Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego, March 30, 1945 Bishop Visits Palm Springs On Confirmation Tour


On the occasion of Confirmation administered by the Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego in the Church of Our Lady of Solitude, r Palm Springs, lUarch 15. The Rev. C. Norman Raley, pastor, stands next to His E .·cellency. Officers and enlisted personnel are from Torney General Hospital. -Official U. S. Army Photo.

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NOVENA PRAYERS in Honor of The Immaculate Heart of Mary for the Success of the Little Flower Fund for the construction of I. A Major Seminary and 2. To Provide a Boys' Vocational Training Home

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NAME.-----------------------------············-..................... ............ ---··•··············-·····-··········· -- --- City or ADDRESS.......................................................................Town............................................................ Pledge Card

I hereby promise to contribute the sum of $.........._.................... ~o the Little Flower Fund of 1945 for the Diocese of San Diego to BUIid - No. I A Major Seminary. No. II To Provide a Boys' Vocational Training Home. Payments to be made as follows: Cash herewith $.............................. Balance in monthly payments of $.............................. to start Murch 15, 1945. My pledge will be paid in full by March 1, 19........... Signature

in the Diocese of San Diego, San Diego, California

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___ .__ Address..... ---- ..... - -••·

Solicitor... ............................. .





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GOAL $500,000.00

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