Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

SUPPLEMENTAL Other urgent needs in the Diocese call for a Recreational Center for the Indian C. Y. 0. at Fort Yuma; a Chapel Trailer for the Franciscan Padres who make long treks in their missionary zeal among the far-flung tribes of the Red men who have been pushed back and back into the moun- tains-far from any church; the re- habilitation and proper maintenance of old Catholic Cemeteries, as at San Bernardino, Del Mar, Brawley and San Diego; the erection of new Cemeterie~ where the people have re- quested them. NOTANDA Before embarking on this cam- paign, a committee of business men made accurate surveys to determine the wealth of Catholics in the four counties comprising the Diocese of San Diego. The giving of $200,000 is well within the means of our people. In fact, they don't have to give until it hurts to reach this quota. Plan of Payment: While cash is most desirable to expedite relief, those who find it more convenient may remit in in-


the year-thus after one or two years their health is shattered. No matter what the hardship, the shepherd can- not desert his flock. In many dis- tricts where the poor people are scat- tered for miles in the outposts of civilization, shall poverty deprive them of a priest when the name of Jesus must be carried to the ends of the world? DEBT LIQUIDATION Through the trying years of the depression, pastors struggled and economized to meet the interest on the principal debt of their parishes. The burden still weighing on the Otherwise to twice or even three times the original cost. For example: one parish in the Diocese has already paid to the banks $22,000 interest on a $29,000 obligation - what business men would rerm "poor business". In this campaign 25 % of the returns from Gach parish will be applied to the principal debt of that parish. BISHOP'S HOME A mortgage foreclosure made pos- sible the purchase of a dignified resi- dence for the Ordinary of the Diocese and his successors. This home was had for about one-fourth of its original cost - acquired, remodeled, and furnished on borrowed money. It should be debt free. Like the great religious orders of the Church, a Diocese builds not for an individual nor for today-but for ages of fu- ture generations. The Catholics of this Diocese need never be ashamed of the home provided for their Bishop. THE CHANCERY St. Joseph• s Hall, 1528 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, has been trans- formed into the Diocesan Offices, in- cluding the editorial sanctum of The Southern Cross, our official publi- cation, recently purchased by the Diocese, and the general offices of Holy Cross Cemetery. A temporary loan was negotiated to make these improvements and to supply the ne- cessary equipment. -6- the interest mounts

Burv the Dead




B uscness Administration s~oulders of Pastors should be appre- ciably reduced by a concerted effort.

Sound Financial Methods

Money ls Here


a period of 24

stallments over

B~ Ye Faithful

months their pledge. Unto Deat~- Payment.~ may be made directly to an1 I Will the Most Reverend Bishop, Office Give You 1528 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, or the Cr?Wn through )'Our Reverend Pastor. Your of Life cancelled check will serve as receipt. For payments in currency a receipt will be given. Make payments either to your Bishop or Pastor-no one else is authorized. Once the pledges are paid in full, the names of contributors and the amounts donated will appear in The Southern Cross. This feature brings "Every Man's to light the real pillars of the Church Work Shall in Southern California. Now is the Be Manifest" time for Catholics to show their col- ors. They will be found either hot or cold. to complete TRIUMPH OF CHRIST Roll of Honor:

For the Servant of Priests and People


Prayer, Study and Work

"So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, ,md glorify your Father Who is in Heaven." (Matt. 5-16). -7-

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