Alcala Yearbook 1993-1994

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• • • "Wayne'S World 2" stars Mike • Myers (left) asWayne Campbell • and Dana Carvey as Garth • Algar, partying-on in Aurora, : Illinois. • • Robin Williams is Mrs. • Doubtfire, shown with Lisa • Jakub, Mara Wil so n and • Mathew Lawrence. • • Sean Connery is Jolrn Conner • and Wesley Snipes is Web • Smith in the "Rising Sun ." • : "If I let you go, do you • that you cou ld fly?" --Macaulay • Culkin is Henry Eva ns, shown • with Elijah Wood, his cousin, • Mark. • : A heroic group of sold iers (left • to right) Ararn is (C har lie • Sheen ), D'Artagan (Chris • O'Donnell), and Pothos (Oliver • Platt) risk their Jives to thwart • the ambitions of the roya l ad– : visor Ca rdin a l Richelieu, • p layed by the devilish Tim • Curry. • • After pretending to leave the • country, law stud ent Darby • Shaw (Ju li a Roberts) tracks • down investiative reporter • Gray Grantham (DenzelWash- • ington) at his mountain cabin • to seek his help in unraveling a : plot involvingassasination and • political corruption at the high– • est levels. • • Miss Kenton (Emma Thomp- : son) and Mr. Stevens (Anthony • Hopkins) share an intimate • moment in Stevens' quarters. • • Ho ll y Hunter a nd Anna : PaquininTHEPIANO, which • won critica l acclaim a t th e • Ca nnes Film Festival. ••••••••••••••••



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