Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945






Bishop to Ext

hristmas Greetings 1 Over Station KFSD On Tuesday, Dec. 23, ul 11:00 a.m , tl•e ;'\lost ltevereml Bishop will dr>llver a Christmns mes- sage to the people of llw entlre commun.ty ns w<'IJ ns lo the wide area of the Diocese 01 San Diego, which ext,•nds over 34,- 000 square miles of Southern California, His Excellency's l'itatement will be brondeasl over Radio Station Jnglh of 600 kilocyc!t•s from the lJ S. r.mnt Hotel. This y ar I It will tak, the plan• of the us- 11'11 Christmas message which rmerly appeared In 'l'h lhern Cross.

..,._"_._..._ __ A little Boy of heavenly birth, But far from home today, Come& down to £ind Hi1 ball, the earth, That 1in haa cut away. O comrades, let u1 one and all Join in to get Him back Hi1 ball! -Father John Bannister Tabb. God not only assumed our human nature but He appeared in our midst as a little child. Moreover, He persistently declared that there was but one valid passport to heaven; our ability, namely, to preserve throughout life, even to its 1 very end, the buoyant characteristics of child- hood. Since the problem is therefore of a funda- There is something tre- mendously important in children.

i,e the

mental nature, it ma of interest to s t u d sualities of childhood. what do they consist? * * *


To begin, children are t r u s t. Doubt and mistrust are un- known to them. They look upon life with complete se- curity. They approach a mother or a father confi- 1 dently, knowing that pa- rents can and will solve their difficulties. Now c o m p a r e the slough o f despondency j which frequently o v e r- whelms us during these critical times with the calm trust of a child. Directly and speedily he runs to his parent for protection. So besides takmg all human precautions i n t h e w a r (which was none of our seeking) our confidence should rest securely in Him who, besides b e i n g ou1< Father Eternal, is likewise the Giver of victories. His words shall 11.ot pass away. He has told us that they I who take the sword shall ·1 perish by the sword. Ours were ways of peace; the sword was forced upon us. Therefore, there is ev- Children are not only full of trust and confidence; they are humble, too. Pos- sibly many will remember those words of the Master: "Who thinkest thou is the greater in the kingdom of heaven?" And Jesus calling unto Him a little child, set him in the midst of them, and said: . . uwhosoever shall humble himself as thi li ttlc child, he is the great- er in the kingdom of heav- en. And he that shall re- ceive one such child in my name, receiveth -me.'' Children are not usual- ly filled with thoughts of t h e i r own superiority. These vicious ideas arc in- jected into them before permeated with ery reason for us as little children to trust in Him and - t: fig~t v:liantly. I

piad; from the building of the city of Rome, the year seven hundred

and fifty-two, in the forty-second year of the reign of Octavian

Augustus: the whole world being at peace; in the sixth age of the

Father, wishing to consecrate this world by His most merciful

coming, being conceived of the Holy Ghost, and nine months since

His conccpt1on having passed, in Bethlehem of Juda, is born of the

Virgm ~lary, being made man: THE NATIVITY OF OUR


(from lhf> Hoiran i',l •rtrrolog-y)

they :ue aware of it. Then they become domineering, arrogant, a festering wound in our social body. There is no doubt that the vast majority of Amer- icans - if they he honest with themselves - w i 11 frankly ~trike their breasts for past and present of- ( Continued on l'a.:c 7)

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