SepOct 2016

S E P T 2 0 1 6 O C T


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Nebraska Chapter members at the Fall Luncheon/Training.

(L-R) Insp. Joe Galluci, NYPD; D/Chief Steve O’Brien, NYPD; Chief Marty Flatley, Southold PD; Chief John Brogan, Mount Kisco PD; D/Chief Randy Mineo, Port Washington Pd. (ret).

NEW JERSEY n NA graduate Steven Tal- lard , Session 234, was named Director of the the New Jersey Division of Parole. SESSION 251 n Classmates from the 251st Session got together in Pensac- ola Beach, Florida in September 2016. This was the fourth annual reunion for this bunch, next year

on, but a good time, followed by a barbeque, was had by all.

In case you are not familiar, the shoot has been open to any law enforcement officer interested in participating, but we’ve established two shooter categories; NA graduate and non-NA grad. While there are some doggone good shooters in the NA ranks, most of the rest of us would probably rather not compete against a 25 year-old SWAT cop who spends all his or her free time competing in obstacle races while shooting guns!

Chapter VP Bob Lausten (252) presents Coach Erstad with a Chapter license plate.

and myself (252) are all FBINA graduates. As Chief of Police I am very proud of this accomplish- ment and I thank the FBI and the FBINA for the opportunity. (L-R) Joe Gannon, NA126 NYPD Retired; NYSEC President 2011, Frank Smith, NYPD Retired NA 157.

Session 251 Reunion: (L-R) Jeff Golden (CT), Larry Aiken (FL), Al Stoeckel (IL), Alan Melvin (NC), Paul Magee (MA), Vern Foli (IL), Brad Smith (FL).

they are heading to the Cape Cod area. NEW YORK/EASTERN CONNECTICUT n Joe Gannon , NA126 NYPD Retired; NYSEC President 2011and Frank Smith , NYPD Retired NA 157 attended the New Jersey Conference. n Deputy Chief Jason Helfer just graduated from class 265. With that Deputy Chief Helfer , Deputy Chief Rick Downs (257)

Erstad presented on the chal- lenges and importance of developing young men for success. The similarities between athletics and law enforcement in his presentation hit home to those in attendance. Once again, this FBINAA Nebraska Chapter Training Event provided a great opportunity for our membership to network with other law en- forcement executives. Thanks to our Chapter Board for a success- ful and well-attended event.

(L-R): Deputy Chief Rick Downs (257), Chief Patrick Phelan (252) and Deputy Chief Jason Helfer (265), Greece PD (NY)

NORTHWEST n The Northwest Chapter host- ed its 6th annual pistol shoot September 16th at the FBI/ University of MN Police Dept. Range. It was a little rainy early

This year Bloomington Police Dept. Commander Kevin Her- man , 241st Session, took home top shooter among the NA graduates. Among the non- NA grad competitors, Hopkins continued on page 15


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