Electricity + Control October 2015



New precision pressure calibrators Fluke ’s new 721 precision pressure cali- brator with dual isolated sensors for gas custody transfer applications for pressure calibration and temperaturemeasurement, allows for simultaneous static and differen- tial pressuremeasurements within a single tool. The Fluke 700G31 precision pressure gauge calibrator - a rugged, high-quality pressure gauge calibrator - delivers fast and accurate test results. Its easy-to-use and reliable construction allows for preci- sion pressure measurement from 15 psi/ 1 bar to 10 000 psi/690 bar with an impres- sive 0,05% accuracy. It is compatible with most hydraulic and pneumatic test pumps and can be combined with one of the Fluke test pump kits (700PTPK or 700HTPK) for a complete pressure testing and calibra- tion solution. The 700G/TRACK Software allows for the upload over 8 000 pressure measurements which are logged in the field to a table or PC.The Comtest Group is Fluke’s authorisedTest and Measurement Distributor for South and southern Africa.

Mixed-signal oscilloscopes in-vehicle serial bus options

Trigger and analysis options have been added to Yokogawa ’s DLM2000 (4-channel) and DLM4000 (8-channel) mixed-signal oscilloscopes (MSOs) for testing the latest generation of in-vehicle serial buses. The new options are specifically designed to address the measure- ment challenges posed by the CAN FD (CAN with Flexible Data Rate) and SENT (Single Edge NibbleTransmission) bus systems. CAN FD is a higher-speed version (up to 8 Mbit/s) of the original CAN Bus designed to provide a faster, more reliable and cost-effective solution to the challenge of the increased amount of data traffic in automotive applications such as firmware updating for ECUs (elec- tronic control units). Enquiries: Email terry.marrinan@nl.yokogawa.com or visit www.tmi.yokogawa.com

Enquiries:Tel: 010 595 1821 email: sales@comtest.co.za

Simultaneous ICP-OES Elemental Analysis for Cost-Effective Condition Monitoring

Spectrometer-based elemental analysis has become a fundamental technique for condition monitoring (CM) in most service laboratories. A new white paper, Cost-Effective Condition Monitoring, details why a simultaneous ICP-OES instrument is a serious economic alternative to sequential ICP and atomic absorption spectrometry for elemental analysis in condition monitoring. The paper includes a complete explanation of basic ICP-OES principles and processes — from sample preparation to plasma generator to the optical system and detectors through to the software developed to interpret measurement data. Using the SPECTRO GENESIS simul- taneous ICP-OES spectrometer as a test instrument, the paper references the typical limits of detection for related elements in condition monitoring.The paper also describes advantages of the SPECTRO GENESIS’ suitability for elemental analysis in condition monitoring and de-

tails its cost advantages versus sequential ICP and AAS analysers.

Enquiries: Download http://goo.gl/8JlvFR

Electricity+Control October ‘15


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