Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Trinitarians Arrive in San Diego

I fternoon except Sunda~.

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TRINITARIANS FROM WASHINGTON, 0. C. TO AID IN DIOCESE On last Monday Very Rever- end Cyprian Nusca, Provincial of the Order of Trinitarians with headquarters in Washington, D. , C., arrived in San Diego accom- panied by Reverend Hyacinth Rosari and Reverend Philip Gra- sso. They came in response to an urgent invitation from the 1 Most Reverend Bishop to supply I a number of Italian-speaking priests to assist in a special man- ner with the Italian prisoners of war now assembling in the·north· J ern part of the Diocese by the t thousands. To date the work has 1 1 been in charge of the Right Rev. i erend Msgr. Joseph N. Trivisonno I t pastor of Mary Star of the Sea Church in Oceanside, and the • Reverend Luigi Conti, pastor of l San Secondo d'Asti Church in / t Guasti. The Reverend Vito Pil· olla, pastor of Our Lady of the I l Rosary and the Reverend John 1 ' B. Garrone, pastor of St. Louise 1 de Marillac, Suncrest, have also made themselves available to 11 give every possible spiritual com- 1 fort to those detained in the t camps. Father Hyacinth Rosari I ' was appointed to assist the Very Reverend Francis C. Ott in San Bernardino and thus be acces- sible to large camps of Italian prisoners. Father Philip Grasso , received the assignment to assist , the Reverent Matthew J. Thomp- 1 1 son at Corona where a large col• 1 1 ony of Italians live. ;: Welcomed at Conference The Trinitarian Fathers with their Provincial arrived in time for the Theological Conference last Monday afternon and also made the Day of Recollection with the priests on Tuesday. Before the conference started, the Most Reverend Bishop extended a welcome to the new Order and 1 e..xprcssed the hope that it would 1 l I be the beginning of a long caree1· 'I of zealous missionary activity in these parts.


Fathers Hyacinth and Philip of tlte newly introduced Order of Trinitarians are shown here with the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy bishop of San Diego, their sponsor. The order was founded in 1198 and this is the first time in history their priests I1ave been dele- gated to work iu California.


\BISHOP BUDDY LAUDS VAST RED CROSS ACHIEVEME TS~ By MOST REV. C. F. BUDDY Bishop of San Diego "Chi.mes are sweet when the who rece1,·e. Helping the present t metal is sound." There is some- campaign implies alert interest-a , thing about the Red Cross that hand and a heart for those who risk 1 rings true. Who everything, even life it.self. to de- t can deny the vastb fend us. The needs of the Red , achievements of Cross. formerly computed in terms 1his truly Ameri- of thousands, now mount to mil- can. forward- l10ns. ·lookin,:: set- up? ··Red" co•moles ard£'nt lo\'e :for Jn the 1o v 1 n .::! suffering humanity. 'Cross' means a r rn s o [ R e d sacrifice. And these two-love and Cross. charit. ·. sacrif1ce-ener,::ize life, Lo\ e for juslice. patriot- couPtry love for our brave on the ism meet and em- firmg lines, love for our altars and brace. Like the our h mes-what greater mcentives quality of mercy to FJcrifice! Both the ''Red'' and never strained, . • the "Cross·• speak n us in our own Red Cross bene- Bishop Budd) language. Shall we turn a deaf faction blesses all who give and all ear? J

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