Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


ews Slant Editor, The Gridiron; Out for a walk the other day, I sauntered up to a park bench where two bums basked and, by way of introduction, inquired of them: "You guys don't care with whom you sit, do you?" The older knight of the road replied: " ro, we don't care. We're classical but not particular." That fits the Gridiron's shining light--classical, not particular who writes, but particular about what's written, especially bent on cleaner, better copy. Congratulations to you journal- ists who step up to the tempo of our everyday thinking. You make the balls and bat them out to hit "the morning hate" and then at eve'n time, we all sit 'roun' to count the home runs .

CHURCH DIGNITARIES-Here are officials of the church who consecration of Msgr. Jame, J. Sweeney u the n~w bishop of Honnlulu. Left to right, firat row: B_11hop Connolly, the new Bishop Sweeney ; Al'Ch• bultop John J. Mitty, Bishop Mc:Guinneu. Second row: Bishop Edward J. Kelly, Archbishop John J, Cantw"ll, Archbi•hop Edward D. Howard, Bi hop the high took part in the

Joseph F, McGrath. Third row: Bishop Daniel J. Gercke. Fourth row : Biahop Joaeph M Gi~~ore, Bish~p Robert J. Armstrong, Biaho; r.:Itam D, O_Brien, Bishop Charles F. Buddy. 1 t row : Bishop Thomaa K, .Gorman, Biahop Joseph T. McGucken, Bishop Philip G. Scher. -Photo hy San Franc1sro Exanuner. Bishop William Con~on, Bishop Gerald Shaughneuy,

with which traitors becloud and be- devil the minds of our youth. You hold the key to tremendous influ- ence in unfolding and upbuilding life. Dress up the news to exem- plify that self-discipline achieves more than culture-your chief con- cern to make America valiant, re- sponsible, conscientious, enduring, reverent. Yours is the hard task of waging war on the home front enemy- within-more subtle and treacher- ous because he blinds with covert snares. The sources of spiritual vitality have been attacked. What boots it if we win victory abroad and decay at home? But what do editors gain from their efforts? Let's see. Recently a fellow asked: "Can a man earn a million dollars honestly?" Ye , a man can earn ten million dollars honestly-if he delivers ten million dollars' worth of serv:ice. President Roosevelt, J . Edgar Hoover, moral- ly conscious editors and hosts of others earn several million dollars a year but they're too busy earning to rake it in-even so, there's a million kicks in knowing that you earn. Cordially yours, (Signed) CHARLES F . BUDDY, Bishop of San Diego.

Bishop Charles F. Buddy E very honest scribe wields pow- er. Stress the qualifying adjec- tive, because falsehood feeds false thinking which, in turn, warps right living. Men are more what they read than what they eat. Writings have made and wrecked nations. The Gridiron stages a big game. You can't afford to lose. You've got to have punch, faith, insight, depth, breadth of intellectual view, a grasp of human character, large- ness of sympathy-the primary and vital' impulse of Christianity. If this light ever goes out, our civilization cannot survive. World order depends on moral principles. It doesn't just happen nor result from v:ictory of arms. World or- der demands definite qualified pro- moters of organization. Editors loom large as organizers and educators. May the fourth estaters counteract the brutality

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