Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

• Jan of the Diocese of San Diego, October 20, 1944

Entered as Second Class Matter at the of San Diego under the Act of March 3, 1879 5 CENTS 1 BISHOP TO BROADCAST ON LABOR

Statewide Broadcasts Mark Dissemination Of Bishop's Views On State Of Labor

No Importance lo Church-Political Union, Report Says VATICAN CITY-In the wake of comments by a number of Ital- ian newspapers to the effect that the Christian Democratic Party is following ditectives of high eccles- iastical authorities, the weekly Unione Proletaria published an open letter to the Papal Secretar- iat of State, threatening to advo- cate a return to anti-clericalism unless the Church break the pre- sumed ties with the Christian Democratic movement. In Catholic circles, no great im- portance is attributed to the let- ter. It was emphasized that the ~hurch not engage in party poli- tics and that Catholics are free to participate in political movements of their own choice provided the principles of the political groups do not conflict with Church doctrine or are not openly anti-religious, It was further emphasized that ~f Catholics spontaneously organ- ize Into a political party for the purpose of more effectively assert- ing in public life their moral and social tenets, the Church cannot oppose such a movement to long as nothing connected with it is condemnable from a doctrinal or moral viewpoint. Within Catholic circles it is dif- ficult to understand how this right, so unquestionably demo- cratic, should be contested in cer- tain quarters. London's Papers Criticize Pope VATICAN CITY-A lack of in- formation regarding the work ac-

Drive for Clothing Gels Full Support Of S. D. Diocese Although the exact amount of used clothing received has not yet b-tm computed, the San Diego diocese is to be commended for its wholehearted participation in the nation-wide Emergency Clothing Collection for Europe, the Very Rev. F. C. Ott, director of War Relief Services drive, reports. After checking results of the drive in representative parishes in more than one hundred dioceses, Msgr. Patrick A. O'Boyle, national director, announced that there is every indication that the collection in all parts ot the country "will meet the expectations of United Relief and Rehabilitation Admin- istration." (The desired amount of used clothing for the collection was set as 7,500 tons by UNRRA, which did not designate separate quotas for Catholic, Protestant and Jew- ish groups participating.) Msgr. O'Boyle said he thought results "clearly demonstrate that our Catholic people quite generally recognize the urgent need of their brothers-in-Christ overseas for clothing to protect them from un- necessary suffering this winter." "In their appeals read to con- gregations in more than 15,000 parishes throughout the nation over 100 Archbishops and Bishop~ have graphically described the. sad plight of Innocent victims of war -particularly the aged, the young mothers and the children-and the pressing need for warm clothes to ward off illness caused by living through severe winter weather in unheated homes and shell-gutted

Radio Transcripts Were Made Of The Following To Be Broad• cast Throughout The State Of California By The Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, Ph.D.,D.D., Bishop Of San Diego. It is just as true today as it was in the time of Oliver Goldsmith: "Laws grind the poor and rich men rule the law." The anti-labor amendment known as Proposition 12 should be defeated by the electorate of California in Novem• ber for the three principal reascms already stressed and published over my signature:

results In lack of security and low wages which, in turn, excludes the possibility of a decent living for a working man and his family. Clarifies Issue Proposition No. 12 tries to throw dust in our eyes, Let us get clear on this point of personal liberty. While a man is free to join or not to join a union, he is not free from the obligation of taking a man's part in the support of his V1,ife and children. If ade- quate support and corresponding security mean union affiliation, an honest man will not doubt for one moment where his duty lies. Moreover, In practice, If regu• lations and restrictions necessary to protect the well being of all concerned, be interpreted as "in• terference," then every business and profession suffers interfer• ence, because multiple laws, codes, ethical standards are set up In an effort to regulate the conduct of a business, a profession, or an in• dividual for the protection of the majority. Note the plain unvarnished truth that no one Is morally free to batten on the sweat of unre.. quited labor. Law Craze This anti - labor · amendment, Proposition No. 12, adds but an• other chapter to the law craze 1n America-the ostrich - like tempo of multiplying legislation and, at the same time, ignoring the funda• mental Ten Commandments en- trusted to Moses on Mt. Sinai by the All-Wise Legislator for the universe -Almighty God. The farther we get away from these Ten Commandments, the more we ignore these essentials of justice, the more has It seemed necessary e to multiply man-made la\vs in a. futile effort to supplant the law1 of God.

1st. It could be used by employ- ers to break up established unions or to weaken union security. 2nd. It would be a constant menace to public peace by foment- ing strikes and disorder. 3rd. It benefits neither the union nor the non-union man, nor even management. Exposes Slogan Fraud Beware of popular slogans like "Freedom of Action," "Right to act without interference," "Right of Employment," which a little logic exposes as weak and mis- leading, for the plain reason that in civilized communities no one can justly claim freedom to tram- ple on the rights of others. In discussing union sec;urity one must not be unduly Influenced by the so-called right of an individual and, at the same time, blinded to the rights of an entire social group. Because the right of an individual to em p 1 o y me n t is neither absolute nor unre~tricted. Several factors are to be consid• ered-not the least of which is the right of his fellow workers to employment security. In the words of Pope Pius the XI,: "It is of the very essence of social jus- tice to demand for each individual all that is necessary for the com- mon good." Failure to affiliate with a craft or industrial union


t "The s p o n t a n e o u s response complished by His Holiness, Pope h' h Pious XII prompted the London , w 1c these messages have brought · I forth from Catholics of the United Times to take a partially critical . States musl certainly mirror a it keen realiz..tion of the distress and a

ant which harass the lives and future of hundreds of thousanas living in liberated areas today," concluded :Msgr. O'Boyle. Ii

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