NPA Q3 2022

July 202 –Sept mber 202

July 2022–September 2022

New Publication Announcement July 2022–September 2022

New Publication Announcement New Publication An ouncement uk/catalogues

July 2022–September 2022

Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology , 8th Edition Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Series By KarenWhalen

Students’ favorite review resource for studying the essentials of medical pharmacology, Lippincott ® Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology , 8th Edition, presents up-to-date drug information in an accessible format ideal for effective review. Part of the popular Lippincott ® Illustrated Reviews series, this concise resource features clear writing and hundreds of illustrations that break down complex pharmacological information, so it is understandable and accessible. Sequential images present mechanisms of action and focus on showing rather than telling students how drugs work, and review questions with answers deliver powerful, practical exam preparation.  NEW! Pharmacogenomics chapter familiarizes students with this topical area of clinical pharmacology.  NEW! Clinical Application boxes emphasize the practical application of pharmacology concepts with real-world clinical examples.  NEW! Chapter Summaries facilitate quick review for better student comprehension.  Updated drug information reflects the most current, clinically relevant pharmacology material.  Approachable outline format distills complex information for easier review.  High-quality illustrations reinforce understanding in vibrant detail.  Enhanced review questions with answers provide valuable self-assessment and prepare students for their Board reviews. North American Edition / ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑7055‑4 / ($77.99 / N/A / €N/A / AU$115.00) US, CAN, AUS, NZ, PR, USVI Only International Edition / ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑7058‑5 / ($77.99 / £39.50 / €44.00 / AU$N/A) World ex US, CAN, AUS, NZ, PR, USVI Approx . 704 pp . / 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 / September 2022


Order Placement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

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International Editions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

Product Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

Abraham, The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑8459‑9. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

American College of Surgeons Cancer Research Operative Standards for Cancer Surgery: Volume III: Hepatobiliary, Peritoneal Malignancies, Neuroendocrine, Sarcoma, Adrenal, Bladder, 1st Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑5307‑6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Anatomical Chart Company, The Male Muscular System Anatomical Chart, 2nd Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑8022‑5


Anatomical Chart Company, Understanding Colorectal Cancer Anatomical Chart, 2nd Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑9239‑6


Anatomical Chart Company, Understanding Lung Cancer Anatomical Chart, 2nd Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑9236‑5


Anatomical Chart Company, Understanding Pancreatic Cancer Anatomical Chart, 2nd Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑9238‑9


Andrade, Outcome-Based Massage: Across the Continuum of Care, 4th Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑5380‑9




Azadi, Ostergard’s Textbook of Urogynecology: Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery, 7th Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑6233‑7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Bushberg, The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging Study Guide, 1st Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑0326‑2


Bélanger, Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents: An Evidence-Based Handbook, 4th Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑5958‑0


Damodaran, Handbook of Targeted Cancer Therapy and Immunotherapy: Breast Cancer, 1st Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑8456‑8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Eidem, Pediatric Cardiology Board Review, 3rd Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑8047‑8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Gottsch, Navigating the ICU: A Guide for Patients and Families, 1st Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑9138‑2. . . . . . . . . 6

Howley, Fields Virology: RNA Viruses, 7th Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑1260‑8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Lieberman, Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, 6th Edition, International Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑7471‑2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Lieberman, Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, 6th Edition, North American Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑5014‑3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Phelps, Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual, 12th Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑9895‑4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Sabatine, Pocket Medicine, 8th Edition, Pocket Notebook Series, International Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑9983‑8


Sabatine, Pocket Medicine, 8th Edition, Pocket Notebook Series, North American Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑8299‑1


Whalen, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 8th Edition, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Series, International Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑7058‑5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Whalen, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 8th Edition, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Series, North American Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑7055‑4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

White, The Washington Manual of Pediatrics, 3rd Edition, 978‑1‑9751‑9058‑3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15



Spanish Language Titles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

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*The Washington Manual ® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St Louis to which international legal protection applies The mark is used in this publication by Wolters Kluwer under license from Washington University



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MEDICAL Allied Health Services/Physical Therapy

Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents An Evidence-Based Handbook 4th Edition By Alain Bélanger DESCRIPTION The outright practice of therapeutic electrophysical agents at your fingertips—open, learn, and apply! Pocket-sized and perfect for learning or practice in any setting, Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents: An Evidence-Based Handbook , 4th Edition, instills the expertise with electrophysi - cal agents needed for success in physical therapy. This proven, practical text is built on evidence from the most recent pub - lished peer-reviewed scientific and clinical literature, providing a credible and reliable foundation for safe, effective practice. The updated 4th edition features a new, streamlined design that emphasizes essential knowledge and skills in a compact, por -

table format preferred by today’s busy students and practitioners, accompanied by online resources that simplify conversion and dosimetric calculations to save time while ensuring accurate results. FEATURES ▶ New pocket-sized format provides fast, easy access to essential information on demand. ▶ New Takeaways feature highlight key elements related to each chapter. ▶ New and easier approach to objective dosimetry through multiple exemplified formulas and calculations. ▶ New recommended reading list loaded with the most recent published meta-analysis, systematic reviews, and randomized controlled trials. ▶ New listing of Indications to optimize therapeutic effectiveness based on best evidence. ▶ Updated Contra indications, Risks, and Precautions for use enhance safety and clinical decision- making. ▶ Updated step-by-step guidance to application. ▶ Updated full-color photos and illustrations clarify concepts and reinforce understanding.

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑5958‑0 / ($64.99 / £48.50 / €54.00 / AU$116.00) World Approx 496 pp / 4 1/4 x 7 1/8 / July 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in January 2014 (ISBN: 978-1-4511-8274-3)



The Male Muscular System Anatomical Chart 2nd Edition By Anatomical Chart Company DESCRIPTION The Anatomical Male Muscular System , Second Edition is a modern update of the bestselling, classic The Muscular System chart dating back to 1947. The illustrations are vividly colored and finely detailed, and structures are clearly labeled. The two large central illustrations show anterior and posterior views of the anatomical male muscular system, and four smaller inset illustrations show:

▶ Right Half of Diaphragm ▶ Muscles of Right Hand (Palmar View) ▶ Muscles of Posterior Abdominal Wall ▶ Muscles of the Right Foot (Plantar View) ▶ 20" x 26 " heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners FEATURES ▶ Right Half of Diaphragm ▶ Muscles of Right Hand (Palmar View) ▶ Muscles of Posterior Abdominal Wall ▶ Muscles of the Right Foot (Plantar View) ▶ 20" x 26 " heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑8022‑5 / ($22.99 / £17.50 / €20.00 / AU$21.95) World 20 x 26 / June 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in January 2002 (ISBN: 978-1-58779-036-2)



Understanding Pancreatic Cancer Anatomical Chart 2nd Edition By Anatomical Chart Company DESCRIPTION Understanding Pancreatic Cancer , Second Edition, is a highly illustrated, user-friendly chart that explains the role of the pan - creas in the digestive system and describes pancreatic cancer. Fully up to date with current guidelines, this second edition covers anatomy, classification of pancreatic cancer, signs and symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment options.

FEATURES ▶ Signs and Symptoms ▶ Risk Factors ▶ Diagnosis ▶ Classification of Pancreatic Cancer ▶ Treatment Options, including the various local and systemic therapies Illustrations included: ▶ Pancreas—close up with related vessels and organs with insets of tumor on tail of pancreas and tumor on head of pancreas ▶ Location of Pancreas and Surrounding Organs—lung, liver, stomach, spleen, small intestines, large intestines, and gallbladder ▶ 20" x 26 " heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑9238‑9 / ($24.99 / £18.99 / €22.00 / AU$31.95) World 20 x 26 / September 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in June 2010 (ISBN: 978-1-60831-217-7)


MEDICAL Biochemistry

Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry A Clinical Approach 6th Edition By Michael A. Lieberman and Alisa Peet DESCRIPTION Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2021! Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach , 6th Edition links biochemistry to physiology and pathophysi - ology, empowering students to confidently apply fundamental concepts to the practice of medicine—from diagnosing patients to recommending effective treatments. This proven, application- centered approach builds biochemical coverage around related clinical concepts to anchor students’ understanding to a clinical context from day one. Intuitively organized chapters center on hypothetical patient vignettes to emphasize clinical applications, and helpful icons, images, and review questions make complex concepts easier to grasp.

