Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


"Little One" of Assisi Honored By Pontifical Mass at Old_Mis~ion SAN LUIS REY On October 4, his superior, he wished to be so His Excellency, the :;:,10st Reverend \ submissive in his han~~ a~_ne:::; in his movements not m is Bishop, commemorated the feast lo overstep his obedience and will, ' of st. Francis of Assisi , the foun- \ for he would be his lord." \ der of the Franciscan Order, by a \ "What the world needs today," Solemn Pontifical Mass at the Old Father Augustine concluded, "is \ Mission here. Not only was the I another Francis of Assisi, another \ day significant for the Franciscan ! 'little one' who will carry the pur- Community, but also for the Mis- \ i~ and simplicity of the gospel life \ sion itself. The feast ~arked _the \ to the four corners of the world." I 130th anniversary of tne ded1ca- \ He exhorted his hearers to be imi- , tion of the present church, ~h1ch \ t t r of the "little one" of Assisi, took place on October 4, 181n. a o s . . f . . days the "closest of Christ's followers." Reminiscent o m1ss1on . were the uu·ee hundred year old After the Mass Hts Excellency gold vestments worn at the Mass. together with the visitng priests The chalicl the Bishop used be_- attended the st. Francis day din- longed to .l:"atner Amomo .t'eyn, . the Franciscan Community. . . Sa Luis J:{ey ner in who built M1ss 10 n_ n_ I "H lad I am to be able to come \ and labored thll'ty-f1ve years I ow g . . st the Indians before his re- here and celebrate this gI eat fea among .d "It ·s turn to Spain. · with you!" the Bishop sai · 1 The Padre Choir of some twen- \ my hope that you will follow close ty voices sang· Stehle's Salve Re- 1 in the footsteps_ of your ~athe_r, Mass, sometimes called the and that your virtues will 1emam "Crowned Mass·•, for the composer as untarnished as the gold on t~e won a prize for his work in 1868. aged vestments we wore this The Proper was sung in a.ncient morning." Gregorian chant. \ - - Assistant deacons to Hi~ E:cel-

,·---- ~BOYS' FOUNDATION TO SHARE PROCEEDS OF CHARITY DINNER · I Liquor Dealer Sponsors Addressed by Bishop \ The San Diego Boys' Founda- 1 tion, a project of the Most Reve~- end Bishop, is one of three meri- torious undertakings to benefit from the first annual Charity Dinner of the Liquor Licensees of San Diego county. The event, to include a fine dinner and enter- tainment, will be held at 7 p.m., Monday, September 24, in the El Cortez hotel. His Excellency addressed the li- quor dealers at a meeting in the El Cortez hotel last Thursday morning, September 6, expressing esteem for their well-known char- ity. He added that this plan of coordinating their efforts would prevent much valuable money from being thrown around. The Most Reverend Ordinary explain- ed the plan of the San Diego Boys' Foundation and its neces- sity in Southern California, show- ing conclusively how jails and cor- rection schools had failed to build up youth along high standards of , morality ahd usefulness. He point- ed out the need for a well balanced education where religious Instruc- tion can develop moral character while the student learns profane knowledge-the result being a well balanced, morally responsible citi- zen. The prelate further expressed hig:e appreciation for the other projects that would share these charities: the Indoor Sp_orts Club, with Joseph E. Dryer as chair- I man, and the Boys' Club of which James A. Robbins is chairman. In concluding his address, the Most Reverend Bishop reminded the liquor dealers of their obliga- tion as legitimate businessmen who by example must protect their own interests and the interests of the public with the very practical doctrine of temperance in all things. He e~plained that people could be temperate without being prohibitionists and counselled tem- perance not only in alcoholics but I in all other commodities. The Bis- hop's remarks met with a warm 1 reception.

