Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945



The Only Publication Devoted To Serving Miami and Roberts Cou

RED CROSS Volume 43

Miami, Roberts County, Texas, Thursday, November 6,



---------------------- Bishop Chas. F. Buddy Honored By Miamians Here 1l: esday Bishop Charles F. Buddy of the San Diego Diocese was honor guesl at an informal receiption Tuesday evenin~ given by his cousin, Mrs. Th :mrns O'Loughlin and Mr. O'Loughlin at their home. Bishop Buddy visited over night with the O'Loughlins and returned to Amarillo Wednesday for the installation of Bishop FitzSimon of the Amarillo Dio- cese, after which .he will g:> to Baltimore. Father Stack of Pampa and Mr Paul Allingham of the News- Globe staff in Amarillo were out of town guests who called to meet Bishop Buddy. Other guests included the Rev. R. A. Pryor, Messrs. and Mes- dames E. M. Balleng·ee, Wm. E. O'Loughlin, M. W. Q'Loughlin Jr. Clark Mathers, A. L. Muncy, Paul Bowers, Dan Kivlehen, Tay- lor C:>le, H. E. Baird, Arthur Corse, M. W. O'Loughlin, Sr., Mrs. C. Carmichael, Miss Frances Deen ,rmichael, Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Montgomery, Dr. an~ Mrs. S. W. Corbin.

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idy of A Sn Japan's war lords showed their yel- low streak last Sunday morning and in so doing placed themselves beyond the pale of civilized warfare. While negotiations were still pend- ing in Washington and every human effort employed to adjust differences and iron out problems after the man- ner of intelligent l~adership, Japan's bombing plans unloaded deadly car- goes on peaceful American civilians and military outposts in Honolulu and ·other Pacific points. The cruelty of this unheralded and insane assault, its treachery and cow- ardice strongly suggest the stab-in-the- back tactics of Hitler and his satellites. Even though dominated by axis pup- pets, Japan reckoned neither with history nor the caliber of decent peo- ple, not only in America, but through- out the world. Indeed, it was the one fateful stroke the repercussion of which is felt to the ends of the earth, and unites all forces of democracies in one firm front with the determination to wipe out from the world the scourge of unprincipled dictatorship. The United States government has een patient and long suffering with Japan. Now that the Nippon re- ime has wantonly abused our for- earance and proved themselves faith- les , they n1:>.. expect condign punish- m nt that should b~ a lesson to future nerations of yellow outlaws. In the meantime Americans will calmly and resolutely uphold civilian morale and show to the world what patriotism put to the test can achieve. is pa:'"'" rcn""w its pkdgc 1' d~ in ast week's issue of unswerving loy- Ity to the President of the United , States and every department of gov- ernment.

To the Reverend Clergy of the Diocese of San Diego: I In accord with advice of officials charged with defense and public safety, permission for midnight Mass is hereby revoked. This regulation applies to all churches, chapels, public and semi-public oratories in the Diocese of San Diego, comprising the counties of Imperial, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego. Those who enjoy the privilege of a private oratory may offer Mass at any convenient hou providing the windows are darkened. II During the winter months of the I5resent emergency, parish churches may not start Sunday or week day Masses before 7 a.m. In hospitals and other places where communities live within the institution the first Mass may begin at an earlier hour. III Afternoon devotions should be concluded before dark. IV At all functions public prayers will be recited for the success of the armed forces of the United States and, in the Mass, the ora- tion in tempore belli pro re gravi imperata is to supplant the ora- tion pro pace. V All parish organizations will cooperate in every way possible with military and civilan officers for the protection of life and property. We Catholics of America, following the illustrious traditions of our thoroughbred ancestors, count it a privilege to serve our beloved country, and to renew our pledge of unswerving loyalty to the President of the United States and every department of government. All facilities of this Diocese, parish halls, high schools, parish schools, seminary, auditoriums, recreational and catechetical centers, in fact every foot of Church property is placed at the disposal of our government in tne cause of liberty and j us~ice.

Bishop of San Diego.

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