Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

is Informal, 1 put this in beeaus; 1· ~;ed~r;-;cand·-;:u-persomhaving the 'f h' • claJms against the said decedent, Wl e was mtmg about a new that within six months a.fter the dress ... now I'll get the hammer first publication of this notice, they . either file them with the necessary and the wreckmg bar and go to vouchers in the office of the Clerk 1550 Th· d I b , o! the Superior court o! the State Ir • , • f a le, I ll see you or California.. in a.nd for the County next week. o! San Diego, or present them v;itn the necessary ,•ouchers to the said Administrator at his place of bus1- 11 ness, Room 22. court House, snn

Louise Haworth. Betty Pusey, Bet- tie Procter, Nita Jo Wagoner, Evelyn Glenn, Petra Florse, De- vonna Slaten, Lucile Kading, Neva Jean Feasel and Alice Krause. Miss Rose Marie Steinweden, Assistant Director of the local USO Club left on Monday evening for her home in Atchison, Kansas where she will spend a two weeks vacation. i A delightful time was had by the Jr. Hostesses and servicemen at a weinie bake held la11t Tues- day nite-Chaperones for the eve- ning were Miss Julia Noterman,

.1 tnank you for this anct all the courtesies you have extended to my troop in the past. Yours in scouting, The scribe of troop 26. My dear sir, you shouldn't thank us; we thank you. It is seldom enough we do get news and when it is as interesting as your letter of today it would be a crime not to publish it. . All To Myself All to myself I think of you- Think of the thing we used to do, 'rhink of the things we used to say, Think of each happy yesterday; Sometimes I sigh and sometimes I smile, But I keep each olden, golden while All to myself. -W.D.N. We did not know that this pretty little poem was so popular but ap- parently it has become the theme of all the Catholic scoutmasters in this Diocese. We know that they all must have some news but we don't know why they insist on keeping it "all to themselves." We wish they wouldn't. We hope you enjoyed this week's column, and until next week, may the great Master of all true scouts be with us until we meet again. An attractive bridge-lunch- eon on Tuesday, October 3, is being sponsored by St. Pat- rick's Altar Society. Mrs. J. N. Vitalich will receive mem- bers and friends in her home at 2432 San Marcos Avenue. Mrs. John Vitalich, Jr., Mrs. Nicholas Vitalich, Mrs. T. H. Finnegan, and Mrs. W. Stur- geon will assist the hostess. Card games will follow the luncheon and guests are re- quested to bring cards for the game of their choice. As the number of tables to be accom- modated is limited, reserva- tions are necessary and may be phoned to Mrs. Vitalich, R-6717, or Mrs. Finnegan, T-5117.

erv1ce pin Kathleen , in recog-

,. the Sun- t the club Is has been roit, Mich. siting her 1/c, USN, st Sunday Mrs. Jack ch. Jack as been a club since in San first visit e the birth lho is now , the club ers, made USMC, of for some out last itable, but have been ntain Road region, re- rtment of bile Club.



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Diego. ca!lfornia. Signed CHESTER. D. GUNN. Ad- ministrator of the Estate o! the above named decedent TROMAS WHELAN District Attor- nev and countv Counsel. By ROBERT. E. JENSON. Deputy Attorney for said Administrator I Dates of PubUcation . Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 19H. • HOTEL RAMONA 1450 Fourth A-renue Phone Franklin 2755 Ql:'IET FAMILY HOTEL ALL ROmIS OUTSIDE ½ block from St. Joseph's Cathedral , 1,-: =============== C. D. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Owners & Opera.tors • BE DISCRIMINATING Drink America's UNEXCEUED WHISKEY





Leaded Art Glass i-taine/1 Art Glass 3162-3166 El Cajon B!l'd.


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USO Trainee and


San Dlei:o



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