U Magazine, Winter 1986
directing.. . Jonathan Miles Yim was named director of underwriting at television station KPBS in September... Jil T. Goebel '82 (MBA) is now working for Honeywell. Inc.. Colorado Springs. Colo. as marketing ma nager for Signal Processing Technologies Division . 1981 Lawanda Allen was commissioned in May 1982 by Cardinal Manning as a lay mission helper. She spent 1982-85 in the missions on the island of Saipan. a commonwealth of the Northern Marinana Islands. She taught at the mission school at Saipan and at other villages. 1982 Kevin Briscoe, kicking coach for the Torero football team and third year student in USD's Law School. was electrocuted in September near his mother's home in Seattle. Wash ... Second Lt. John Simmons has graduated from U.S. Air Force pilot training and has received silver wings at Mather Air Force Base. Calif. Simmons and his wife. Kelly, will be assigned to serve in England.. . Dr. Colette A. Frayne has been a ppointed assistant professor of management at Texas Christian University's M.J. Neeley School of Business...Carol A. Howard will end eight years of military service next year a nd plans to enter the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, in Baltic. Conn... Donald S. Zech has joined the Escondido real estate office of John Burnham 1983 Lori Murray has been named San Diego's Outstanding Young Businesswoman by Horton Plaza in conjunction with Mademoiselle magazine. The competition was sponsored in honor of Women's Opportunity Week in October. Murray serves as an account executive with the Stoorza Company. a downtown San Diego-based public relations firm . As San Diego's winner. Murray will compete with other outstanding young businesswomen from cities all over the country for the national honor, which includes a $1.500 cash award from Mademoiselle magazine. Prior to her current position, Murray served as public information officer for the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and as account coordinator for Knoth & Meads. a San Diego-based advertising and public relations company. She is a resident of Del Mar. 1984 Navy Ensign Theodore Burge has been commissioned in his present rank after graduating from Officer Candidate School.. .Leslie Colin married Al Sacko of Boothwyn. Pa. on August 17. After a honeymoon in Europe they are residing in the eastern U.S ...Ying-Kui Yu returned to Hong Kong after graduation and is now employed as an executive trainee. 1985 Steve Lindsley recently won a Lyndon Ba ines Johnson congressional internship. a two-month paid internship established by Congress. and Company as a north county commercial/retail sales specialist.
H.J. Heinz Company. He is experienced in corporate law and fina nce, securities regulation and matters involving acquisitions a nd international transactions. A corporate attorney for the Pittsburgh-based food company since 1980. Hooton lives with his wife. Marga ret, and their three children. Robert. Katherine and John. in Mt. Lebanon. Pa . . . Navy Lt. Cmdr. Peter Harmatak recently reported for duty with Cmdr. Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet in Norfolk, Va. 1976 Peter Buttitta is a chaplain at St. Francis Hospital. Evanston, Ill. He spent the summer of 1985 in Nicaragua, studying Spanish and learning about the Nicaraguan revolution ... Anooshah Golesorkhi is vice president of !MEG International in London. England. He has also written a short story that was published in the Atlantic Review, and has sung opera professionally ... Angela Hammer '84 (MRE) recently returned to San Diego after teaching religion on a Caribbean Island for the past three years. 1977 Kathy (Stapf) Saltus and her husband. Doug. are the parents of a baby boy. Mark Joseph. born on April 23 . 1985. They are living in Pennsylvania. 1978 Dr. Norene Norris is living in Hermosa Beach, Calif.. where she is a resident physician at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center ... Stephanie (Craig) Starks a nd h er husband. Donald '77 (L). are the parents of a boy. Derek Jack. born July 17. 1985. Stephanie runs h er own executive search firm and Donald is in private practice specializing in personal injury cases. Stephanie is also the current president of the San Diego 1rial Lawyers Association Auxiliary .. . Joyce (Balidio) Miyashita is the commercial law manager of Bank of Guam . .. Virginia Ortega is married to Robert Baker '79. They live in Reseda with their son, Jason David, one and a half. 1979 Marine Major Robert A . Aikman has been selected to attend the Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth. Kan . Major Aikman is among 13 marine majors and approximately 900 allied officers a nd officers representing all branches of the U.S. military service selected to attend the college . .. Debbie (DiMeglio •79) and Earl Thompson, Jr. are the parents of a baby boy, Earl Bryan Thompson III. born on July 10, 1985 . .. Navy Ensign Daniel J. DeLaurentis has been commissioned in his present rank after graduating from Officer Candidate School (OCSJ ... Regina (Francuz) Brown graduated from UCLA Medical School in June with a specialization in pediatrics. She is the mother of four children under the age of six. 1980 Stephen Barinton has sold his first screen play and now is working on its production in Los Angeles. He received his master's degree at Columbia University in screenwriting a nd
William P. Thomas '61
Michael Hooton (L) '71
Lt. John Simmons '82
Lori Murray '83
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