FEATURES ▶ New Genetics chapter instills a foundational understanding of this essential topic without the need for a separate resource. ▶ More than 700-chapter review questions—including over 200 new questions—with answers and explanations prepare students for success on USMLE exams and others. ▶ The Waiting Room clinical case studies at the beginning of each chapter emphasize the clinical relevance of biochemical concepts and enable students to practice applying knowledge to real-world clinical scenarios. ▶ Clinical Notes and Method Notes in the chapter margins help students hone their critical thinking and laboratory application skills. ▶ Chapter Summaries and Key Content lists that detail essential chapter takeaways at a glance allow students to study more efficiently. ▶ Clinical Comments and Biomechanical Comments, throughout the text, allow students to make a smooth

transition to practice. Additional Online Features: • New End-of-Section Exams- totaling 100 questions • Animations • Supplemental text, tables, and figures • Disease links • Disease methods • Full patient profiles

North American Edition / ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑5014‑3 / ($91.99 / £N/A / €N/A / AU$138.00) US, CAN, AUS, NZ, PR, USVI Only International Edition / ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑7471‑2 / ($91.99 / £55.00 / €62.00 / AU$N/A) World exc US, CAN, AUS, NZ, PR, USVI Approx 1,136 pp / Approx 25 Tables / 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 / July 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in July 2017 (ISBN: 978-1-4963-2481-8)


MEDICAL Cardiology

Pediatric Cardiology Board Review 3rd Edition By Benjamin W. Eidem , Bryan C. Cannon , Anthony C. Chang , Jonathan N. Johnson , Paul Kantor , Robert E. Shaddy , and Frank Cetta DESCRIPTION Designed to effectively prepare pediatric cardiology fellows and practitioners for board certification and recertification, Pediatric Cardiology Board Review , Third Edition, provides easy access to more than 1,200 board-style questions. Based on the popular Mayo Clinic Pediatric Cardiology Review course and edited by Drs. Benjamin W. Eidem, Bryan C. Cannon, Jonathan N. Johnson, Anthony C. Chang, Frank Cetta, Robert

E. Shaddy, and Paul Kantor, it covers all the latest advances in the diagnosis and management of congenital heart disease, provides full explanations for every question, and helps you make the most of your study time. FEATURES ▶ Offers complete coverage of all areas of pediatric cardiology, including anatomy and physiology, congenital malformations, cardiac catheterization and angiography, outpatient cardiology, cardiac intensive care, pharmacology, surgical palliation and repair of congenital heart disease, and much more. ▶ Contains new content on Fetal and Neonatal Cardiology, Genetics and Congenital Heart Disease, Acquired and Systemic Heart Diseases (including rheumatic fever, Kawasaki disease, auto-immune conditions, HIV, kidney disease, and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children with COVID-19), and Classic Images in Congenital Heart Disease (featuring CXR images, echo clips, MRI/CTA images and cath/angio images of hallmark cases). ▶ The eBook supplies access to interactive versions of the multiple-choice questions as well as videos ensuring a thorough review of exam material.

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑8047‑8 / ($169.99 / £127.00 / €148.00 / AU$250.00) World Approx 448 pp / Approx 10 Tables / 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 / August 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in August 2016 (ISBN: 978-1-4963-5123-4)


MEDICAL Critical Care

Navigating the ICU A Guide for Patients and Families 1st Edition By Alex Gottsch, RN DESCRIPTION

Written in a straightforward, readable, and highly informative style, Navigating the ICU: A Guide for Patients and Families is a compact, affordable guide to today’s intensive care unit. This unique, patient-focused handbook is designed to help patients and their families navigate the complexities of the ICU—from the role of each member of staff, to common proce - dures, medications, and laboratory tests, to what to expect after the hospital stay. Author and ICU nurse Alex Gottsch concisely explains the ICU experience and provides accessible answers to common questions asked by patients and families.

