Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

I 07



.i\ppnittftttrtttfi of the lo t Ret·erend Bi hop

D of 1945

. unda ·, 6 a.m,-.:' n Di c- lercy Hoc-


pital. Holy • ta L R(H ,

.m.-\auclain H


pital. Holy

. l • I R( H ~-. unda.·, 11 :15 a.m.--San Diego-St. Jo .ph' (athedral. 'ermon. M RC'H 4. 'unda~, 12 :30 p.m,-.::,an Di go-St. J0<.eph' ath dral. .'ennon. fARCH 11. unday, 6 a.m.-.3an 1)i go-.1ercy H08- pital. Holy • ta . I R H 11, unday, 8 a.m.-Yauclain H~pital. Holy i\l !I.\R H 11• .'unday. 11 :J:; a.m.- n Diego-St. Jo- eph' Cathedral. ermon. I R H 11. :unday, 12 :30 p.m.-.: an Dieg~t. Jo- eph" athedral. onferring of Papal Honor "Pro Ercle ia et Pontifice" on , 1rs. John ,J. hea. t RCH 12. fonday. a. m.- 'an Diego--::'t. Jo..tph',i thcdral. Pontifical • fa,. marking nniYersary of the Holy Father·· Coronntion. I.ARCH l 2, Monday, p.rn.~~an Lui Rey-Old fo:. ,-ion. Program in honor of t. Thoma Aquina School of Philo ·ophy. ' .'.\I RCH 1:1, Tuesday, 3 . p.m.-EI inore-St. France Confirmation for El inore and lherhill. l\L\RCH J.I. Wedne day, 7:30 p.m.-San Jacinto-St. Anlhom ' . Confirmation. • I RCH l!i, 'l'hm. day, 5 p.m.-Beaumont-San Gor- g-onio. Confirmation. • !ARCH Li. 1 hur:-day, 7 :30 p.m.-Bannin~-:t. Boni- face Indian O:chool. Confirmation for St. Boniface PariEic>!'eSf' of an Dir~o 11.,. \'oeatinn .lonth. The Jnlln11i1111: rrayC"r of HI~ Holinf'"~, Pope Pius XII, <·omro•t'CI \I hile he wa,. Ya tic· n SerrPtarr of Stat.., J, earnestlJ· rt<"ommended: "0 ,lfflu!I, who [rorn Uw lst them 11ith ju~IIN• o that Thy sainbi may njniC'P. Thou, who k.nowrst all hPart,.,, indi,•atA Urn elPC'l fo whom Thou wouldst \\ ish tn f'ntru~t S-O sublime a. mlni~tr.v of truth and lo,e. J<;nJighten their min,1'< "0 that thrJ· mal cnmprell('nd the l,nf',stimahlf' gr11<·11 of Thy di\·infl <"all; fortif.~- thf'ir will~ Pm that tlu•~· "Iha.II not permit thems<'hcto to b" !'onq11f're1l hy laxlt.v and plPasure, fo stumhlP into quicl, anJal Pagle, s.nar toward~ the bPrPne a.nd rrs1llcndrnt height,. nf Th.Y t>f Pmal priesthood. Tl<"Yenl to thf'ir part>nts lhP granclcnr and im•omrlara.hlf' h4>:1nt.,· nf thP gift of their own ,~n,, that thl',\' wouldst make tn Th~, 1111d grant thrm lhP ,trrngth to ovrrcome in1f'rP~t• a.nd affrction,. In,11im in gf'nprou~ souls an pffi(,af'io1111 dPsirp to romt>, \\ ilh d1arital1le hand • to tho aid of Thlnfl E'IP<·t whom p,n-11rty 1rre, Bnt" from foJJc,"ing 'l'h~• \·oh-P. Urstow upnn thf'lr tea.,-hns thf' essPntinl lii:-ht for <'lllti\'atlng in thf'ir , 1111ng hPart thP llfli<"atP plarit of a ,·O<"ation until the da~· whr.n, nrdPnt and pure, thPy !-ihall mount to Thr holy nltar." February 20, 19-U. 'fhe Red Cro·s, :O:an Diego Ch,1pter, merit~ every kindly assi!':fance from ou1· people. This :,.;plenclirl organi- 1.ation. including its current. c.ampaig-n for funds, has our cordial endorsement. The Red fros:· n•achcs out to ~uffering- humanity throuj!hout the world-theit' cau:,;e i, our cause-their charity, the all emhracin~ charity of .Je::-us Chri ·t. .. . . L RE FORTY-HOl J: l)J~\'OTIO:\": Th" R~\'f'N.'nd J'a,tor fllay d10c1 e any 1lnt1> that thf>,,• rinrl ronn•nicnt ancl pradi,•al to hold the Fort, •HOUl'!I De\Otlon In their parish. \\ ith this In \ ie\\. thP fhancrry ha" iMtu•ct no list. • • • \Yhere thn11 •~ a~suraneP of a "Uffidf'ln! numher of adorer,r; throui;hout the nii:-ht, pnmi,sion i, hnd,y ~ranted for ~,oc- turnal Adoration Hoir Thur!lday and Good Friday momln,lt'. • • • Offering. fnr 1hP Hol~· Lani! are tn be t.nk<'n up in all the ~hurchf'I,, of the Dioce8C on G 011 Frida~·. • • • In Re J>nminira In Palmi : Quando. Jl11minica ·n r11Jmi~, ,-11<'-f'rdo~ dua" .l\li sa,, IPg-it. fncult." imam tantum ,irrm Paa- ,r;lonPm legt>ndi, a net! Dirlacl Ordinarlo t·oncrdi tur. • • • ThP Re,·E'rend Pa...,tors are requei.ted to .end the pari~h Holy Oil l:Ontainers to the Chan<·ery on or before )larch 20. • • • ThP following appointmf'nt~ have hcen made 11,· His E:\.Ct-1• ll"n('~, tht> )lost Rf'Hren,J Ri~hn1l: Re\'. .\lbPrtn ~arei;, .::.T.D., a~-.i~tant to Our Lltd, o{ Gua- da!UJ1P. ~an Bernardino. · Re,·. naniel ,T, Charlton, •.. J., a ~i&tant t-0 Chri,;t the King, :San Diri;-o. • • • Thr, folln" in::- illilitar~ ( ha plains ha,,. IM>!'ll i;rantl'd fa.cul• ti~ and appointment in the Oioce"C' of .,Can Die,::-n: Cha Ji lain John ,J. Quiglf'~. • a,al .\u,lliar., Ir tatinn. Bro" n Held, Chula \~ista. .'\. si,tant to t. Ho,e of Llma, Chula \'lsta. C'haplain .John .J. Ro a, f'llmp Haan. As..istant to St. Franc!~ d.- Sur.-.., Jthe,-.,i,11'. ( ha11Jain ~ti" ar,J K•. \lartlnt>:111, AIU[lhihlou~ 'fraLnl1111 Hah'i; C th<>!lral, ChapiaJn Ec1'1ard • { 11rran, :,::tJth, t\. .A, . H. Fin., S n DI• o. '-'-161 :i ·,t tn ·t. ,In "rh' ( 11 lhl'11111:ht" A. Jlonn, Prr,•t!lry. To the Reverend Pastor. :

Under the Patronage of th1 DIMACCLATE HEART OF MARY

To Provide tor Two Urgent Needll

I A Vooattonal Training Home for Boys


No. n A Major Seml.nar,




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