Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

and disappear - but the Church, itself, lives on and preaches the power of God to every succeeding generation." Yes, - oven amid hor enemies of today, the bark of Poter holds n safe nnd stoady course on waves of trngedy and dis- trust. Even today, the voice of Peter's successor - bowed low in grief - is sounding to the ends of the world~ calling the wanderers back, pleading with war mongers for peace built on charity nnd justice, praying unceasingly, ns Christ prayed 11 thnt all ma.y be one, even us thou, Father, in me and I in thee; that they a.lso may be one in us, that the world may be-ยท lieve that thou sent mo'; , ( John 17, 21) The proud and self-sufficient turn a doa.f car to that voice - the humilit~ and poverty and simplicity of the Babe of Bethlehanoffend tho highbrowed and sclf-compla.cent. Today, in this Cathedra l of San Diego, you have heard the voice of St. Peter's successor. It ha.s honored a humble mother who counted it a Divine Privilege to cooperate with her Cron.tor in extending the work of Creation. A Catholic lady who, by l earning and piety, hns raised the cultural standards of Snn Di ego; who somehow found timo,(with ten children in her nrms ~nd on h e r lap, and playthings strewn around her feet) to write beautiful_ inspirations that shine like good deeds in o. darken- ing world. In her Lenten drama, uppermost in our minds, sho found sola c e in retracing the Saviour's stops to Calvary. On Ash {.Todnosday her forehead wns marked with ashes to proclaim com- ple te dependence on God. On Palm Sunday - next to this Cross, - 5 -

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