Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

CLASS of 1944

Co1111nencem ent Progran1

--- ·-···- ........... (Hall)


Proc s. ional

arl !ford orge R obert Barto ik R i hard H yatt Brown


Flag R, i. ing_·····-·- tar

pangled Banner". ........................ ( mi th) Pledge of Allegion e........................................................................C la '4 1 Ov rlure.................................................Hungarian Fantasia (Tobani) alutatory..............................................................Pa lri k Keane, Jr., '44 Cone rto in B F lat linor................ - ··········---··-· ... (T haikow ky) Awarding of Diploma , Gold Medal and H onor H1 ExcELLI CY o T R EVERE ·n CHARLE F RA 1 B DOY , D .D . Bishop of an D iego Pre id ing The De ert' ong of P eac .......................................... (W. B. Old ) I Love You, California..................................... (A F. Franken Lein) Gle C lub, D onald Donnell y. Directing Val dictor ....................... .........................................C arl ha niel. Jr., '44 Iovelty: Holiday.................................................................................... (Ponce )

onedo H erm n C. de Baca

Louis Joseph

Military Pontifical Ou sanding Continued from Page l God dedicated to th \'allant Cru- sader-King, St. Louis \\ho in his own turbulent day led arm! s ag inst the unju t chall ngers of the peac of his people." Calling att ,nt1on to the \\ ork of St. Bernardine m spr adlng devo- t1011 to th Holy Name, Fr. Ber. trand said, "ln the dl\·ine power of the Name of Jeaus, Bernardine concentrated th truths, th glories ann the rights of Christ. Upon th Name of Jesus he focu ed the minds and hearts of men. nd, as a man draws mUBic from the name of 111othe1·, so Bernardine drew from the Name of J sus the in- finitely sweeter and more lmpell- mg music of the love of God." The 'an Luis Rey choir, under the dlrect10n of l<'r.• ·en Scott, o. F. .\I,, ,·ang the fe t1ve )Ii a Choralh,. A polyphonic arrange- ment of the De5lderium ..., as used at the Offertory. The .Mission organist, l<'r. KPonn McCarty, O. F. M.. accomp nied the choir. .At the Consecration the custom- ary ringing of bells was replaced by bugle-blasts and the military Guard of Honor presented arms !n salute to the Blessed Sacrament. fter • lass, Bishop Buddy ad- dressed the congregation, paying tribute to the Franciscan pioneers of California, forerunners of the recently erected of San Diego, The .Mo t Rev. Bishop ex- • I tended his ble sing to all partlcl- 1 pating in the celebration and es- pecially to the officers and men of Camp Pendleton. Representing Camp Pendleton In the centenrual ervlces was I

Thomas A nthony Collins

ne C os t Ilo Phillip F rancis D 'Auby H enry amuel D empster Karl John F ederle, Jr.

Ri cha rd

tephen de la Torr

Ru ell

Horace Maynard H eatherly

Patrick Joseph K ane, Jr.

Thomas Christopher Keating Thoma nthony Kelly

Joseph H enry Kennedy G raid John Klaus

William Francis Liske, Jr.

Thomas Jo eph Maguire Charle rlhur Marrs

William Daniel Marlin

Jame Carlos Martinez Paul

lanley Murphy, Jr. James Davidson Mcll raith

0. V. Perry

to Graduating Clas


Dani l Joseph R edmond, Jr. G eorge Mason Reed, Jr.

C. EowARD D L R o

rn E

Francis William R eynold J su s rtemio Ruiz

Trus t O ffice r

Ba nk ol merica Remarks....................Very Rev. \7\ 1 . R. Kirk. 0 . Rece sional............................................................lnd pendenti a

Carl Louis Schaniel. Jr.

., Principa l

Richard Lynn mith

Ben Bernard \Valsh


Joseph Albert White

Robert Francis Woods

Mu ic by Jay \rVardP. Hutton


Churche~ and Chapel. throughout the Dioce:e of 'an Diego have redoubled fervent supplications for the succe. ,; of the inva- ·ion, for the protection of our militar~ pe1~onnel and for a ju t peace. The same intention will , he emphru ized Sunday dur- ing the . 1as-e · and Pro- ce ions, o 1e m n I r com- memorating the fea t of Corpus ChrL·ti.

Major General .Joseph C. Fegan, commll.Ilding officer of the camp. I buffet luncheon was served to I members of the clergy and the military taking part in the func- tion. Speakers and guests o! honor at this luncheon were Bishop Bud- dy and General Fegan.

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