U Magazine, Winter 1986


Readers write The s tate of liturgical music ''U'' President Dr. Author E. Hughes Vice President for

Dearly loved patient

To the editor:

Un iversity Relations Dr. William L. Pickett Editor John Suthe rland Art Director Doug Armstrong Ph otography Pablo Mason Con tributing writers Randy Brickley Ted Gosen John Nunes Sera Schmitt Clare White '80 "U" Editorial Board Elizabeth Arnold Dr. Edward DeRoche Sara Finn Dr. Lee Gerlach Dr. Mary Ann Hautman

Please send me a copy of the fall issue of "U" magazine. I am interested in the feature article on Sister Aimee Rossi, who was one of my dearly loved patients at Oakwood when I was employed as an R.N. there. Sr. Frances Danz suggested I write and request the magazine.

Sincerely, Carol A. Freeland

The state of liturgical music

To the editor:

If the liturgical music program is to get off the ground (or into the "high seas," to use the flagship imagery). it will require the support of the priests, particularly the pastors, of the Diocese of San Diego. Although I claim expertise neither in business administration nor in public relations, I have a sense that one does not introduce and attempt to sell a new program or product by insulting or criticizing the potential buyer, but by demonstrating the need for the new program or product in an engaging yet convincing way. Your article conveys a strongly critical evaluation of the state of liturgical music in the Diocese of San Diego and elsewhere. This clearly establishes the need for a program in liturgical music, but I fear that it will not motivate pastors to support the program as they will have to, if it is to be a success. As chairman of the Catholic Awareness Committee of the USD Board of 'Trustees, I am charged to address the issue of "how the University may be of greater service to the Church." I see the liturgical music program as a potentially valuable service to the local church, but I think it will have to be presented and sold to local Church leaders more tactfully than in your article based on Father Reveles' and Mr. Witts' jaundiced critique of the musical status quo. I would also suggest that we not neglect to advertise the ecumenical dimension of the program. Why limit the program's impact to Catholic churches throughout the United States?

Joan Murry John Nunes Libby Straube Skip Walsh Clare White ·so

··u·· is published four limes annually (Fall . Winter. Spring. Summer). by the University of San Diego for its alumni. parents and friends. Editorial offices are located in Room 274. DeSales Hall . USO. Alcala Park. San Diego. CA. 92110. Telephone (6 19) 260-4684. Copyright 1985 by the University of San Diego. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Third class postage paid at San Diego. CA. 92110. Unsolicited manuscripts should include a stamped. self-addressed envelope. Member. Council for the Advancem ent and Sup– port of Education (CASE) and lnternational Associ– ation of Business Communicators (IABCJ. Opinions expressed in "U" are those of the indi– vidual au thors and do not necessarily renect the views of the university administration. All materi– als submitted are subject to editing. Postmaster: Send address changes to "U", Uni– versity of San Diego. Publications Office. Alcala Park. San Diego. CA. 92 110.

Sincerely in Christ,

Monsignor Richard F. Duncanson Rector

St. Francis Seminary Diocese of San Diego


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