Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

A "Buddy" rlecently w~1ile mvai ting a friend , the writer had a f Pw minutes time in the lobbJ of the Robidoux Hotel in St . Joseph , o . On t~e ws..11 in this lobb;y vms the usual C11.urch Directory with a long list oj Churches and mames of their Pastors . One that impressed me was St . Joseph's Cat:1edr°'l ;:md its pastor , the Very Reverend Charles Francis Buddy . Bere I had found a Buddy l In the rather grim old battle , beginn1ng when the good family Doctor says , "It's a boyll and ending when the m-·nister quotes 11 dust to dust 11 --how we need, how \Je just long for a Buddy l A true friend , a pal . One who !- nows us , knovrn

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