. He made monkeys out of some of his colleagues when he was in this man's town because he was so active while they were taking their siesta, But Archbishop Spellman is a "natural" for the red hat. We just hope F. D. R., his personal friend, keeps his nose out of it. Franklin should learn from T. R. Old Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul was headed for the car- dinalate until Rome learned that Theodore Roosevelt was sort of self-appointed campaign man- ager for him. That cooked his goose. We're not trying to tell any pope how to run his church, but if we hfld been pope Arch- bishop Glennon, ranking prel- ate in America, would have been fl cardinal these past 40 years. That man in St. Louis h?.s been a bi;;hop ;;ince 1895, an arch- ' bishop since 1903. two or



Moreover, according to the Fed- eral Constitution, individuals and groups have certain rights which cannot be set aside. rot the least of these rights is education, ac- cording lo the dictates of con- science. Last June the Catholic High Schools and Academies in San Diego County a,lone, grad- uated 97 young women. Wth the exception of Mercy College of Nur~ing, no other cour~e of higher learning can be offered within the confine. of this Diocese.· A careful e$timate reveal the fact that not more than 16 per- cent of the parents can afford to

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Sparkling •• morning dew and just u to your dark unadorned dreasea l Spring-apirited embroidered eyelets ... lovely lace and val lace trim. In an auortment of V-neck, Peter Pan and Bib atyles. Some with matching cuffs. , ·,ckr,;ear D,pt.-lst Floor re• freahing

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