Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

ficial Organ of the Diocese of San Die go, California, Friday, March 3, 1944

Collection For Pope And 4-Point Program Set In Diocese For March 19th His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, h~s announ~ecl that the annual Bishops' War Emergency ai:id Relief Collec_tton will be taken up in all the churches of the Diocese of San Diego on Laetare Sunday, March 19, 1944. To this collection will be added, or rather included, the traditional 4-POIN'f DRNE. The spearhead of the collection is of course, Peter s Pence-



the one annual collection which we take up to assist His Holiness the Pope in his countless univer- sal charities. On Sunday, March 12, all the pastors of the Diocese will make a stirring plea to the people, at all Masses, for this great need of our Holy Father. Collection en- velopes will be distributed that day and the offerings take';'l up the following Sunday, March 19. Arrangements are now in prog- ress for four radio programs to launch this great Relief Collec- tion. Broadcasts will emanate from San Bernardino, Riverside, El Centro and San Diego. Never has there been a time in history when the Pope so needed our contributions. There are only two agencies in the warld capable of reaching prisoners in all coun- tries-the Vatican and the Red Cross. Both of these arms of charity we should support to the best of our ability. Through the Holy Father we may reach starv- ing millions who might other- wise die unaided. This is not a time for a substantial donation; it is the time to give more tl'lan we ]a.ave ever given to any chari- table project before.

Date Set For S. D. Recollection Day And Conference The Chancery office has an- nounced this past week dates for the Theological Conference and Day of Recollection to be held at St. Joeph's Cathedral in San Diego, March 27th and 28th. DEAN TO PRESIDE Very Reverend Owen Hannon, V.F., Dean of San Diego County, will preside at the Theological Conference to be held in the Ca- thedral High School Assembly Hall, Monday, March 27. Clergy of Religious Orders, chaplains in the Tenth Military Vicariate, and all other priests having the care of souls in the counties of San Diego and Impe- rial will assemble in San Diego Burns, O.S.A. Pastor of St. Patrick's Church and widely known au- thor and pulpit orator of the Augi.stian Order, has been invit- ed to conduct the Spiritual Exer- cises on Tuesday. Very Reverend Franklin F. Hurd, Rector of St. Joseph's Ca- thedral, will be host at a luncheon Tuesday noon in honor of the prelates and visiting clergy. The Day of Recollection is scheduled to conclude with Holy Hour starting at 2 p.m. in St. Joseph's Cathedral. This is al- ways an impressive ceremony- especially when nearly one hun- dred Priests rise and in unison chant, with outstretched arms as in Holy Mass, the Pater Noster. for the two days session. SPIRITUAL EXERCISES Reverend John F.

SPECIAL CONFIRMATION AT ONTARIO ONTARIO, Calif., March 1- (Special to Southern Cross)- The Sacrament of Confirmation was conferred here early this af- ternoon for servicemen and de- fense workers based in these parts. The Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego came to Ontario for the solemn obsequies of Mrs. Mary A. Walsh, mother of Rev- erend Patrick J. Walsh, Pastor of St. Joseph's Church at Uplands and remained after the morning ceremonies in St. George's Church to confirm a group of service- men destined for immediate over- seas departure. Reverend John Powers, Pastor of St. George's, had arranged the class. His Excellency was forced to leave promptly for San Diego, where he is scheduled to confirm a large class of sailors and ma- rines in St. Joseph's Cathedral this evening. On Friday his ap- pointments take him to the Naval Training Station, where the Chap- lain will present a group of over one hundred sailors for the Sacra- ment of Confirmation.

'EXTENStON MAGAZINE' FEATURES 'GOD AND GUADALCANAL' ARTICLE BY SAN DIEGO'S FATHER STAC.K i San Diegans must hasten to get a copy of the "Extension Magazine" for March, because it contains one of the finest articles ever written about this war. It is entitled ' 0 GOD AND GUADALCANAL," and was written by San Diego's most popular ecclesiastic, Father Stack. "Extension" pays the following tribute to Father Stack: "The devotion displayed by Chaplain Stack reflects high credit upon himself and the Chaplain Corps," is the way the official citation ended. We'd tell you the rest of it, but Father (Major) Kenneth G. Stack pleaded with us not to talk about of a great adventure written by to lovers' quarrels, etc. "They call decorations as it embarrasses him. a man who "sweated it out" with me 'Marryin' Sam' in some lo- We wouldn't embarrass him for the boys-under fire, in fox-holes, calities,'' he says with an impish anything in the world, but we'd like the world to know what a doing th e work of God. Father grin. • • • Since he joined the superlative person he is. Father Stack was born in California Army Father Stack has built four Stack (whom you already met in thirty years ago, and was the chapels - one at Camp Callan, our article in the December issue first native son to be ordained for California - another on Christ- -STAR-STUDDED APPLE the San Diego diocese. He served mas Island-a third, "Our Lady KNOCKER) kindly consented to as secretary to His Excellency, of Loretto,"• in the jungles of tell us what he saw and learned Bishop Buddy, until he went off Guadalcanal-and the fourth at among our boys during his long to the wars. His hobby is helping Hilo, HawaiL "Perhaps EXTEN- stay in the South Pacific. GOD young people to get married, and SION would consider hiring me AND GUADALCANAL is a mov- his sense of humor assists his zeal after the war as an architect- ing, tender, red-blooded account in smoothing out difficulties due consultant,'' he suggests.

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