Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


EBRUARY 13, 194

Mission Hills Cemetery

'Ad Altare Dei

I otable Improvements Complete Rcno,ation of' Enhance Cathedral's Beauty Hi,torical Plot l Tow In I P f • t hie \v'1thin the past two month several new features have 1 ::~;.:;;n; ... any O a been added to St. Joseph's Cathedral. First, the most ~ut• that of the complete two coat waterproofing standing is

f the exterior of the Cathedral. stone gray the new St. h's Cathedral more than ever ...,...-----'------+--:-:--. stands out v.ith its two stat ly towers and three Crosses r "h n1 toward the skies. Its magnificent !in are more pronounced and ow cast in a delic.ue tone

Over two months ago the Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego installed garden tools and a corps of workmen be- gan the extensive work of re- habilitating- Mission Hills Ceme- tery which for generations has been in a state ot neglect. Out- lines for complete renovation were made known this week. The im- provements include adequate wa- te.ring facilities, a shelter for a / permanent caretaker, and the re- / pair o fall n coping - revamping \ of monuments, many of which are considered splendid examples of l art in stone, granite and marble. Once the cemetery is put in order it will be kept presentable by a' sexton in constant attendance. The cultivation of English ivy, shrubbery and a variety of flow- ers in harmony with the luxuriant growth of palms, oak and pepper I trees is now in evidence.

veritably, it will be n landmark for the year" to come both to the mariner at sea as well as many pi- lo · of our fighting and commer- ' cial p'ane • ,, 'ID m Last w St. Joseph's school was unveiled by the removal of four dangerous and unsightly- looking trees which almost comp 1 e tel y hid the entire front of the school. In their ple.ce now stand four stately coco palms which are in conformity wtth the rest of the trees on Third avenue. The removal of these trees not only allows the school to be now 1 viewed from the street but has offered a great deal of sunshii,e and light to all the classrooms on the Third o.venue side. :11,"EW ADDITIOX TO RECTORY This coming week, due to the h~avy traffic at the Rectory, three new apartments will be added on the site of the old garage directly behind the Rectory which has now been wrecked and whereon a new three-car garage 0.nd three apart- and King. These new apart~nts above the garage will be for the housekeepers employed in the Rec- ments will be built by Tifal

Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego, center, auisted by the Rev. M. ry Rev. W. R. Kirk, O.S.A., right, presenta "Ad Altare Del" awards to Boy Scouts for on the Altar.

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.\DOBE WALL Conditions at



Cemetery seemed hopeless until

when citizen.s I







headed by our representative in

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through an appropriation from the

---...----------.....:.------....:....-----------------------1 ----------------------------------------------·I SHOP CELEBRATES EA XXIX

Federal government to surround •---------:.·A illn tlllfA wr. tory who for some time now have

OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEG the property with a massive adobe ;\PRIL 10 1942 JU!l att'l u] PP ~ been living

in the Joan of Arc

~-,._.. ..__ • olJ• .i :,~ Club. This new building will


wall. It was a FHA project and the adobe bricks came into form


-,, ly 0.dd to the appearances of the J. H. Hayes, 1~: entire parish plant as well as

on the cemetery grounds.

necessary and practical the most appreciated

serve a

Roosevelt to be Ar\ '.





Bishop · Spea Th; most urgent and most momen- tous item in this week's diocesan news is the 4-point drive launched by our Bishop. Ascetic and practical stimuli to action in this matter are provided by the provocative letter of his Excel- lency. We need all be reminded periodi- cally that bishops · are th~ successors of the Apostles, that they have their authority direct from Jesus Christ. The essence of obedience consists in seeing God in the person of our epis- copal superior, any other type of allegiance is slavery. From the com- mands and advice of ou;:- Bishop we learn the Will of God in our regard. Each parish has been assigned a quota i this all-important charities drive. All will reach that quota, model Christians will surpass it. "My meat is to do the will of Him Who sent me." j

t' purpose.


marked this definite step forward and pointed the way to further improvement which would have een 1mposs1 e with this initial expenditure which ran close to b · 'bl

One of

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. · recent improvements has been the comfortable and bee.utiful Com- munion rail pads furnished by the Archconfraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, that the coldness and hardness of the marble mi:i:ht be I 1U ·


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:__fessor of History at ·. J' ""


in th\

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1es became a convert t{

Mission Hills Cemetery is sacred because of the many pioneers whose ashes have consecrated the soil. Among these are the Rev. Anthony J. Ubach, a native of Spain-for 30 years beloved pas- tor of San Diego. Many priests are buried there and families prominent in the city's history. MASS TO BE CELEBRATED His Excellency announced that Holy Mass is to be celebrated in Mission Hills at stated times dur- ing the year. The Bishop's resi- dence is in the Mission Hills dis- trict and he can often be seen spending his moments of recrea- tion walking through the spacious grounds. STARTED IN 1875 When the Old Town Cemetery became too small, Mission Hi11s Cemetery was opened by the ven- erated Father Ubach. A record from official books gives the fol- lowing data: A Charter, City of San Diego 1 Ordinance No. 78, adopted on No- vember 1, 1875, places the five acres of land: "Under the free and exclusive )C control of the parish of the Im- maculate Conception of the City of San Diego in the Diocese of Los Angeles and Monterey, Rt. Rev. K. Amat, Bishop, to be held in trust and to be used and con- trolled exclusively by said parish forever for cemetery purposes only subject, however, to such I general supervision of the cor- porate authority of such City as is now or may be vested in them by law."

those who re-

,lie Church in 190 4 , H\ll imperceptible for

~- that among the manju ceive Holy Communion, especially )r this step, one of · th f c the older people of the Parish. )rtant was his historica.i dl\..L Ie was born· at Aftpn'll i.nuaa1au1N J 1882. He a~tend~d Co\ .(l .N UlOJ a Hege and Umvers1ty, re•J » s doctora~~ in ~909.. A,.JqOld 01n~u f universities, mcludm' JJ .r Q n e Marquette, and Nia• 1aau1 'e ' conferred hononarll JUO A IIU, )On him. He became as_l______ ,;ith the history facult, woo -e p13pt1at{ . aa111w 01 a in 1907 and now ~. 1 ~S ·a palHV 1° l -equap1sal .., · .:iredUI'llO . . pool{{lOlS: •r p..J:w:,t,:I.I'V departmen tl'l. d




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