Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

ORLD TO RECO STRUCT' POSES DIFFICULT PROBLEM, PROCLAIMS SATISFY! GSOLUTION WORLD TO RECO~. TRl'CT, by Guido Gon,lla. Bn,,. Revie"l\·ed by THE ~IO T REY. CHARLE F. BUDDY, Ph.D., D.D. Catholic Bishop of San Diego For clear thinking and fearless truths and definite ethical prin- tion'a1 egoism and solidarity, the presentation, Guido Gonella rates ciple. . author declares that collaboration de .ervedly high, His recent vol- Broken down under the strain of does not prejudice the liberty of 1• ume. •'A World to Reconstruct," is immorality, the modern world can states but, on the contrary, _devel– timely, incisive, satisfying and com- quickly see the disastrous effect of ops and guarantees that l!berty. ~ prehensive. Mankind has needed substituting human expediency-a The author further exposes the c J just such a work. In fact, if world com•ert1ble social term to cloak the causes for the failure of interna- e leaders had accepted its sound prin- most unspeakable crimes-for the tional treaties and agreements. He 1 r c1ples, wars _would have ceased lo;11g 10 commandments thu~dered to asks; •·How can one expect treaties ago. In a ctisp, direct tyl!!, a series Moses on Mt. Smal. Without the to be respected when in the pre- ' of compelling argum_ents challe~~e vailing juridicial science of our F the thoughts and attitudes of civi- time neither th~ mor!! widely '.1C· F l!zed peoples. cepted political doctrines nor m- f Dr. Gonella. former staff writer ternational practice places t~e foun- '' of "Osservatore Romano." semi-of- dation of treaties upon an impera- 1 :ucial Vatican publication, recently tive of moral character?" 1 as~umed editorship of "Il Popolo," He goes on to show that a n1;1m• e • dai\y _news~aper fo~nded by the ber of recent treaties entered mto s I Christian Democratic party m during the 20 years from 1919 to l ·, Rome. 1939 did more harm than good. He c In 1939, th~ author was arrested declares that there was also "woven 1 and jailed on charges of writing a thick network of minor pacts of c - 1 anti-Fascist editorials, but after a mutual assistance and of !1on-ag- , 1 week his release c~e because o~ a, gressional, bilateral and mu~hlateral, l 1 protest from the Vatican, Followmg regional and general, which_ hll;ve f f this incident, Dr. Gonella, with his embroiled foreigQ policies while m- s t family, took up residence in Vatican tending to regulate them." t 1 City. PROGRAM PERILED SPEAKS WITH AUTHORITY He backs up the statement by cit- i This brilliant writer is well qual- ' ing the common practice of _bre8:k• t ified to tteat his subject. Over a ing treaty obligations and implies f period of many years he has studied that it "is of the reasons why E profoundly the papal messages re- states take little care to measure v lated to social reconstruction. He and weigh all possible angles of the f gives a true and excellent commen- obligations which they assume when q tary on the peace program of His they sign a treaty." t· Holiness, Pope Pius XII. The Holy Dr. Gonella, in treating of Chri.s- a Father's vast experience of men and tianity and the reconstruction of in- c: their governments found him pre- ternational order, quotes significant d pared when the storm broke, to extracts from the Christmas mes~ C serve as the supremely · competent -. sages of ~pe Pius XII, given to the guide and counselor. world in December of 1939, 1940, a To plan ~vorld peace intelligently I BISHOP c. F. BUDDY 1941, 1942 and 1943. His Holiness p one must first an_alyze, honestly, the .•. reviews Vatican Plan for Peace. emphasizes that: "There is no king- l( remote and proximate causes of our dom of man of which God does not n present chaos. No one could be in blessed and solid basis of spiritual claim the sovereignty; there is no f, a better position to judge the situa values, peace plans become inade- politi<:s of men or state but should t 1 tion than the pope. His outlook is quate and barren. Dr. Gonella, on be and can be governed by the law v from the vantage point of the com- the contrary, assembles his material of God." mon father of mankind-he speaks with great care, studies the plans This statement crystallizes the s as "one having authority." and specifications and then pro• arguments in the book. It re-empha- r BARRIERS TO PEACE ceeds to construct. He makes a sizes the process which alone can ~ Under such principles, Dr. Gonel- strong plea t

spirit" as _contrasted with _moral first pontiff, St. Peter, Dr. Gonella values destined to secure victory. comments on each of the points To reconstruct this battered world brought out in the papal program. and to unravel the. entang~emenls The author has no thought of at– of ;the many conten_dmg nations re- tempting to impress with fine1 1 quires. as a basis, fundamental phrases or fanciful dreams of a

Utopia. He drives home, in irrefuta-1 ble arguments, those fundamentals without which no peace can stand the test. At the very outset, Dr. Gonella insists that "a new international or– der. even though it be prepared with wisdom and prudence ac– cording to shrewd political, judicial, and economical criteria, will offer no guarantee of justice and stability unless it is based on moral law." Consistently he demands that the "system of relations between peo– ples cannot be reformed without reforming the spirit of men: laws cannot be reformed without a re– form of the morals.'' Dr. Gonella sums up his argu– ments with this significant state– ment: "Success may be the mea!'ure of force but it is nm: a~ways the measure of right. Right downtrod– den is right no less than right triumphant, and the force which violates right, whatever success it may attain. remains violence, that is, force which violates.'' The author analyzes safeguards for the integrity and independence of nations and refers to these quali– ties as among "essential prerequi- 1 1sites of an international order." He quotes Yerbally the advice of Pope •Pius XII. "... to assure to every nation, large or small. powerful or weak, it!- right to life and inde– pendence." In regard to the question of na-


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