FEATURES ▶ Provides a single, accessible resource for patients and families in the high-stress setting of the ICU, where life-changing decisions often need to be made rapidly in an unfamiliar and intimidating environment ▶ Improves communication between patients, families, and health care providers by educating families about how the ICU works, what questions to ask, and how to advocate for themselves and family members ▶ Guides you through the ins and outs of the ICU experience with an intuitive, easy-to-use table of contents ▶ Answers questions you may not have known you had, such as “What is the most important part of the day for me to be present?” and “What Medical Care Would I Want If I Could Not Choose?” ▶ Addresses a wide range of post-ICU possibilities including Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS), what to expect from skilled nursing facilities and long-term acute care facilities, and end-of-life issues ▶ Includes a Foreword by Patricia M. Davidson, Dean of The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑9138‑2 / ($24.99 / £18.50 / €21.00 / AU$36.95) World Approx 250 pp / Approx 20 Tables / 6 x 9 / September 2022


MEDICAL Education & Training

Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology 8th Edition Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Series


Students’ favorite review resource for studying the essen - tials of medical pharmacology, Lippincott ® Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology , 8th Edition, presents up-to- date drug information in an accessible format ideal for effective review. Part of the popular Lippincott ® Illus - trated Reviews series, this concise resource features clear writing and hundreds of illustrations that break down complex pharmacological information, so it is under -

standable and accessible. Sequential images present mechanisms of action and focus on showing rather than telling students how drugs work, and review questions with answers deliver powerful, practical exam preparation. FEATURES ▶ NEW! Pharmacogenomics chapter familiarizes students with this topical area of clinical pharmacology. ▶ NEW! Clinical Application boxes emphasize the practical application of pharmacology concepts with real-world clinical examples. ▶ NEW! Chapter Summaries facilitate quick review for better student comprehension. ▶ Updated drug information reflects the most current, clinically relevant pharmacology material. ▶ Approachable outline format distills complex information for easier review. ▶ High-quality illustrations reinforce understanding in vibrant detail. ▶ Enhanced review questions with answers provide valuable self-assessment and prepare students for their Board reviews.

North American Edition / ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑7055‑4 / ($77.99 / £ N/A / €N/A / AU$115.00) US, CAN, AUS, NZ, PR, USVI Only International Edition / ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑7058‑5 / ($77.99 / £39.50 / €44.00 / AU$N/A) World ex US, CAN, AUS, NZ, PR, USVI Approx 704 pp / 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 / September 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in October 2018 (ISBN: 978-1-4963-8413-3)


MEDICAL Family & General Practice

Understanding Lung Cancer Anatomical Chart 2nd Edition By Anatomical Chart Company DESCRIPTION

Understanding Lung Cancer , Second Edition, defines lung cancer and describes the two main types: non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Fully up to date with current guidelines, the chart describes how lung cancer is diagnosed and staged and lists rick factors, signs and symptoms, and treatment options. The main lung image shows the left upper lobe and left lower lobe with metastasis to paratracheal lymph nodes, metastasis to carinal lymph nodes, and a close-up, inset image of a tumor projecting into bronchi. The chart also describes how lung cancer can be prevented, includes a graphic showing how to calculate number of “pack years” along with an image of a cigarette in ashtray and the statistic that approximately 90 percent of lung cancer deaths are related to smoking. FEATURES ▶ Risk Factors ▶ Signs and Symptoms ▶ Risk Factors ▶ Diagnosis and Staging ▶ Treatment Options ▶ How Can Lung Cancer Be Prevented? ▶ What’s a Pack Year? ▶ 20" x 26 " heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑9236‑5 / ($24.99 / £18.99 / €22.00 / AU$31.95) World 20 x 26 / September 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in June 2007 (ISBN: 978-0-7817-7323-2)


MEDICAL Family & General Practice

Understanding Colorectal Cancer Anatomical Chart 2nd Edition By Anatomical Chart Company DESCRIPTION Understanding Colorectal Cancer , Second Edition explains colorectal cancer with easy to understand text and illustra - tions of colorectal anatomy including transverse, descending, ascending colon, rectum, and the jejunum. Fully up to date with current guidelines, the chart includes risk factors, signs and symptoms, screening and tests, staging illustrations, and treatment options.

FEATURES ▶ Risk Factors ▶ Signs and Symptoms ▶ Screening, including a Type of Test table with descriptions and timing for each test for the various stool-based and direct visualization tests ▶ Colorectal Cancer Stages ▶ Treatment Options, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy (RT), targe Illustrations included: ▶ Primary anatomical illustration with labels for transverse colon, descending colon sigmoid colon, cecum, ascending colon, vermiform appendix, rectum, and anus ▶ Smaller inset pathological illustrations of adenocarcinoma of colon, colonic polyps, adenocarcinoma of transverse colon, adenocarcinoma of descending colon, adenocarcinoma of the rectosigmoid region ▶ Descriptive staging illustrations for Stages I through IV colorectal cancer ▶ 20" x 26 " heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑9239‑6 / ($24.99 / £18.99 / €22.00 / AU$31.95) World 20 x 26 / September 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in June 2007 (ISBN: 978-0-7817-7334-8)


