Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

THE SOUTHERN CROSS, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1944 u 10n Brealdast at St. Francis de Sales School

Standing·, left to right: Philip St. Marie, Betty Kovely, Very Rev. Peter Lynch, His Excellency, the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Rev. John Quinn, Florence Pia, ~ •arren Pilcher and Dorothy Poarch. Seated, left to right: Kenneth Milner, Elizabeth, Ronald Ferraro, Vincent L. Jahn (Seminarian), Bettr Templeton, Martha ~'iest, John E. Brainard (Seminarian), James Merrick, Madeliene Ferraro, Bill Erickson and Dolores Mar tlnez.

June 23, 1944

Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego.

St. Bernardine's High School Class Graduates


\Vearing the traditional blue caps and gown , the 1944 St. Bernardine's High School graduating class is shown aboye, Front row, left to right, are Betty Love, Helen Bailey, Marilyn Hasse, Janis Ridd ll, Catherine C!!,palbo, Constance Bogatin, Marguerite De Vito, Nancy Zaragosa, Virginia Fer- nande , Julianne \\'aldapfel, Bertha Flores, l\lary Anderson, Belen Campbell and Donna. Robinson; econd row, Mal i Taughten, George Shepperq, \ 'illiam Melendrez, Mehin Young, Pa,t Comstock, Don Rutten, Edward Nettleton and Joe Carlos; third row, Cristobal Carlos (semina.rlan) the Very Rev, Francis C. Ott, Jack Bralna.rd (seminarian.)

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