Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


------------:----------------------=..:..:.::.....;:: S. D. Catholic Pastor Serves Half Century Marking the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, Bishop Presides at Anniversary Mass

the Rev. John J. Whelan, O.M.I., celebrated his 20,000th mass Wednes- 1 day in the Chapel of the Most Blessed Trinity of the Carmelite 1 , monastery. The Most Rev. Charles Francis • Buddy, bishop of San Diego, pre- sided at the solemn mass. The Very Rev. Henry Janvier, 0.M.I., was deacon, the Rev. John A. Collins, O.M.I., sub-deacon, and the Rev, Douglas A. Moore, master of cere- . monies. NATIVE OF ffiELAND Deacons of honor to the bishop were the Rev. Luke Deignan and the Rev. Arthur C. Dusseau, repre- senting the Provincial of Oblates. The sermon was given by the Very Rev. Charles Burns, O.M.I., of St. Ferdinand's church, San Fernando. Born near Dublin in 1864, Fr. Whelan received his early educa- tion in the national schools of Ire- land and in the Christian Brothers school at Armagh. Later he at- tended St. Joseph's college Cork. Leaving Ireland in 1887'. he en- tered the novitiate at Lachine, near Montreal, later transferring to St. Joseph's scholastic, at Ottawa, and then to St. Louis college, New Westminster, British Columbia. Fr. Whelan was ordained May 2 7 , l8 94 ' in St. Peter's pro-cathe- dral, New Westminster. he was assigned to Mission City, at New Westminster and in 1898 to the Holy Rosary church, Vancouver, B.C. In 1902 Fr. Whelan was transferred to Del Rio, Tex.; as pastor of Sacred Heart church. He served as pastor at Dawson, N.M., as chaplain at .Moye Military academy, Castro- ville, Tex., and as chaplain of Our 1 Lady of the Lake college at San Antonio. He came to San Diego l in 1942 to assume his present duties f as chaplain of the Carmelite mon-1 astery. ORDAINED IN 1894

The Rev. John J. Whelan (left), pastor of the Carmelite monastery, celebrated his 20,000th mass this week in a service marking the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, The Most Rev. Charles In 1896 1_F_._B_u_d_d_y_(_ri_g_h_t_) ,_b_ls_h_o_p_o_f_th_e_d_io_c_e_s_e_o_f_S_a_n_D_i_e::..g_o,:._::p_r_es_l_d_e_d_. __

THE SOUTHERN CROSS, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1944 Little Flower Academy Commencement Exercises


ms i;xcellenry, the Most Re,·. Cha,·les F. Buddy, D. D., conferred the rlip\omas to the graduate11 or the Little Flo,n•r Ac~demy H'"h School. Grad-:ate'I were pre~entecl by the Re,·. Bertrand Ho- brerht, O. F. i\l., P;i.~tor of the Oltl )li. sion. Ea eh graduate 11as attrndl'd b)· a Maid of Honor.

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