Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945
SOLEMN PONTIFICALMASSFOLLOWS coNsEcRAr 10N oF ALTAR AT 'OUR Hi·s Excellency Honors LADY OF SOL TUDE',_PALM SPRINGS, • , P~U,f SPRI 1 GS, Jan..9.-(Sp~cial):-I~temati~nally famous i~ peace time as a se- Our Lady of Solitude lect wmter resort, Palm Springs, California, 1s now mrently busy w1ch our common war ~ff ort. Population there has increased, even as in almost every city and town and desert Ch r h p I s . :•..-~ste in the extensive Diocese of San D!ego, md with each i_ncrease added burdens are u C am p r I ngs aid upon the shoulders of our beloved Bishop. The Palm Sprmgs area is serviced by the ' . I picturesque parish church of "Our From Page 1 Francis C. Ott, V. F., Dean of San five priests to assist His Excellen- Bernardino County, and Rev. Lady of Solitude," where Rev. C. cy in the enrollment. Matthew Thompson, Pastor of Co-
Norman Raley is pastor.
At 2:00 p. in. all the Fathers rona, who acted as Deacon and
Bishop, Military Vicar, .Visits Northern Area Of Far-Flung Jurisdiction His Excellency, the Most Reverend Ordinary of the Dio- cese of San Diego, in his capacity as Military Vicar for the Southwestern United States·, yesterday concluded an inspec- tion tour of Army Camps, U. S. Naval Stations, and Army Air Corps posts in the huge expanses of San ~ernardino and River- side counties. Obvious purpose of this long tour was to
Last Friday evening, January accompanied the Most Reverend Subdeacon ,Excellency arrived in Bishop to the "Desert Inn" where Mass; Rev. Douglas A. Moore, they were his guests at dinner. First Master of Ceremonies and pontifical liturgical s er vi c es The following resp o n d e d to Rev. John Power, Pastor of On- which proved quite eventful in toasts: Rev. Matthew Thompson tario, as Second Master. Two that desert oasis. The first of of Corona, who acted as Toast- Military chaplains from nearly these episcopal services was the master; Rev. David P. McAstoc- camps acted as Crozier and Mitre not too commpn one of the conse- ker, S.J.: Very Rev. Peter Lynch, Bearers, while the Rev. Joseph cration of an altar. A beautiful V. F.; Very Rev. Francis C. Ott, Mackey was Book Bearer. • altar of black and white carrara V. F.; Rev. John Power: Captain Before leaving Palm Springs marble, surmounted by a heavy , Hoskins, Chaplain U. S. Army; the Most Reverend Bishop visited baldachin of two-tone Philippihe Rev. C. Norman Raley, and the Tomey General Hospital and ex- mahogany and oak, had b e en Most Reverend Bishop. pressed his appreciation to the given as an anonymous gift to the On the following day, Sunday, Commanding Officer, Colonel church of Our Lady of Solitude. at high noon, the Most Reverend Jones, for the many cou~·tesies On Saturday morning His Excel- Bishop celebrated Solemn Ponti- extended to Father Raley and lency proceeded to the consecra- fical Mass in the Church of Our the Catholic Chaplains. tion of this newly erected altar. Lady of Solitude. The ceremonies Father Raley recently succeed- Assisting the Most Reverend began with a prqcession from the ed in paying off the entire debt Bishop were: Rev. C. Norman Ra- Rectory into the main entrance of Our Lady of Solitude Church, ley, Pastor, as Presbyter As- of the church. Besides the Color and is now planning many new sistens; Rev. Natale J. Maruca, S. Guard, and a Guard qf Honor improvements. Details have al- J., newly appointed Assistant to made up of high ranking Military ready been completed for the Our Lady of Solitude; Rev. Fa- officers, His Excellency was as- purchase of stained glass win- ther Gerard, O.F.M., of Banning; sisted by Rev. C. Norman Raley, dows for the entire church. The Rev. Richard P. Maher, Coa- who acted as Presbyter Assistens; subjects chosen for this glass chella; Rev. Patrick Kenny, In- the Very Rev. Peter Lynch, V. F., work are the Founders of the dio; and Rev. Douglas A. Moore, Dean of Riverside County, and various Religious Orders. Work Master of Ceremonies. A mili- Rev. David P. McAstocker, S. J ., of installing the windows will be- tary escort :from nearby camps as Deacons of Honor; Very Rev. gin shortly. formed a Guard of Honor in the Episcopal procession. Palm Springs for two days of respectively of the 7 h, His