MEDICAL Health & Fitness/Massage & Reflexology

Outcome-Based Massage Across the Continuum of Care

4th Edition By ck Andrade DESCRIPTION

Praised for its engaging approach and contemporary coverage, Outcome-Based Massage: Across the Continuum of Care , 4th Edition, continues a tradition of excellence in equipping students for success on board reviews and transitioning theory into clinical practice. Reflecting the fields of massage therapy, physical therapy, athletic training, education, psychology, med - icine, and physiology, author ck Andrade and a team of experts deliver a comprehensive understanding of Outcome-Based

Massage™ and its clinical applications at an accessible breadth and depth. This extensively updated edition integrates principles and techniques across the continuum of care and aligns content with the latest evidence, clinical practice guidelines, and healthcare regulations to help users confidently meet clients’ unique needs and achieve superior treatment outcomes. FEATURES ▶ NEW! 27 Quick Treatment Guides provide step-by-step guidance for wellness outcomes and clinical conditions, including COVID-19. ▶ NEW! 14 Application of Outcome-Based Massage Clinical Cases with Outcome-Based Massage™ Clinical Decision-Making exercises and sample treatment plans and 24 Clinical Cases with sample examination and treatment plans demonstrate client examination and treatment in multiple care settings across the continuum of care. ▶ NEW! Digital health measures and telehealth principles, techniques, cautions, and Clinical Case expand students’ comprehensive care capabilities for client examination and treatment using new digital technologies. ▶ NEW! Updated evidence for massage techniques integrated with instructions on manual technique reflects the latest clinical approaches, including guidance on managing sensitive areas, client safety, and clinical documentation. ▶ Precise, instructive photographs, and videos walk students through common techniques. ▶ Review sections in each chapter reinforce essential concepts, hone students’ critical thinking capabilities, and emphasize the practical application of chapter content.

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑5380‑9 / ($84.99 / £63.00 / €71.00 / AU$125.00) World Approx 608 pp / Approx 100 Tables / 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 / July 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in February 2013 (ISBN: 978-1-4511-3033-1)


MEDICAL Infectious Diseases

Fields Virology: RNA Viruses 7th Edition By Peter M. Howley and David M. Knipe DESCRIPTION

Now in four convenient volumes, Field’s Virology remains the most authoritative reference in this fast-changing field, providing definitive coverage of virology, including virus biology as well as replication and medical aspects of specific virus families. This volume of Field’s Virology: RNA Viruses , Seventh Edition covers the latest information on RNA viruses, how they cause disease, how they can cause epidemics and pandemics, new therapeutics and vaccine approaches, as provided in new or extensively revised chapters that reflect these advances in this dynamic field. Bundled

with the eBook, which will be updated regularly as new information about each virus is available, this text serves as the authoritative, up-to-date reference book for virologists, infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and physicians, as well as medical students pursuing a career in infectious diseases. FEATURES ▶ Covers both basic science and medical features of each virus, emphasizing viruses of medical importance and interest, while also including other viruses in specific cases where more is known about their mechanisms of replication or pathogenesis ▶ Includes two new chapters on SARS—Coronavirus 2 covering both basic science and clinical aspects of CoV2 and COVID-19 ▶ Covers human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), rotaviruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), measles virus, and more ▶ Features more than 400 full-color illustrations, including key figures for use as lecture slides ▶ Provides quick, flexible access to current information both in print and in an improved eBook format ▶ Discusses virus structure, virus entry, replication, and assembly, virus-host cell interactions, host immune responses and vaccines, antiviral therapeutics, viral persistence and latency for HIV, and mechanisms of viral oncogenesis for HTLV-1 and HCVNew and forthcoming Field’s Virology volumes, available in print and eBook format: • Emerging Viruses—2020 • DNAViruses—2021 • RNAViruses • Fundamental Virology

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑1260‑8 / ($149.99 / £101.00 / €117.00 / AU$195.00) World Approx 560 pp / 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 / September 2022


MEDICAL Internal Medicine

Pocket Medicine 8th Edition Pocket Notebook Series

By Marc S Sabatine DESCRIPTION

Pocket Medicine , 8th Edition, is a must-have resource for fast answers to the diagnostic and therapeutic ques - tions you’ll face on rounds and exams. Edited by Dr. Marc S. Sabatine and compiled by residents, fellows, and attending physicians at the world-renown Massa - chusetts General Hospital, this best-selling reference provides dependable, up-to-date information needed to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a state-of-the- art treatment plan. Featuring easily accessible bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms, Pocket Medicine provides focused coverage of internal medicine in the traditional, easy-to-use binding you know and love.

