News Scrapbook 1984

L............ id a o ·t· cal ro e reversal 9rr b ---'>7 BylO BBEFELD Sc nk's

Solana Beach, CA (San Diego Co.) San Dieguto Citizen (Cir. W. 16,667)

for an office. She was one of 34 people including Pent v.-ho sought appointment to the 3rd D1,trict . upervi or's eat last June when _Roger Hedgecock ~acated it to become San Diego mayor . Pent and La Jollan Dick Carlson were the top t'>' o choice~ of the supervisors, v.-ho deadlock- ed and appointed Patrick Boar- man in .tead on the condn ion that he promise not to run for the seat thi. year. While Schenk · "'u state ecretary, the enabling leg1 lation leading to the contro\crsial San Die o-to-Los Angele• bullet train propo al was enacted . Thi~ has r ised q e tion. about Schenk's tand on the controver~ial pro- Ject, one of the hottest issue in the campaign. The U billion hifh• pc-ed bullet train project would run through La Jol !a - ar1 Jy in . un- nels - alon~ the Amtrak trad and include at least one station at La Jolla Village Drive or Avenue. It requires state ap- pro al , The San Diego City Council es well as · everal other coa tal councils formal}) oppo~c the project. The su~rvi. ors recently tabled discu sion on t_he matter, citing a need for more in- formation. Golding and Pent al. o are aga,nst the project aid, "I oppose the coastal route as it has unfolded during the last year. It will create more problems than it will olve ." chenk She said that she would take a long look at any oiher route pro- po al that can first survive e~- vironrnental, local and economic reviews. The local reviews of the bullet Plcai.e tt CHE 'K, A9 ' "We have to make sure that the General Plan is a reasonable document - that it takes into ac- count the incorporated areas as well as the unincorporated area.," ·aid Schenk. "We have a responsibility to the people that are already here to maintain some emblance of the quality of life that first attracted them. "We've just got to get tough . . . take the blinders off and look at the overall pic- ture - how is this development going to impact the surrounding areas? If these developments are not going to pay for them.elve , then they shouldn't take place." Schenk s id the fact that she ha lived in La Jolla for 12 year is a plus that voters here will appreciate. "1 am an unabashed, crazy La Jollan," she said. "It's a very special place - to everybody in San Diego. I am very concerned about the indiscreet changes that arc occurring on the face of this very beautiful place - the office buildings, the traffic, the congestion." Please see with her on calling a conference of the city and county. I don't agree with her if she has decided without all the facts we had. We recommended the 1,400-foot ex- parision to improve safety and noise." Golding also opposes the ex- pansion. Schenk's suggest(on "doesn't surprise me," Goldmg said. "I've opposed it for a long

MAY 19 1984

Lynn Schenk ays that her bid to become the uper"hor for San Diego ounty' 3rd Di 1_rict. La Jolla, 1' a rever e of the "San Diego-to-Sac- Tamento hufne," a San Die o !"lohtic h ~e ,ometime, bten . calkd. ·h1ch include

henk id.

ights on lht> ~upr.rvi~or·s ~t',\I.

p11t htr m the $1110,0llll plus_ 11nuual 1n, ,·ornti liraekt.!1 11 lwr I ani1nt1s ,llo11t• 1· al 111 111bllc rt,1u WhLn 1;1,v, H1 ,wn hlmsel( WIIS ::iei•ktng l111llicr ufl1cc 11nd vorii~11 · other rue111hers of the 1Hlm11ustrat1u11 were abandoning shi!} tu tool, ior 1.11'1 tcr jobs, Schenk olaycd on, ri1hng out the lust tluys of that uniquP ail mir11hl11111011. She hatl the chancr to run 0111~ or t:ie biggest a111\ lon11csl armi; ,,! stale gov..:rnment, 111111 st10- tnok advuntu •e ol II , . 1 hcsc d,1ys, !he pcrsunablc Schenk i~ making the 111ost of that blntc cx1 1 c i-icm·e, tnllunli! 1111 her knowh:d,:c ?f busmcss and t rimsportut ion issue, 111 hope~ of gcttu,f' 1 1,tllrs 11111:n.,~h·d in her campaign . Indeed, gt'lling enough people lo sit up and notiet: muy ho Scheuk's hug. g~st problem. Wl11lc she's n•spc1.:tc,I in puliticul aud husiuc~s circl/•6, Schenk' bn't v<•ry woll known oubtde that l!lemcul. All oi that muy rlrnnge in the next few week~, howev1i1·, a, Sdwnk's carJ)[)aign use& the 111nih, blllb_o:,rd~ a,ul othe r media to let 3rd 01,,1.-ir.t voter~ k1,ow who she is 11ml what she 's running_ for . That 11a1 ,1c tdcntificatiun, . hn hop1is , will IJe e1wui,:h to vault her

