Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

er Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego, California, Friday, January 14, 1944 CHAPLAIN RYAN OF OCEANSIDE AT CHRISTMAS MASS IN THE ARCTIC

BISHOP BUDDY CONFERS WITH CHAPLAINS OF 3 COUNTIES Last Tuesday, in the Rec- tory of St. Bernardine's Church, San Bernardino all the Military and A : 1. Ch I . ux1 1ary ap ams of San Bernardino t (?range, and Riverside Coun: 1es met at a 1 h 'th . unc eon-conference w1 His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop of S n· MTt an 1ego r 1 ary Vicar for the Southwest U. S. After a delightful luncheon as guests of the Bishop the Ch l ' d' ' ap- ams iscussed practical prob- lems. ~hich occur every day in a military chaplain's busy l'f Q t . le. ues 10 1: 3 of the interpretation of certam military faculties were proposed and solved, His Excel- lency making valuable recom- mendations anent their proper use. . These luncheons, although offe-:mg th e military chaplain cherished association with his fel- low priests (something which he ~isses very much in military life), are more important as a sort of Diocesan Conference. To the conference Chaplains bring for solution the doubtful juridi- cal cases which they encounter at their posts. It is a wonderful added service which our Bishop p~ovide~ f_or t~e Milifary Chap-/ lams w1thm his jurisdiction. We understand that other areas are now following the lead of Bishop Buddy in this matter.

"l! ,U!, Stl 1a1,1. sa pr.101,1. al.{l ,Jo, sawooaq :n asuas SJl.{l ui pm1 •aspd.1alua 111:i: -nnaaq pu-e poo1! .&.1aAa ssaiq pua awooraM Ol .&p'8a.l S! UISJO![Ot[l'B::) ;. lB!.11.{::) Ol I!'B urs1! Ol uaw rrs O+ S_gU!l.{l l!tl ;naSW!t[ a}['8W Ill'BcI "lS 1:ou Pla ·paZ!I'Blll!.l!dS sawooaq AIPI.IOM 01.{l pml 'AIPI.IOM awooaq ol spua+ I'Blll!.l!ds al.{l '2unaaw al.{l UJ: ·aUllpUm.u 01.{l pu'8 I'Bllll ·.l!dS at[l 'sppOA\ OMl uaaAqaq +O'Bl - -UOO JO :jUJOd al.{l S! l.{Ollltt) 01.{J,,, ·uo l uaM ,Ia}["Bads ai:n "'s.liU!t[l JO a.llll'BU a¼'.j u1 S! Sjl.{J,,, SCl'UIO,!A OA\£ N::il:JL\\.T,::il:9: _ .,·sa,1.1as.1no .10J patu.xoJ aA'Bl.{ ;a.A\ s+daouoo .&s'Ba aql U'Bl.{l an.1l .&nqns a.1ow t[OJl.{A\ suono!P c•'ll.llUOO lua.1'lldd'8 - saxopt1.1t1d uo 8 sa,1.1r tro.1nl.{:::> a1n 1,1.oq lllO +uiod vOl ~om.10 pu'8 SU'B!lt>lS!t[ Jo awal.{l l\ a+poA 'BJ '8 uaaq s-e-q lI ·uo1+0H!. c •'ll,quoo '8 .&rdur! lOU op sa·nsoddo (l.{0116 lBltl aZ!l'llil.I Ol S!,, 'panun tl_uoo aq ,.'lUJOd lU"Bl.lOdW! 01.[J,,, \\·awn ;ro S['llA.lalU! l'B suos.xad am'Bs V a-ql .&q pal'lllnw.xoJ .&nuanba.1;ru1 Dlou a.1'8 'paA.Iasqo aq 'suont1snoo'll b .&.xolO!P'll.1:JUOO .&nua.1-edd'll asat[J, :C ,;srapuui pull soqa.1at[ b,._, Ol. rfe1gnnor'i'iig""priests, plus military chaplains from all the camps were also in attendance on the Bishop. His Excellency de- livered a Yery practical sermon to the confirmandi, with particu- lar emphasis placed upon the ex- cellent service of our Armed Forces. Military personnel formed a Guard of Honor for the Epis- copal procession.

MILITARY CHAPLAINS CONFERENCE In the very near future, His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego, will pre- side at a luncheon-conference for all Military and Auxiliary Chaplains now on duty in San Diego and Imperial Counties. The exact date of this next pe- riodical conference will be ,11- nounced within a few days. It will be held in the City of San Diego. Chaplains of the three services of our Armed Forces are genuinely grateful to His Excellency for the signal con- tribution t h e s e conferences make to their labors. Practical questions of moral theology, canon law, military procedure, etc., are proposed by the Chap- lains, discussed by all present, and finally an authoritative de- cision on them is rendered by the Bishop.

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