Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


Christmas Military Mass

I Bishop Dedicafes Naval Hospital's ~100,000 Chapel The Catholic dedication of the new San Diego Naval hospital chapel, built to serve all faiths, was conducted Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 23, with the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of San Diego, presiding, and celebrating Holy Mass. The main auditorium of the chapel, which seats 600 the two side chapels and the sane~ tuary were filled to overflowing for the event. Capt. William A. Maguire (ChC), USN, Eleventh District chaplain, who preached the dedi• catory sermon, said: "We rejoice I that the government has appro- priated funds that chapels may be I built for all faiths. The money to build this beautiful chapel did not come from collection baskets or from any one group, but fro'm the taxpayers of the United States-we mean it when we print on our coins, 'In God we trust.' We are especially happy when the government erects pla- ces of worship in hospital com- pounds, where many a sick or wounded man can find true consol- ation at the altar of God." Capt. Morton D. Willcutts (MC), USN, medical officer in command at the Naval hospital, and the staff of chaplains at the hospital were highly commended by Father Maguire, who also expressed his happiness at having the Most Reverend Bishop officiate at the dedication. The new chapel, con- structed and furnished at a cost of more than $100,000, was built under the personal supervision of Captain Willcutts. Offices for Capt. Thomas F. Regan (ChC), USN, senior chap- lain, and his staff are included in the new edifice, Father Regan and Lt. F. J. Fanning (ChC), USN, supervised arrangements for the Catholic dedicatory service. One of the outstanding features of the chapel is a revolving plat- form which allows permanent al- tars to be constructed for Cath- olic, Protestant and Jewish serv- ices. Within a rew seconds, the platform can be turned for use by any one of the three faiths. .(Continued on Page 2),


The Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, D. D., Bishop of San Diego, presided at the 12:30 Solemn High Mass, Christmas Day in St. Joseph's Cathedral, attended b~· a color guard of military ~r- sounel. The above pictures were taken during the l\Iass. l'hotos by Pvt. Joseph T. Iatusew1cz.

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