Student Exam & Grading Guide 2018-2019


Additional Transcript Notations

Course in Progress




Year Long Course

No Grade Assigned



Year Long Course




Transfer Credit

Excusal from exam



* A course that is dropped after the end of the semester will be reported as “WI” on the student transcript.

Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA)

Grade point calculation is determined by multiplying the numerical grade equivalency 4.0 (A), 3.67 (A-), 3.33 (B+), 3.00 (B), 2.67 (B-), 2.33 (C+), 2.00 (C), 1.67 (C-), 1.33 (D+), 1.00 (D), .67 (D-), 0 (F) by the credits earned for each course. Grade Points are then divided by credits earned for the terms to equal Grade Point Average. Satisfactory grades without a numerical equivalent are included in the total hours (TH) toward the degree, but are not included in the numerically graded hours (NGH) or grade point average.



4 credits



4 x 4.00 = 16


3 credits



3 x 3.33 = 9.99

25.99 25.99 ÷ 7 credits = 3.71 GPA

There is a GPA calculator on My Suffolk > Grades > Academic Profile where students can estimate their GPA. This is also helpful for students enrolled in Concentrations who need to meet a 3.25 GPA in Concentration courses.

Grading Policy

1. Grading standards for the required courses in Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Property, and Torts.

The distribution of grades submitted in a course by a faculty member shall conform to the following limits:

5% to 10% of enrolled students can receive an A

20% to 25% of enrolled students can receive an A– or higher

35% to 45% of enrolled students can receive a B+ and higher

65% to 70% of enrolled students can receive a B and higher

30% to 35% of enrolled students can receive a B– and lower

20 to 25% of enrolled students can receive a C+ and higher

10% to 16% of enrolled students can receive a C and lower

0% to 12% of enrolled students can receive a C– and lower

2. B+ median: In courses other than those covered by paragraph 1 of this Policy and having an enrollment of 25 or more students, the required median final course grade is B+.

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