Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

VOL. XXVIlI- ro. 49 Bishops Emphasize 5 oin s or Just Peace; Ask Prayers


Father Mateo



1528 Fourth Avenue San Diego, California April 30, 1941

Dear Reverend Father:

In response to the urgent appeal of Our Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, Pastors and Superiors of Schools and all Institutions in the Diocese of San Diego will provide special devotions during the month of Mary that through her maternal inter- cession peace may be restored to mankind. It is the ardent wish of His Holiness that the Catholic youth of the world lead in this crusade of prayer. In the name then of Christ's Vicar on earth you are directed to implore the faithful of your parish to assist at daily Mass and to receive Holy Communion for this intention. During the aftem on special devotions, includ- ing the recitation of the Rosary, should be held every day for the school children. In the late after- noon or evening, at an hour convenient for the working people, let the recitation of the Rosary be followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Bespeaking your earnest cooperation asd every personal sacrifice during these dark days of world conflict, in union of prayer, Your devoted servant in Christ, Bishop of San Diego I 00 in Confirmation Class At Redlands Parish Sunday At Sc. Mary's Church, Redlands, the Most Reverend Bishop confirmed a class of 100 prepared by the Rev. ] ames Gray, pastor. His Exce11ency paid tribute to the zeaio~s work of Father Gray who accomplished so much good m the Mexican parish at Redlands. His Excellency spoke in Spanish ------------- ~d English and adv ised the chi!- 62 s Jd• • dren against all influences. even O 1ers ID those in the guise of charity, that C H

FatherMateo Concludes Busy H,, Schedule in SanDiegoDiocese/ The priests of the Diocese of San Diego concluded a swa) most successful retreat conducted by the Rev. Mateo Craw- soon ley, SS.CC. The Retreat was held at Hotel de! Coronado, spir· Coronado. Father Mateo is perhaps the most widely known n;ss/ priest in the world. Since his miraculous cure at Paray-Ie- they cannot say Mass, nor preach ha:i ment of the Sacred Heart. We Love, nor suffer for Him Who is umt t b · f · t· f h" quo e a ne apprec1a 10n o 1s Love!' He has been seen, on the life from the book ''Jesus the I evening of the busiest days. to King of Love": accept an invitation to preach for T "Father Mateo haz traveled all the eighth time-'to rest myself,' f over the world, winning souls and he says. 'Can anything be more A enflaming them with the love l'estful ihan to speak of Him with which he is himself con- Whom one loves?' And if anyone pray whe! s ea, Monial in 1907, Father Mateo hasl maJ/ been the apostle of the Enthrone-


Class at amp

would rob them of or injure their holy Faith. NEW CHURCH PLANNED The people were highly enthused when His Excellency- announced that before another year they would have a new, beautiful and commodious church to accommo- date the members of the parish. Father Gray is already in posses- ision of the blue prints for the new church, which were drawn by I<'rank A. Hope, .\.I.A., of San Diego. A substantial donation from the Catholic Church Exten- sion Society of America anti dona- tions of material have already Invalid Confirmed On Stretcher At Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, San Bernardino, the Rev.

' sumed; and this with a simplicity objects saying that he cannot pos- we and an unction which no one can sibly endure such .a life for long, Last Sunday the Most Rever-1 Vi withstand. He says the simplest that he is killing himself, he an-

I not kill

'Why should

end Bishop administered the sac- be. things in the simplest way, yet swers: rament - • Confirmation at Camp La he raises souls as if by a divine myself


for Him Who died

pr attraction.

Haan, Riverside, soldiers and to some lay people connected with the camp. The soldiers form- ed a guard of honor lining the way behveen the chaplain's house and the chapel. While at Camp Haan the Bishop dedicated a new chapel. Present at the dedication ceremonies were Gen. Colliday, who is in charge of the camp, two colonels, and other officers. The soldiers' choir and band provided the' mu ic. • After the services Chaplain William L. Howley, U.S.A., was host to His Excellency, to all the chaplains in the southern district, and to the neighboring clergy. to 62

The Master Himself me.' "


speaks and acts in His apostle; ca in seeing and hearing him, we / TO GIVE HOLY HOUR Bi feel what must have been expe- i

Father Mateo will conduct a


Holy Hour at St.

6: rienced long ago, when Our Lord c) walked on earth: for we are cap-





4:00 to 5:00 p.m. All are cor-

trans- become



tivated, formed -


to attend





service. The only reserved seats will be for the Siaters and those transportation. An over-flow attendance will be acc<>mmodated in Ubach hall wher 0 loud speakers will carry the voice of Father M:.teo. the pa8t week Father Mateo, SS.CC, and his companion, the Rev. Father Stephen, SS.CC, have been the g-uests of the 11-Iost Reverend Dishop. Father Mateo has conducted a retreat for the Columban Fathers at their pro- cure in Old Town. On Monday, l\Iay 5, Father l\Ia- teo w'll go to Old .llfosion San Luis Rey where he will ~peak to/ the Franciscan Fathers and sem- inarians. • ! TO SPEAK IN RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO On Wednesday, l\Iay 7, the fa. mou.. preacher will go to River- / side where he will g-ive a confer- ence to priest., Sisters, and lay leaders at St. Frands de Sales Church at 4 :00 p.m. The same eve- ning he will be at St. Bernardine's Church, San Bernardino, at 8 :00 o'rlock, where he will :il,o addre!ls members of St. Bernardine's par- i:,h and of other parbhes in San Bernardino. who give them GUESTS OF BISHOP During-

apostles! 'I do not envy my Guar-

to repeat,

dian Angel,' he likes

'nor all the Angels together, for

J. R. Nunez, pastor, _presented to work of constructing a clinic for the Most Reverend Bishop a lar,:re la~s for Confirmation. An un- the J\fpxican people of San Ber- .ual and touching scene was en-I na1 Jino. The work is already far · ctzd when a young man, about adrnnced and will soon be com- >4 years of age, wa~ brought into pletad. The purpose of this clinic hr sanctuary on a stretcher where is' to counteract much of the mis- tt was confinl'ed by His Excel- cheYious activit:1· of proselityzers ency. ,llld exponents of immoral prac- Father Nunez is engaged in the tices,

On Thursday morning he will c<>lfbrate Hoh· .llfa s in St. Ber- nardine's Chun·h at ~n hour which will lil' announl'l"d in 1'an ilcrnar- j dino Wednesdar evemng.

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