Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945
None Neglected In S. D. Diocese This Christmas According to a statement made by the Chancery office, there was not a group of Catholics within the confines of the Diocese with- out an opportunity to receive the Sacraments. All over the 35,000 square miles of the San Diego Diocese Christ- mas Masses were celebrated for the German and Italian prisoners of war. Here in San Diego, after pontifi- cating at the Midnight Mass at St. Joseph's Cathedral, His Excel- lency, the Most Reverend Bishop, said a second Mass at 6:30 a.m. in the County jail where 100 prisoners attended. On Christmas eve the Bishop and Very Rev. Franklin F. Hurd heard Confessions in the jail so that all had the opportunity of giving the Christ Child a welcome on Christ- mas. His Excellency celebrated a third Mass at St. Madaleine Sophie Con- vent in Old Town, a center for settlement house work, at 8:30 a.m.
In respnnse to the cordial Christmas greeting~ cab}ed by His :Excellency to our Holy _Father, Pope Pm\.: II: the following message was received on December -·>th. ION VATICAN CITY VIA MACKAY RADIO 1945 DEC 25 AM 11 :24 ost Reverend Bishop Buddy San Diego, California Holy Father profoundly grate_ful for essage of filial homage and Christmas greetings. Lovingly bestows Apostolic Ben- ediction on Your Excel Iency, the Priests, Religious Communities, and Faithful of Diocese of San Diego. WESTERN U
BISHOP PRESIDES AT DEDICATION OF NEW N. ISLAND CHAPEL I The new chapel of the Naval Air Station, North Island, 1·eceived its Catholic dedication on Sunday, Dec. 23. Although the weather was inclement, a large number of th e Naval p ersonnel attended anc
B' h Pres'1des al IS op Sodalily Reception Af SI J h r (h h 0 n S urc On Thursday, Dec. 6, 19 pupils .
filled the chapel to capacity.
After the procession of the at
the Commandin1
ten~ing clergy,
Officer of the Naval Air Station Captain Leslie E. Gehres, USN l)l'esented the new chapel to th, Catholic p ersonnel of his command
.. 1 M K
Lt Commandei· c
yu • .
Monsignor ~ontini, Substitute
Catholic Chaplain, accepted t~, of St. John's school became Child- chapel on behalf of the Catholi ren of Mary. They were received I personnel. into the Sodality by His Excel- The Most Reverend Charle !ency, the Most Reverend Bishop. Franci_s Buddy, D. D., Bishop o The procession of the Sodalists San Diego, presided at the dedica t M was led Into the church by Peter ion ass, Which was sung b 3 Father Kuehn,•, and delivered thi Wolff and Jall'!es Murphy, who , 1 .1 !, - ,ie occarl(l 1. .11 carried the Papal and American Bishop also blessed the small Cath- flags. The Sodality flag was car- othl\ec aclhlape!, whichh isl adjaci;nt tc ried by Gilbert Klecan and the -purpose c ape . Lt. Comdr. James J. Kelly, Sodality banner by Joseph Cole. Catholic Chaplain on North Island The ceremonies began with Holy and the Rev. John Purcell, pasto; Mass, celebrated by His Excel- of Sacred Heart Church, Coronado, !ency, and were closed with So- were attendants to the Most Rev- lemn Benediction of the Blessed erend Bishop throughout the dedi- Sacrament. I cation service_s. Following the reception, break- . The Catholic choir, trained and fast was served to the Bishop, · directed by William T. Bradley, Monsignor cotter, the assistant · ~P- (W}_lc, " in_terpreted. Rogers' priests and the Sodalists, in turn, Mass m F with except10nal abil- by the members of the Mother's ity. It also rendered "Ecce Sacer- club. dos Magnus" by Stadler and "Ave The names of the new Sodalists Maria" by Cesar Franck. The are: Patricia Jones, Patricia Mur- Choir is made up of Navy nurses, phy, Shirley Smith, Kevin Lucas, Officers and enlisted personnel of Frances and Eileen Barrientos, the Naval Air Station. Amory Lynch, Don Jones, Alan The new chapel is a substantial Walters, James Events, James frame structure, complete with Farrel, Richard Drane, Robert Protestant and Catholic auxiliary Gietzen, Gilbert Maudlin, Lorraine chapels, and offices for the Chap- Nix, Carol McDonald, John Pfaff, lains of the station. The main John Shields and Beverly Stewart.' chapel seats 600. A distinctive This year the Sodality officers feature of the chapel is the revolv- are Patricia Benson, prefect; An- , ing alt_ar, which permit~ JJie vari- drea Withers, secretary; George ous faiths to use their own alt~r Troutman, treasurer; Carmeline and church accessories at their I Guarnotta, chairman of Our Lady's divine services. committee; Lonia Mae Berg, chairman of the Euchariistic com- The Bishop was assisted b3 mlttee; and Jeanette Peranski Very Rev. Franklin F. Hurd, rec• chairman of the Apostolic corry mittee. •
