Nursing Catalogue 2016


Sparks and Taylor’s Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual, Ninth Edition Sheila S. Ralph 978-1-4511-8701-4 • February 2013 • Softbound • 7” x 9” • 880 pp.

Sparks and Taylor’s Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual, Ninth Edition , provides clearly written, authoritative care plan guidelines for all 2012-2014 NANDA International (NANDA-I) approved nursing diagnoses. The book is full of bright colors, and organized by life-stages and type of care. Each part opens with a new feature, Applying Evidence- Based Practice, which responds directly to the content. Each NANDA diagnosis includes associated Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC), and the nursing process is integrated throughout. This book is the ideal resource for any clinical setting. Features • NEW! Updated to reflect 2012-2014 NANDA nursing diagnoses. • NEW! Easier navigation for readers. • NEW! Nursing diagnosis template, extra case studies, and an interactive tool to allow students to create care plans have been added to the ancillary package. • Includes complete nursing care plans for the twenty-one newest nursing diagnoses, updated information for the nine revised nursing diagnoses. • More colorful interior design makes content more searchable by lifespan. • Each part of the book begins with Applying Evidence-based Practice. • A special icon for thePoint will show students which of the resources they can access electronically. The feature includes the following parts: – The question (Reflects a current issue in nursing). – Evidence-based resources. – Evaluating the evidence. – Applying the results and making a Decision. – Re-evaluating process and identifying areas for improvement. – Free eBook.


Table of Contents Preface 1: Overview of The Nursing Process 2: New to this Edition Unit 1: Adult Health Unit 2: Adolescent Health Unit 3: Child Health Unit 4: Maternal-Neonatal Health Unit 5: Geriatric Health Unit 6: Psychiatric and Mental Health Unit 7: Community-based Health Unit 8: Wellness Appendices 1: Selected Nursing Diagnoses by Medical Diagnosis 2: Nursing Diagnoses and Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns 3: Taxonomy II Domains, Classes, and Diagnoses Taxonomy of Nursing Practice: Placement of Nursing Diagnoses Index

– Journals articles for each chapter. – Evidence-based practice boxes. – Case studies and suggested answers. – Assignments and suggested answers.

Sparks and Taylor’s Nursing Diagnosis Pocket Guide, Second Edition Sheila S. Ralph 978-1-4511-8746-5 •April2013 •Softbound •8.375”x10.875” •512pp.

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