FEATURES ▶ Offers fast and easy access to essential information on the most common disorders in cardiology, pulmonary medicine, gastroenterology, nephrology, hematology-oncology, infectious diseases, endocrinology, rheumatology, and neurology. ▶ Includes references to landmark papers to help you intelligently answer questions on rounds–all from a trusted source acceptable for use on rounds. ▶ Features user-friendly tabs and a two-color design to help you find information quickly, as well as a full-color, 16-page insert featuring radiology and pathology images. ▶ Provides ideal coverage for medical students, interns, residents, advanced practice nurses, and PAs. ▶ Prepare for board exams! Mirroring the organization of Pocket Medicine, Pocket Medicine High-Yield Board Review features 500 practice questions so you can practice for your board exam.

North American Edition / ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑8299‑1 / ($64.99 / £N/A / €N/A / AU$99.00) US, CAN, AUS, NZ, PR, USVI International Edition / ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑9983‑8 / ($64.99 / £43.99 / €51.00 / AU$N/A) World exc US, CAN, AUS, NZ, PR, USVI Approx 330 pp / 4 1/4 x 7 1/8 / September 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in March 2021 (ISBN: 978-1-9751-7344-9)


MEDICAL Oncology/General

The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology 6th Edition


Offering up-to-date, authoritative information in a quick-ref - erence format, The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncol- ogy , Sixth Edition, is a comprehensive yet concise review of the management of different cancer types. Drs. Jame Abraham, James L. Gulley, and a team of expert contributors emphasize practical information that can be applied in everyday patient care situations, and thoroughly revised content keeps you cur - rent with advances in this fast-changing field.

FEATURES ▶ Provides practical guidance on evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with cancer from experts and scholars at the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Cleveland Clinic, and other renowned institutions. ▶ Covers a range of solid-tumor, blood, and other cancers, as well as immunotherapeutic drugs, infection management, nutrition, and palliative care. ▶ Contains new and revised content on immunotherapy, precision medicine, genetics, individual cancer therapies, and more. ▶ Helps you find what you need quickly with concise, clear content and numerous tables, algorithms, and figures throughout.

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑8459‑9 / ($84.99 / £59.00 / €67.00 / AU$118.00) World Approx 1012 pp / Approx 175 Tables / 6 x 9 / July 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in March 2018 (ISBN: 978-1-4963-4418-2)


MEDICAL Oncology/General

Handbook of Targeted Cancer Therapy and Immunotherapy: Breast Cancer 1st Edition By Senthil Damodaran and Debu Tripathy DESCRIPTION Designed for quick, everyday reference, Handbook of Tar- geted Cancer Therapy and Immunotherapy: Breast Cancer provides a practical overview of this rapidly advancing field. Comprehensive yet concise, this easy-access resource by Drs. Senthil Damodaran and Debu Tripathy of MD Anderson Can - cer Center helps you filter and apply the most recent discover - ies as they pertain to specific tumor types, actionable molecular targets, and clinical performance of approved or investigational

targeted agents and combinations of agents. FEATURES ▶ Covers breast cancer targets—Phase 1, 2, and 3 trials and preliminary results, as well as approved therapies. ▶ Includes sections on Molecular Targets and Pathways, and Targeted and Immunotherapy Agents. ▶ Contains a section on Molecular Diagnostics, Testing, and Interpretation, with essential content customized for breast cancer. ▶ Organizes information by tumor type, pathway, and drug name, so you can approach clinical challenges from any direction. ▶ Highlights FDA approvals throughout. ▶ Pocket-sized and color coded to help you find information quickly and easily.

