Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


Pictared with His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, are the CYO Retreatants, their Retreat Master, Rev. Leo Davis, and their host, Very Rev. Wilbur R. Kirk, O.S.A., Principal of St. Augustine High School. Thirty-five young men representing ten Clubs from various ·sections of the City gathered last Sunday in St. Augustine's Chapel f,,r their annual retreat. At the opening conference Father Davis asked the young men to slow down just for one day in this world that is rushing along so that they might get a better view of their spiritual life nnd learn to know Christ better. One of the favorite exercises was the special meditations at the Stations of the Cross. During the day least two men remained voluntarily in the chapel at all times because the Bleued Sacrament was exposed for Forty Hours Devotion. As a fitting close for the day of prayer the men attended Solemn Benediction given by the Most Reverend Bishop.

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a::, 'le new Rectory of Mary Star of the Sea Church La J II . emorial Day May 30th Th 0 a, will be dedicated by His Excellency •c IS cor ,a y invited to attend the c-, b" ay services, and inspect the new buildin ents to all from 12:00 noon e program w1 •_tart with_ a band concert and free refres •dication, blessing and inspe!;i;~O~f p~;;· bT~hl.formal cerem~nies, st arting at 1 :00 p.m. will include t "- ry of the Veterans of Foreign Wars s i9 u,ding; _pre! entatbion of colors by the La Jolla post and auxi IL h J h , o os an mus,ca num era by Mrs Berna d J F" p .. ompson, osep Rossi, Walter W Boutelle La Joli H" h S h I GI Cl b r . ipp, atr1c1 l 1e speakers will be the Most Reve~end Bish~ R c 1 ° 0 d C I u , and St. Augustine's ban A illan; Dr. I. L .Furnas, president of La Joli P,Ch ev.b . f "t;.se, an ~. Thomas E. Cook, of Cam Scott King, builder• Dr. Jesse Alber/L kam erdo h ommerce; arleton M. Winslow, architec ) =------------'---;-~============o=c=-e:•==a=n===t==e==p=a=s-t~o=r=•=-R: _::=e=v=. =J=o=•=e=p=h==V=-·:._ -~C:_l~a=r=k=i-n~-·~-:_-_-_-__ jj ! rs. Kirkpatrick u DA Grand Regent b Mrs. Augusta Kirkpatrick will .f installed as Grand Regent of Legion of Decency List Following are the movies reviewed and classified this week: CLASS A, SECTION 1 Unobjectionable for General Patronage l\Iy Favorite Spy (RKO) y ·n Diego Court De Alcala 1099 1tholic Daughters of America at Th ·11 . m •ne e ,cation an emor, . g. d d d" · d M • • • e pu . bl" . d" II . • .

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Most Rev. Charles F. Bu<;ldt ~up- per photo), Bishop of San •n4>go and Most Rev. Walter J. Fitz~ gerald, S.J. {below). Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Alaska, who have accepted appointme Vicars Delegate to aid the tary Ordinariate 1n super the work of Catholic chaplains in the United States Armed Forces.

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