Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


SITES ACQUIRED Thro ugh the genero ity of friends the property for the ·e in- stitutions has already been ac- quired-practical location con- ducive to both piritual and phys- ical development. \Yhile the actual work of construction must neces- sal'ily be deferred until after the war, we can complete our plans now. IT CAN BE DONE

CE T Father .Blanagan, of Boys Town fame, says: " ... o boy is bad." Thia means that the good in every youth can be cultivat d. Tot all take in. terest in an ncademic high school course. Too m, ny become dis. ura ed b cause they lack con. structive guidance. Hence the ne- cessity of providing a vocational training center for boys; a com- bination of home and school where the student, under a well-balanced manual laLor-agriculture, carpen. tiy, heating, plumbing, electricity and other mechanical arts. The trnining r ceiv d will fit a boy for an honorable and dignified live- lihood, and qudify him fo1· re- sponsibility-to take a man's place, to support b? his brawn and brain, a family of beautiful children. A review o:f America'• most useful citizens shows that the majority of them come from homes of me- chanics and farmers. cuniculum, learns all types ot


mosphere, under c-0nstant, sterling example, pe1sonal interest in the soul, mind and body of each indi- vidual. Boys of high school a$"e need more than "ishful thinhing. Oul' proposed vocational school ,..ill welcome boys of every race and creed and color and leave nothing undone to develop these raw re- cruits into self-reliant, clear think- ing, courageous men. The San Diego Vocational Home will be staffed by expert educators. 1 r o one will deny that the West Coast has acute youth problems. We know what has been done else- where and what should be done here. In her wisdom of the centuries, Mother Church counsels the for- mation ot Diocesan Seminaries. A Major Seminary inspires and fos- young men should not be deprived of the opportunity to fit them- selves for this sublime calling. This diocese should provide facilities to train its own candidates for the Sacred Priesthood. More priests are needed to minister to the great increase in population, the unprece- dented influx of defense workers and others who plan to make San Diego their home. We could main- tain our own Seminarians for less than it costs to educate them else- where. -3- ters native vocations. Our own

Some people inquire: "What is expected of us?" As a guide for giving we ask five per cent of the gi·oss earnings for one year. For example: A man with an annual in- come of $100,000.00 could surely donate $5,000.00; a gross income of $10,000.00 could easily spare $500.00; an income of $2,400.00 could afford $120 per annum. Our five per cent donation plan is less than the amount allowed for char- ity deductions in computing income tax returns. INSTALLMENTS Donations can be paid on the installment plan over a period of two years. MEMORIAL GIFTS

Some Seed Falls on Good Ground

Blue Print Now

Include God in Your Budget




Money $500,000.00 is well within the means of our people who have en- joyed material prosperity for sev- eral years. What other dioceses have accomplished, we, too, can do. Not less than a hundred thousand dollars annually go fr om this diocese to support institutions in other states. While some of these are worthy-your first obligation is to the diocese, to the parish and to the city that serves you. BESTOW A LITTLE - GAIN MUCH Available


More Enduring Than Bronze An annual donation of $7,500.00 provides a Burse fo1· the education of a candidate for Sacred Orders; $8,000.00 builds a classroom; $2,000.00 a private room. War t'onds Doing Double Service



the Harvest


To help finance the \Var, offer- ings may be made in the form of U.S. Treasury Notes or in F and G Series war bonds made payable to the Roman Catholic Bishop o~ San Diego, a corporation sole. May San Diego's Vocational Technical Arts School for Boys and St. Francis .Major Seminary symbolize the faith and vision of our peop]P . -5-

May we never forget the injunc- tion of the Holy Spirit, "If thou hast much, give abundantly; if thou hast little, take care even so to bestow willingly a little.·• (Tob. 4,9.) This campaign has been started with prayer and a novena of spiritual exercises because to be generous is a grace from God. "Un- less the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." -4-

Unless the Lord Build the House

Prisons and Detention Homes, for the most part, have proved a complete failure. Their outlook is di:,mal and depresr,;ing. Often they beget embittered dmu,;erous crimi- nals because they lack both vision and Christiarit~•. A vocational ho)llC' is more than a vocational schooL I~ er ntes a wholc.ome at-

Doers of the Word

Overcome Evil by Good

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