lency were the Rev. Louis 1< lah- 1 erty, OSB, USNR, and the Rev. ' John Reddington, USNR. Deacon of the Mass was the Rev. Clarence Manns, OFM, pastor of lmmacu- lale Conception Church, San Di- ego; sub-deacon, the Rev: Fin0ar Kenneally, OFM; arch-pnest, lhe Rev. Bertrand Hobrecht, OFM. Masters of ceremonies were the Rev. Oliver Lynch, OFM, and the 1 Rev, Ralph Weishaar, OFM. Very Ri!v. Augustine Hobrecht, OFM, Vice-Provincial of i11e .t<'ranciscan Province of sanla Barbara, deliv- ered the sermon. Present in the sanctuary were Very Rev. Mgs~. Joseph N. Trivisonno, of St. Marys church Oceanside, and the Rev. Joseph' P. Briggs, of the United I States Navy, representing the Do- minican Fathers, whose founder Sl. D~minic was a p~rsonal friend of St. Francis. Ifrom lne ~ext "I praise Thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou didst hide these thmgs from the wise and prudent, and didst reveal them to little ones," Father Augustme. po,ncea ouc cL1at St. Francis had all the traits typi- cal of the "little one"- hum1llty, purity and docility. _ _ "Sl. Francis of Ass1s1 was the most hwnble of men. ne used lo his I brethren, hearing St. Francis say that, almost laughed and sald to his Holy Father; ·How can you_ say that 7' Francis replied sometnmg like this: •If God had given to the greatest sinner on earth the many graces He has given me, that sm- th at he v.-as the greatest of and when one o_f say . I sinners;



Old Vestments Worn for ~nniversary Mass


Three hundred yea1· old gold vestments wne worn at the Solemn Pontifi<•al Mass celebrated at the Old Mission in Sa.n Luis Rey on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, wilich marked the 180th annivt-rsar~• of the dedication of thP present cburrh. Vested dergy in the front row are left to right: Rt. Rev. ,Joseph N. Trivisonno; the Rev. Clarence Manns, OFM; the Rev. Lonis Flahert:v, OSB, USNR; His Exc·elJeney, Bishop Buddy; the Rev. John Reddington, USNR; the Rn. Finbar Kenneally, OFJM, and the Rev. Bert- rand Hobrecht, OFM. Other priests in the photograph are: the Rev. Augustine Hohrecht, OFl\l; the Rev. Ference Cronin, OFM; the Rev. Oliver Lync'h, OFM; the Rev. Ralph Weishaar, OFM, and the Rev. Leonard Bose. OFM. Cornerstone of San Bernardino's f irsf Church LaidSeventy-five Years Ago This Month October 23 will be the sewnty-fifth anniversary of the laying of tllP t•omerstone for t he fi1·st perma-

nent Catholic chrnch in ln observance of the diamond jubilee the Re,·. Hug-lr A. ner Wo uld hav-=: become a. ireat j Donohot>, editor of THE MONITOR, official nrgan of the Arrhdioeese of Sau Fra,nl'isro, has forwarded a copy of the following article which appeared in The l\lonitor on November 5, 1870· saint.'" • "He was also the purest of men. I SAN BERNARDINO-The ceremony of laying the fii'st stone of the Catholic Church Though given to gaiety in youth here in San Bernardino, comm~nced at 4 p.m., on Sund~r, October 23. There were µresent on and a very popular leader in feast- the occasion the Very Rev. Fran,cis l\Iora, Vicar-General of the Diocese, with the Rev. ing and noisy revels, he was never Tho~as O'Donohoe, pastor of San Bernardino, and ~ev. Peter Verdag-eur, pastor of San known to have departed from the Gabriel; and the Very Rev. Charles Flannag-an, assistant pastor at the Cathedral, Los an Bernardino.

fair and delicate virtue; and later after his conversion, he was ever on guard to keep his 'brother ass', \ as he called his body, m subJec- tion." "And finally st. Francis was the mosl obedient of men. He told his brethren that if they would ap- point a novice of one hour to be J

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