Lynn Schenk: 'I am a unaba.sbcd, craZ) La Jollan. It' • ve11 special place - to cver,·bod. In San Die&o'

tram are the natural progre · ion of the g ncral enabling legislation whi h Sch nk upportcd m 1982 that c cntially made it easier for 1 il op r tion to propo c pro- jc h anywhere in alifornia, . he said. '' I he proce that has ensued is natural," . aid Schenk. "It i the . tr ngth or our ystem that not one hovelful of earth has been turned to advance thi or any other high-speed transportation. "The bill modified the en- \ ironmentai review pro- ce - ome ay too much, some too little . . . and it has come to light that there ha not been enough provi ion in the bill for local input, for local involve- ment, and that has to be strengthened. "Hey, there ha n't been a bill that doesn't need improvement. The proJcct is still a long, long way away." Managmg growth is another 1·sue facmg the ·upervisor which ch nk believes directly affects La Jollam. SCHENK Continued from j.9 D } i Supervisors do not make a gr at many decisions that directly impad a Jolla' office building and traffic problem , but Schenk aid that a a upervi or she would ~e heard by city politicians. chcnk recently tried to in- lluence city councilmen when she publicly called for the City Coun- cil's r ran portation and Land C e Committee to kill the pro- posed 1,400-foot runway exten- sion at Montgomery Field airport in Kearny M a when the panel meet May 21 . She said she made this ugge tion becau e com- munity concern about noise have not been answered. •'Th city has not met its burden of proving that noise and safety problems have been mnigated," Schenk aid. In July 1983, "based on thou,and of citizen complaints, the up rvisor designated Mon- tgom ry field a a 'noisy air- port.' " and then ask d the city to act appropriately, Schenk said. hould the city fad to drop the extcn ion plans, "then I call upon the upervisor~ to convene a workin conference to address the unre~olved problems of noi e," Schenk aid. Pent, who wa chairman of the Airport M ter Plan ommittee that propo ed 1he extension in 1980, aid, "I a rec with her st,1teme11t that then: arc noise problems in I iremont and other communit1e , and I gree

St~ r -

vice . "I don't need t111s job," she asserts. Financially , at least , she's right. ll_er cxpcric11ce and cunlal'IS could ea~11r.

Pleasfl see 5r.h

.. , 1 (cor,r,Lerl ~,n p ,1ge A I)

