Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


CHARLES FRANCIS By the Grace f God and Favor of the Ap st 1 ic See BISHOP OF SAN DIEGO •

To Our Beloved Clergy and People: Even though the splel"dor of Ea te" dawns upon a war-ravaged world - - out of its de o'ation rises re- curring hope. With the Q..iee"I of Angels and the heaven 1 y hosts, we rejoice because our Risen Savior triumphs over death and sin. Jesus Ch.-·st, the Resur- rection and the Life, with imr1easurable love lifts up our hearts reassuringly •• we, +oo, srall al'ise f,r0m #le grave. How brief the span from the ignorriiny of Good Fttday to the glory of Easter. Such the span of life; yesterday a child, today a man, tomorrow it is finished • • a swift- moving drama, but in Him in Whom we live and move a~d. have our being Death shall no longer have do- minion over us. On this glad -day whkh the Lord hath made we bless and salute our devoted people together with the val- iant servicemen and women based in this vast Diocese, from the mountain and desert lands to the coast, from the mighty Pacific to the Mexican border of Imperial Valley. Their sterling Catholicity edifies and stimulates us all. They watch for Christ at the break of day, the reveille to the Adorable Sacrifice and Holy Com- munion. The great legions of .+hose e~rolled in the Miraculous Medal of Mary Immaculate form a magnificent army invoking her name with loving confidence and signal- ling heaven for help in time of need. To the big- calibered commanding officers who, though not of our Faith, recognize amid shadow and confusion the light and substance of divine realities, to these dis- tinguished American leaders cooperating to build up true morale we pledge constant prayer and undy- ing gratitude. Ambassadors of Christ in the Chaplain personnel. both commissioned and auxiliary, tear immortal monuments in the souls for whom they break the Bread of Angels. Other Christs, they reflect the Light shining in the darkness. These zealous, self-effacing but alert priests spend themselves and are spent in the one cause that ' reaches out to €ternity. The large, well-instructed clas- ses they prepare each month for Confirmation bear eloquent testimony. Day and night they provide through the channels of the Sacraments the seven seals opening the Book of Life. Their work is imperisha- ble and we thank the Holy Spirit for their apostolic labors among us.

! BishO-P Officiates At Funeral Rites Of Mrs. · Laura Higgins Riehle , Mrs. Laura Higgins Riehle, wife of Frank A. Riehle, s·ec- retary-treasurer of the Western Salt Co., received the highest honors of the Church in solemn obsequies held in St. Joseph's Cathedral last Wednesday. Mrs. Riehle pass·ed to her reward Saturday, January 29th in the fiftieth year of her life. The mother of a sterling Catholic family, Mrs. Riehle leaves to mourn her two sons, Ens. Frank

A. Riehle Jr., U.S.N.R., and Av- iation Cadet Robert A. Riehle, U.SA.. a daughter, Virginia Mae Riehle; two brothers, Arthur and Harvy Higgins; and a sister, Mrs. Mae L. Beach. Founder and first president of the Bayside Social Service aux- iliary, Mrs. Riehle was prom- inently identfied with every for- ward Catholic move since the erection of the Diocese of San Diego seven years ago. She served as Diocesan Treasurer of t h e National Council of Catholic Wo- men, diocesan vice-president of the Catholic Charities, and was a member of the Associated Arts and American College clubs. Mrs. Riehle took an active interest in Catholic Action and presided over many brilliant social functions. Born in Chicago a member of the fervently Catholic Higgins family, Mrs. Riehle enjoyed ex- ceptional educational advantages and brought to San Diego the charm of a brilliant mind and a culture both pious and humble. For the last thirty years S a n Diego has been her home. PONTIFICAL REQUIEM The Most Reverend Bishop chanted solemn Pontifical Mass of Requiem for Mrs. Riehle's funeral last Wednesday morning at ten o'clock assisted by local priests, friends of the Riehle family. The Cathedral Girls High School choir rendered the music of the Mass. His Excel- lency, the Most Reverend Bishop in his brief discourse lauded Mrs. Riehle for her thoroughly Cath- olic character, her interest in promoting faith and good works as well as her far-reaching charity. The Cathedral w a s crowded with sorrowing friends b o t h Catholic and non-Catholic.

On Easter_ Morn great concourses of our people will assemble in statelv. temples and in humble wayside chapels - - also in roofless churches and before tem- porary f:,ltars erected on the far-flung fields - - to offer loving homage to their Risen Savior. Through the eyes of faith they see the "shade of His Arm outstretched caressingly." They hear the same ioyful ti~ings. Each chastened heart renews the prayer of ~a1th, hope and love: "For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that in the last day I shall rise out of the earth ... and in my flesh I shall see my God." Praying upon our brother priests and all the souls with- in this jurisdiction the blessing of Almighty God, Fath- er, Son and Holy S&Jirit, Faithfully your servant,

Bishop of San Diego.

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