determine whether or not a suf- ficient number of Auxiliary Chap- lains are assisting at these camps, and to offer whatever aid he could to the Military Chaplains on duty there. With character- istic thoroughness His Excellency inspected the religious set-up, of- fered helpful suggestions, made provisions for added service. His visit was in the nature of an of- ficial Episcopal Visitation. The Bishop reports the finest type of cooperation from the military personnel. At each post he was graciously received by the Com- manding Officer and his staff, frequently was presented to all the ranking officers. As in his custom, the Most Reverend Bish- op then fraternized with the en- listed men, offered them his ad- vice and help. Many of the hun- dreds of thousands of enlisted men now stationed in San Ber- nardino or Riverside counties will be writing home this week to tell of their meeting with a "real"-to use their colloquial- ism-bishop. That the U. S. Army, the U. S. Air Corps, the Marine Corps, and the Navy are doing everything possible to pro- vide adequate religious service for their men, is the firm convic- tion of our M o s t Reverend 1 Bishop.
WESTMINSTER ARCHBISHOP ON RADIO NEW YORK, Jan. 8.- The Most Rev. Bernard Griffin, Archbishop-elect of Westminster, will deliver an address from England next Saturday afternoon, Janu- ary 15, which will be broad- cast over the nation-wide facilities of the National Broadcasting Company, it was announced here today. The Archbishop-elect will speak at 12:00 Noon, San Diego War Time. His Excellency Makes Surprise Call Upon Men Of Camp Deanza CORONA, Calif., Jan. 12.- (SPECIAL) - The officers and men of Camp Deanza, here, were delightfully surprised today when the Most Reverend Ordinary of San Diego paid them an unan- nounced visit. UpoIJ. arrival at the camp. His Excellency imme- diately made an official call upon the Commanding Officer. Later the Commandant accompanied the · Bishop to the Catholic Chaplain, the Chapel, and "to points of in- terest around the camp. In the course of this tour His Excel- lency was greeted by many Cath- olic boys-boys from almost every diocese in U. S. For each he had a word of encouragment and a gracious blessing. Everybody pro- nounced the visit an unusual priv- ilege an da great success.
When the rite of consecration had been completed, the Most Reverend Bishop mounted the pulpit to address the crowded church. In a most learned and eloquent discourse His Excellen- cy explained the salient features of the beautiful ceremony of the consecration of an altar. Then he expressed his deep gratitude to the generous donors who had re- quested to remain unknown. But the major topic of the Bishop's sermon was the current feast of the Holy Family, and particularly the central Figure of that august Family, the Christ - Child, "who went down to Nazareth and was subject to them." In·concluding, His Excellency drew a most in- spiring thought from the Blessed Mother, Queen of the Holy Fami- ly. He dwelt upon the traditional office of Our Lady as Mediatrix of All Graces, and the great im- petus given to that specific field of Mariology by the beloved Car- dinal Mercier during the last 1 World War. As a specific historic 1 example of Our Lady's largess, the Most Reverend Bishop gave a bnef history of the Miraculous Medal and the untold wonders which followed in its wake. At the end of each of the four Masses celebrated that day on the newly consecrated altar of Our Lady of Solitude Church, His Excellency enrolled the entire congregation in the Miraculous Medal. Each person present received a medal as a gift from the Bishop. The crowd was so great at the last Mass that it was necessary for (Continued on Pue 3)
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