'Vagabond King' Returns Mount To Over $12,000 (Continued from Page 1) sive list of patrons and patronesses and Mr. Stephen F. Healey, who combined both literary talent and business acumen . in getting out the memorable program-a his- tory-making sketch in the annals of the Rockne Academy," the Bis- hop declared. "These three effici- ency experts deserve high praise for their total forgetfulness of self in guiding the financial destinies of this successful presentation." Mr. Desousa from the very first meeting of the operetta commit- tee showed a thorough grasp of the financial angles. Mrs. Anna M. Breen, well known for her chari- table activities in San Diego, di- rected several committees to an- nex the interest of a large group of patrons. Mrs. Breen's many hours of devoted work cannot be measured in human results be- eause her lovely personality won a host of friends not only for the operetta but for the greater pro- ject of the Rockne Academy. Mrs. Breen was gratified with the en- thusiastic cooperation of her com- mittees. Steve Healey, Pulitzer prize win- ner and advertising manager for The Southern Cross, also serves as director of public relations for the Knute Rockne academy. He has opened a suite of officers in the Spreckels building to adequately provide for extensive promotion of the boys' foundation. Mr. Healey, who brings to his new position vast experience and many valuable contacts, was responsible for the attractive programs and the large list of advertisers. "For me," the Most Reverend I Bishop said, "it is a matter of deep regret that I could not have been present to see at close range the splendid directing of Miss Maria D. Fielding and Dr. Julius Leib, director of the augmented orchestra and chorus. I have al- ready expressed enthusiastic ap- preciation for the outstanding ar- tistry of Miss Antoinette Petra- sich of San Diego, Pvt. Joe Sulli- van of MGM and the distinguished participants who gave unstintingly of their time and talents to insure the success of 'The Vagabon King'."
':>RGAN OF THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1945 'VAGABOND KING' RETURNS MOUNT TO OVER ~12,000 Unprecedented Success Stimulates Committee For San Diego Boys' Foundation A. A. DeSOUSA, MRS. ANNA BREEN AND STEVE HEALEY LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR FINANCIAL SUCCESS While critics have acclaimed "The Vag-abond King" a notable artistic success, financial returns total $12,326.87- the largest single proceeds from any Catholic benefit ever staged in San Diego. This amount represents the gross receipts from box office, program advertising and patrons and patronesses.
Young Mexican Priest Ordained For S.D. Diocese Father Luis Valdes Assigned to Riverside
In receiving the final returns, to be allocated for the Knute Rockne Academy, San Diego Foundation for Boys, the Most Reverend Bishop voiced lively sat- isfaction, adding that the large figure to which the returns mount- ed reflects the Interest of the peo- ple of San Diego In the proposed boys' foundation. "This vote of
trust rates high in encouragement in view of the fact enrollments The Rev. Luis Valdes Con- have not started," His Excellency treras, who came to the San said. Diego diocese from Mexico "We are profoundly grateful for last July at the invitation of I the work of Mr. A. A. Desousa, th M t R d B . h executive secretary; Mrs. Anna M. e os everen 1s op, t d · d t th d Breen, who sponsored he impres- was or ame o e sacre
priesthood by His Excellency at colorful and ancient rites per- formed in conjunction with the Solemn Pontifical High Mass at nine o'clock, Sunday morning in St. Joseph's cathedral.
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