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑8456‑8 / ($69.99 / £47.99 / €54.00 / AU$95.50) World Approx 352 pp / Approx 20 Tables / 4 1/4 x 7 1/8 / September 2022


MEDICAL Pediatrics

The Washington Manual of Pediatrics 3rd Edition By Andrew J. White DESCRIPTION Focusing on the essential information you need to know when caring for children in the hospital, ICU, emergency department, or subspecialty outpatient clinic, Dr. Andrew J. White’s The Washington Manual ® of Pediatrics , 3rd Edition, provides con - cise, high-yield content that reflects recent advances in the field. This practical volume in the Lippincott Manual series presents brief, logical approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of com - mon inpatient pediatric problems, as well as evidence-based references where they are available. It addresses common chal - lenges faced by residents, interns, pediatric hospitalists, and medical students, plus offers practical solutions and expert guidance—all in one portable and user-friendly resource.

FEATURES ▶ Includes new chapters on Newborn Nursery, Immunodeficiency, Night Curriculum (how to answer cross-covering calls), Infection Prevention, Child Psychiatry, and Palliative Care ▶ Covers growth and nutrition, emergencies, poisonings, newborn medicine, critical care, surgery, adolescent medicine, child maltreatment, allergy and immunology, radiology, sedation, genetic diseases, and much more ▶ Contains numerous tables, algorithms, and evidence-based references that keep you up to date ▶ Written by interns, residents, chief residents, subspecialty fellows, and faculty at St. Louis Children’s Hospital and Washington University in St. Louis The Washington Manual ® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by Wolters Kluwer Health under license from Washington University.

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑9058‑3 / ($69.99 / £52.00 / €60.00 / AU$103.00) World Approx 800 pp / Approx 105 Tables / 6 x 8 / August 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in February 2016 (ISBN: 978-1-4963-2895-3)


MEDICAL Radiology, Radiotherapy & Nuclear Medicine

The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging Study Guide 1st Edition By Jerrold T. Bushberg DESCRIPTION Widely regarded as the cornerstone text in the field, the suc - cessful series of editions continues to follow the tradition of a clear and comprehensive presentation of the physical prin - ciples and operational aspects of medical imaging. The Essen- tial Physics of Medical Imaging , 4th Edition, is a coherent and thorough compendium of the fundamental principles of the physics, radiation protection, and radiation biology that underlie the practice and profession of medical imaging. Dis -

tinguished scientists and educators from the University of California, Davis, provide up-to-date, readable information on the production, characteristics, and interactions of non-ionizing and ion - izing radiation, magnetic fields and ultrasound used in medical imaging and the imaging modalities in which they are used, including radiography, mammography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine. This vibrant, full-color text is enhanced by more than 1,000 images, charts, and graphs, including hundreds of new illustrations. This text is a must-have resource for medical imaging professionals, radiology residents who are preparing for Core Exams, and teachers and students in medical physics and biomedical engineering. FEATURES ▶ Hyperlinks between the main eBook text and the eBook study guide provide quick answers to questions that arise as you study. ▶ Provides four helpful sections for study and review: ▶ Section 1 distills key concepts for each chapter in textbook in outline format. ▶ Section 2 includes image-rich questions and answers with page numbers from the main text for further detail; eBook questions and answers are interactive. ▶ Section 3 consolidates key equations for each chapter with page numbers from the main text where the equation is introduced and discussed. ▶ Section 4 contains a glossary of important terms (online only).

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑0326‑2 / ($79.99 / £51.00 / €57.00 / AU$101.00) World Approx 400 pp / September 2022


MEDICAL Surgery/Oncology

Operative Standards for Cancer Surgery: Volume III Hepatobiliary, Peritoneal Malignancies, Neuroendocrine, Sarcoma, Adrenal, Bladder 1st Edition By American College of Surgeons Cancer Research DESCRIPTION

The Operative Standards for Cancer Surgery manuals provide evidence-based recommendations for the proper technical con - duct of cancer surgery. Presented by the American College of Surgeons, Operative Standards for Cancer Surgery: Sarcoma, Adrenal, Neuroendocrine, Peritoneal Malignancies, Urothelial, Hepatobiliary helps surgeons distill the latest evidence into best practices and techniques that lead to improved outcomes. Focused on the steps between skin incision and skin closure, this manual is an invaluable resource for surgical oncologists and general surgeons alike. FEATURES ▶ Quickly grasp the proper technical conduct of cancer operations through clear, practical text and more than 150 illustrations.

