Alcala Yearbook 1993-1994

AS- We Do It All ForYou Associated Students, USD's stu– dent-governing body, is the back– bone of campus events and pro– grams. Directed by an executive board consisting of a president and four vice presidents, AS Directors and Senators sponsor such activi– ties as Homecoming, Concert Se– ries, Film Forum, Comedy Show– case, Speakers' Bureau, Class Town Halls, andAcademic Programming. The members of the Associated Students don't stop with social pro– gramming. They spend much of their time in service to the USD and San Diego communities.

CAUGHT IN THE ACT (Counter clockwise from top) -Associated Students provides a variety of events. Chris Snider dances with his new friend at a Ben and Jerry's fundraiser. Eric Ludwig spends a day in the sun to raise money for victims of the L.A. earthquake. Alicia, Amy, and Esteban enjoy a Junior Class Hungry Hour. ASEvents ~

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