Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

we perish'.'' {Matt. VIII, 26) Christ rebuked their want of faith and then rising, corrunandod the winds and sea to bo still. A great calm over the waves of tho son, but a storm broke out in tho hearts of His disciples; a.mazed, they asked one another: 11 Wha.t manner of man is this, for tho winds o.nd the sea. obey Him? 11 (Matt. VIII, 27) 11 1.Nhom do Y,OU say that tho Son of Man is? 11 ( XVI, 16) Liston to St. Peter's prompt profession of faith: "Thou art Christ tho Son of tho living God." (Matt. XVI, 17) IJ..1hen said Jesus: "And I say unto thee, thou art Poter" - that is, a rock - 11 0.nd upon this rock 11 - that is, upon this visible foundation - "I will build My Church and tho gates of hell" - tho power n.nd malice, fn.lsohood and error of hell - 11 shall not prev! against it. 11 {Matt. XVI, 18) Christ renews this commission under another fj_gure, but changes the allegory from a house too. kingdom: "And I will give to thee the keys of tho Kingdom of Heaven, wh~tsoevor thou shalt bind on earth shall bo bound also in Heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed also in Heaven. 11 (Matt. XVI, 19) Clearly, this expressed one definite idea - Christ confers on St. Poter, jurisdiction, supreme authority. After His Resurrection our Saviour appears to His Apostles and in their presence challenges St. Peter to a triple pledge of love: "Lovost thou Mo more than these?" ( John XXI, 15) -- then charges him: "Feed My lambs; Feed My sheep. n ( John XXI , ยท 16-17) Feed, (i.e., provide for - protect - guide -love - keep the sheep from straying - load them through green pastures and - 2 -

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