▶ Benefit from expert analysis of the best-available evidence ▶ Gain insight into areas of controversy in surgical oncology

▶ Learn from experts drawn from diverse groups including the American College of Surgeons, the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, and multiple national surgical and oncology societies

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑5307‑6 / ($95.99 / £72.00 / €84.00 / AU$141.00) World Approx 544 pp / Approx 49 Tables / 6 x 9 / August 2022


MEDICAL Surgery/Reproductive & Urological

Ostergard’s Textbook of Urogynecology Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery 7th Edition By Ali Azadi , Jeffrey L. Cornella , Peter L. Dwyer , and Felicia L. Lane DESCRIPTION Now totally revised and rewritten for today’s female pelvic medi - cine and reconstructive surgery practice, Ostergard’s Textbook of Urogynecology: Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstruc- tive Surgery , 7th Edition, offers comprehensive guidance on all aspects of this complex field. Drs. Ali Azadi, Jeffrey L. Cornella,

Peter L. Dwyer, and Felicia L. Lane bring you up to date with current diagnosis and treatment of all female pelvic floor dysfunctions, including urinary incontinence and other lower urinary tract condi - tions, disorders of the anus and rectum, and disorders of pelvic support. Thorough updates include revised and rewritten content throughout, new full-color illustrations, new surgical videos, new chap - ters on current clinical topics, and much more. FEATURES ▶ Covers relevant anatomy, describes the clinical examination and diagnostic tests, and provides current information on the diagnosis, physiology, and medical and surgical treatment of specific disorders ▶ Includes an all-new section on the essentials of pelvic floor surgery, and new chapters on robotic surgery, neuropelveology,biomechanics of pelvic floor, and cosmetic gynecology ▶ Offers succinct descriptions of current medical and surgical techniques and provides access to all- new surgical videos ▶ Describes surgical techniques for correcting incontinence, new drugs and injectables for incontinence, and the use of biosynthetic material to aid in surgical repair ▶ Features all-new editorial leadership that includes past presidents of the American Urogynecology Society and the International Urogynecology Association—each personally approved by Dr. Donald Ostergard ▶ Includes contributions from more than 100 distinguished authors who are experts and leaders in the field ▶ An ideal study tool for board examination, as well as a reference for Ob/Gyn residents and practitioners, specialists in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS), including urogynecologists and female urologists, and those specializing in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery and chronic pelvic pain

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑6233‑7 / ($199.99 / £149.00 / €167.00 / AU$265.00) World Approx 696 pp / Approx 100 Tables / 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 / August 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in July 2007 (ISBN: 978-0-7817-7095-8)


NURSING Fundamentals & Skills

Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual 12th Edition By Linda Lee Phelps DESCRIPTION Clearly written, logically organized, and updated to reflect the 2021-2023 NANDA-I definitions and classifications, Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual , 12th Edition, delivers fast, easy access to essential information and instills the confidence stu - dents need to successfully apply diagnoses in a wide variety of clinical settings. This enhanced, thoroughly revised edition leverages the nursing process to guide students through 267 comprehensive monographs for NANDA-I-approved nursing diagnoses. Each standalone monograph is alphabetized for

quick reference and written and reviewed by leaders throughout the field of nursing, making it easier than ever to access reliable, up-to-date nursing diagnosis information, related factors, and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses criteria for patient-centered care or safe practice. FEATURES ▶ UPDATED! 2021-2023 NANDA-I diagnosis and standards, Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC), and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) labels incorporated throughout reinforce clinical confidence and quality of care. ▶ NEW! 29 new diagnoses keep students on the cutting edge of nursing practice. ▶ Nursing Process chapter establishes a foundation for successful practice. ▶ Alphabetical organization helps students find diagnosis information quickly and easily. ▶ QSEN competency icons throughout reinforce important considerations for safe care. ▶ Related Factors sections in each diagnosis strengthen students’ diagnostic capabilities. ▶ Quick Reference tables detail diagnoses by life stages for reference at a glance.

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑9895‑4 / ($79.99 / £60.00 / €70.00 / AU$105.00) World Approx 976 pp / 7 x 9 / July 2022

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in January 2020 (ISBN: 978-1-9751-4174-5)


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