1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Beat the eggs to a froth with the juice of t he !Pmon ; s tir in the liquors ; filter throug11 fo!L or close flannel, am! add the syrup. Bottle for use. A little of this syrup In a tumbler two.Lhirrl s full of shaved ice, and well shaken, makes a delicious beverage.

Essence of Kirschwasser Punch for Bottling.

Take seven gallons of plain syrup.

One and a half gallons of lemon juice . F ive gallons of Kirschwassor.

Mix them thoroughly and strain t hrough Canton flannel. I nstead of the lemon juice, half a pint of E'ssence of lemon may be used, prepared according to r eceipt on page 6!.

Empire City Punch for Bottling.

Take five ounces of sweet almonds . Five ounces of bitter almonds.

One ounce of powdP.red cinuaroon. Half ounce of powdered cloves. Five ounces of plain syrnp. Two gallons of Bourbon whiskey. One gallon of ras pberry syrup. Seven gallons of water.

Scald the almonds and peel thorn; the.n mas h them and rub them well with the plain syrup and s pices. Boil the whole for about five minutes In t he water, and when cool strain through a plain flannel filter. Then add tho whis key and raspberry syrup, mixing all togetlwr thoroughly.

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