Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

PRO ECCLESIA ET PONTIFICE, she will wear a. cross of blessed palm to tell mankind tho.t she seeks the approbation only of Him Who hangs upon the Cross. Permit me to po.use this morning in loving tribute to tho memory of Doctor John Joseph Shea who, n few years ago, was called to his eternal reward - whose memory is held in bene- diction. Eminent tn his profession, whoso native humility hid a towering intellect, a. honrt in sympathy with suffering mankind, Doctor Shea's monument is written not only in his sterling record of scientific achievements but in u a.mount of unrecorded charity. Ho with the dcpo.rtod gra.nd- po.rents of John Co.mpboll Shoo., look down on this scono from Heaven and pray for all of us God's o.bundo.nt grace. ·rvri11e Doctor Shea studied "life's poetry o.s written in flesh and blood, in tho play of sinew and tho throb of nerve", Mrs. Shea studied life's poetry in the lo.monto.tior.s of the Prophet Jeremiah o.nd in the bloody footprints that mark the Wo.y of thG Cross. Nor can we forget her noble po.rents - Mr. o.nd Mrs. Campbell whose true religion rocked her in the cradle of life, pointed out to hor the golden opportunities thnt come to the children of men. Ha.d she lived during tho.t first Holy Week, she would h::wo been among those holy women who followed Him ulong the sorrow- ful journey. Today, then, is reenacted what tho Sacred Book hns foretold - her childr0n come from fnr and near, riso up by the mother's side und call her blessed. No one has been o.ble - 6 -

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