AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP-Final Review (Jan. 2019)

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Stakeholder Panel for Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals (SPIFAN) “VIRTUAL” NUTRIENTS EXPERT REVIEW PANEL (ERP) DRAFT MEETING AGENDA Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at 2:00pm EST ERP Chair: Darryl Sullivan ( Eurofins Food Integrity & Innovation ) WELCOME & INTRODUCTION (Sullivan) Darryl Sullivan (Eurofins) will call the meeting to order. Participants will review the AOAC policy documents and draft meeting agenda. II. REVIEW OF METHODS BY EXPERT REVIEW PANEL (ERP) FOR FINAL ACTION OFFICIAL METHOD SM STATUS* The ERP will review for consideration/recommendation to the Official Methods Board (OMB) regarding Final Action Official Method SM status. Carnitine – Co-Chairs: John Austad (Covance/Eurofins) & Gunter Raffler (Eurofins) Choline – Co-Chairs: Sneh Bhandari (Mérieux) & Nick Cellar (Abbott) I.

Method(s) for Review:  2015.10


Covance/Eurofins Food Integrity & Innovation

* Requires a vote **Draft meeting agenda is subject to change w/out notice

Version 1

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