Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

FBI Chief Sees Antidofeto J

o ·s' Center As enile Delinquency

Bishop Reports Progress iil orth On Return from Confirm tion o r

J._ E~gar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigat10n, U. S. Department of Justice is the latest to commend the Most Reverend Bishop of S~n Diego on his plan~, for a boys' technical arts school. Yof m~y be sur~ ~hat it was a real pleasure to learn of the '\ ocat10nal Trammg School for Boys which is to be

of honor for the Most Reverend Bishop. Father Cimmino takes care of the spiritual needs of ap• proximately 500 Italian prisoners of war at Camp Haan, 955 Italian Service units at Mira Loma. and 525 Italian Service units at Camp Ono. Father Vincent J. Coyne, USA, newly appointed chaplain of Camp Anza, also served as a deacon of honor. His Excenency was pleas• ed to welcome three new military chaplains to this Diocese. During the tour entire congregations, young and old, were enrolled in the Miraculous Medal of the Bles• sed Virgin. St. Patrick's Day Marked One of the highlights was this year's celebration of St. Patrick's Day both in San Bernardino and Riverside. Priests and laity of San Bernardino assembled in St. Ber• nardine's church for Solemn High Mass. The Rev. Charles Buckley, S. J., Jesuit missionary, who is supplying in the place of the Rev. Ivan Fabris, now on a. health re• (Continued on Page 11)

His Excellency returned Tues• day from a ten-day Confirmation tour that extended as far as Palm Springs. The Most Reverend Ord· inary reported a very consoling trip, especially in view of the marked progress of Religion in outlying districts and also in Im· provements made in all the varl• ous parishes, rectories and schools. Large classes were presented for Confirmation in all cities visit- ed. The largest class wa.s in River- side, where 132 children received the Sacrament in St. Francis de Sales church. Riverside also pre• sented a large group of service· men, women and defense work· ers for Confirmation, as did St. Bernardine's In San Bernardino. Italian Prisoners Confirmed A group of Italian prisoners of war were among those confirmed in San Bernardino. Their chaplain, Father Louis I. Cimmino, accom· panied them and served as deacon

established near San Diego," .Mr. Hoover wrote. "I sincerely feel that a project such as this will do much to correct the jU\·enile delinquency situation which pres- ently is so disgraceful to our peo- ple. Your fine work along these lines is most gratifying to all of us in the FBI. I trust that this program will meet with every suc- cess !ind that you will not hesi- tate to call upon our Bureau at any time when we can be of assistanc~. "We vf course would appreciate your ke~ping us posted on the progress of this project by send- ing cop1e... of any reports or other da1:a as they may be available from tune to time." that the necessary funds for postwar realization of Ass...::-ance

the boys' center and a major semi.w.:::y will be available ls com• ing in to the Chancery from pas- tors and parish committees. The Rev. C. Norman Raley, pastor ot Our Lady of Solitude church in Palm Springs, wrote to His Excel- lency: "We are very proud to show our loyalty and interest in your great and excellent project to build a seminary and vocational school. To this end, the people ot Our Lady of Solitude have, up to date, subscribed $11,000.00 on our quota of $17,500.00 and we hope to liquidate the whole amount by June. 1945." Many parents have already ex- pressed their wish to have their SfJns enrolled in the boys' voca- tional school as soon as 1t is com- pleted. l\frs. A. Hammerschmidt ot Nuevo, . Calif., wrote the editor this rast week, saying, "In your paper of March 9 I saw a wonder- ful plan of a boys' school. It 11 just the kind of school we have bem looking for. Could you please let me know if it is to be a high school or college ? My son and his friend are hoping it is to be a high schcol." Boys registered at the proposed school will receive an education equivalent to that of high schooL

Chancery Announces Unsolicited Big Gifts T h e Chancery today an- nounces several pre-campaign large gifts. Two donations of $5,000 each have been reported by the Very Rev. Franklin F. Hurd, rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral. Individual gifts of $1,000 are announced by the Very Rev, Thomas J. McNamara, pastor of Our Lady of Angels church; the Rev. Michael J. O'Connor pastor of St. Francis church i~ Vista; the Rev. LUke Deignan, pastor of St. Didacus church, and by the Very Rev. Patrick Dunne, pastor of St. Vincent's church. These offerings, all unsolicit- ed, came before the start of the campaign.

The Southern Cross Essay Contest

Subject No. 1-What are the advantages of a Major Diocesan Seminary. Subject No. II-Why I subscribe to the building of a boys' trade school for the Diocese of San Diego. IDGH SCHOOLS Contest open to all diocesan high schools- ELEJ."\IENTARY SCHOOL DIVISION- Pupils of elementary schools may also. enter the above- mentioned contest, treating the following subJect: Subject No. I-vVhy we save our pennies for the Little Flower Fund of 1945? 1st Prize: Two-year scholarship in the parochial school. 2nd Prize: One year scholarship in the parochial school. 3rd Prize: $10.00 in War Stamps. For additional details please see notice under "Officials," Page 5A. 1st Prize: $50.00 War Bond. 2nd Prize: $25.00 War Bond. 3rd Prize: $10.00 in War Stamps.

Diocese Obtains Prior·taes For Addition to Mauso eum Priorities for an addition to Holy Cross chapel-mausoleum have been won by the Diocese of San Diego and within a few weeks the construction of two wings will be started, The wings, 50 by 30 feet earh, v,;u join the present nave on either side. This -nuch-needed improvement -----·---------- will provide 392 additional crypts has been awarded to Sinner Broth- the era! months ago the availability same firm that built San Diego's of this type entombment was ex• cathedral in ;1940. Specifications hausted and the Most Reverend call for highly vaulted corridors Bishop permitted people to be en- opening on to sepulchres faced tombed in the couch crypts of the with Carrara marble known as main chapel. prima bianca, originally from Plans for the addition have been Pietra Sancta, Italy. Art glass dravm by Frank L. Hope, Jr., AIA, windows, depicting scenes In the who designed the original chapel- life of Our Lord and His Mother mausoleum. The building contract will harmonize with those alreadYi company,

.______________ in the lower priced brackets. Sev- ers Construction

installed. Holy Cross chapel-mausoleum, started in 1938, was one of the first big works completed by the Most Reverend Ordinary. Th structure has been universally ad mired, winning high praise fro visitors from all over the Unite States. This place of entombmen has all the appearances of a olic church. The liturgical alta of rare marble with its beautifu crucific has a warmth that en folds and the inscription, "L Perpetua Luceat Eis," in gold let ters on the valance of the bal dacchino has uplifted many a so in grief.

Bishop Offers Mass, Commends Catholics, . At Vauclain Hospital

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