Sclw11k's principal vulnrrahili1y so far as local votl'r~ art> conccnit•rl is the> bl!llrt trnin. She was part of an adminstration thul hark<'tnhe cnnccpl ol high speed rail :ind was involved in negotiations that Jpd c1·e11tually to iPgislat1on rrcnting bonding authority for the bullet and smoothing the public revirw procc~s for lhl' train. S<'hr-n k ack11owlcrlgp~ her roiP hut points out that h11llct train promot,-,rs were speaking "in general ll'rrns" of a I rain rouil' along lnterstatp 5. ~he :ilsn ~a .1•s the int<'ntion or the bullel legislation "as to beg111 the pro(·rss of puhiic discussion, not. ,·irc11111vl'11( ihc public and railroad the train into exislencP Tl11•~1' days, Schl'nk is car,,ful to note that she aclamanlly nppo~rs llw prnposrd coast 111 route and ,rxf!'nsivc tunnrling for construe! ion of the train. Sh!' crit_iri,cs c-urrrnt s11111•1visors £or not going on rPcord tn oppos1t1on to the co.istai route, while at lhe ,arne time sayinE! she continues to support high •-1wed mil as a conrrpf. Sch,-,nk'., pos1lion on grnwth issues ha~ won her th1• s11pporl or the lor;il Sierra Club cha))ter In a rlislricl whrrc most of lhe ch11ptrr's m(•mbrrs live. Golding. on the othPr hand. hns ,·.,rrivc•d the back- ing of huildcrs' and rc-al estate organizaliuns. Yf'f Sehl'nk apprnrs to he 11 modnalr on growth issurs. saving !hat the rounty needs to follow its !!rowth lll/111/!cment plan hut also noting that it's been six ycnrs since fhc pirrn was implementer! anrl snying it's time for a review to de1ermin~ if the plan nerds lo be n'vised. Srhrnk's positions will obviously prove to be i11quwlfrnt in this race. But even more thrin by Ihos!' positions, one i~ struck in talking to Schtlnk hy hN fri<'nuly nature iltl(I her fierce determina- tion. Wtth a smlic on her [:tee, lime after timr she r:lfJ.q for "vny aggrt•sslvc lcudrrship" on the l!ounl of Sut11!rvisors. Jt's obviously 11ot in Sc-hcnk's nature to sll buck and let things hanpen lo lwr

manner," she said. Schenk supports taking more of the day-to-day management of county government out of the hands of the supervisors and giv- ing it to the county administrative officer, much like the way the Ci- ty Council and city manager operate, she said. But she is not ready for a full County Charter change to that effect.

time. I have said it in several community meetings. We started this matter when I was on the Ci- ty Council." Schenk also proposes improv- ing the efficiency of county government. "It boils down to the county in its chaotic state not being able to deliver its services in an efficient and cost-effective

past the other DP1110rr11I in lhl' race , IJrputy District Attorney Mirlwd 1'c11l, and forrP favnritt• Susan Golding, a Hc•pl1lilican, into a Novemhrr runoff. If one canrlirlate compiles morr than !in !ll'rcr11t of lhe vote in the .June 5 pnmary, he or she will win the seat ouf right. The 3rd ' District incl11rh much of northl'rn S:in DiPgn ar,cl enrompas~r~ Dnrwe- tions Ill ra1~c lhr l'sfinwkil *150,000 12110.noo total it will take by Novcmb"r to win lhc dist l'icl. She·~ raised rnough 1uoney su [:Jr In hire heavy hilting rolilical 11 111 rnltiint Ken l1 iet7. who ran thP unsuccessful r11hr.rnatoriai ra111pnil!11 of Mike Curb. Prominent Ilcpublican Tom Sfkkl<'s has signed on us co-rhair of 1hr camp;,i"n. 1111<.1 Sherif( John Duffy is also a Schrnk suppr,rter. All thrce oJ lhosc back<-rs, SrhP11k hopl's, will help her fend of[ the crit1l'ism from Golrling that Srhrnk is a ".Jerry lfrown Democrat" - a pe- jorative term in a district with its political cenl!'r in conservative La ,Jolla . Indeed. while Schenk is gencrallv recol!ni1rcl for her intelligence and ability to· arfir11};1l1' llw issues, she's nl~o generall.1• ft•II to carry ;i Int of baggage info this l'a('e. · Schenk deals with thufil' criticis111s dirrrt Iv, defending her WO ·k to improve the b11,im•ss climate in Califnrnia and the Brown ,11l111i11istrn- tion's tecord in providing 111•w jo!Js. Schenk s;i1·s that during her trt111re in SncranH'nlo, sill' 11·a5 able to find :id1lilio11al slt1\r' m1mey for San JJiPgo transporlntlon rrojPcts. .t\nd she attempts to lur-11 oround <,oiclltlg's n•lfici.m, hy lflYing (;oJdin'( "has problemR with h ·r m n r('tonl'' that 1·011ld lead G/1ldl11g to want to focus the Ckbute on Srlwr1k s positions 1111d not Iii r.own

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