CYIL vol. 10 (2019)

MARKÉTA KŘIŽÁKOVÁ CYIL 10 ȍ2019Ȏ some significance is given to international cooperation even though it is a term enshrined only in the Preamble, not in the legally binding part of the Convention. The Compact uses the terms of international cooperation, international solidarity and burden- and responsibility- sharing. However, none of these terms are defined. The term international cooperation is mentioned in the introduction of the Compact in connection with the Convention. In the entire Compact it is used in connection with solidarity, responsibility- and burden-sharing, as well used alone. All these terms are perceived as principles 71 that should be applied in practice on the basis of concrete measures. At the same time, solidarity is expressed in relation to both refugees and host states. The Compact aims to ease pressures on host countries, enhance refugee self-reliance, expand access to third country solutions and support conditions in countries of origin for return in safety and dignity. The Programme of action, which is part of the Compact, also focuses on responsibility- and burden-sharing. As the Compact states, countries that receive and host refugees make an immense contribution from their own limited resources to the collective good, indeed it is imperative that these countries obtain tangible support from the international community. One of the measures is to establish the Global Refugee Forum, which should be held every 4 years (unless otherwise agreed by the General Assembly) at ministerial level and to be accessible to all UNmembers as well as other relevant stakeholders. 72 At the Global Refugee Forum states can pledge support in the form of financial, material and professional assistance, but also in the form of resettlement and other means for admission to third countries. In addition, the Forum will assess the fulfilment of the existing commitments. Host states will also be able to seek the activation of the Support Platform. The composition of the Support Platform will be specific to the context of the situation and in regard to concrete needs. The Platform should mobilize resettlement commitments undertaken at the Global Refugee Forum and it can also initiate a solidarity conference to extend support beyond what the states participating in the Support Platform offer. 73 The Global Refugee Forum and Support Platform may certainly be seen as the form of international cooperation. States have made no concrete commitments, but by participation in these platforms (that is however not enforceable) the cooperation is already being undertaken to address the situation of mass influx of refugees. Last but not least, these forums may lead to acceptance of concrete legal commitments, which may be based on reciprocity or solidarity with the host state. This is also supported by the possibility to initiate a solidarity conference. But according to Betts history suggests that solidarity conferences that have simply requested resources have largely failed. Conversely, pragmatic agreements based on reciprocal state commitments are often more successful. 74 The second part of the Programme of action is based on knowledge gained by implementation of the CRRF and covers the measures aimed at preparedness, early warning, reception arrangements, security, registration and addressing specific needs of vulnerable persons. International cooperation is perceived particularly in terms of providing resources, experts or information sharing. 75 It is based on measures that should strengthen national 71 UNHCR, Global compact , ibid, p. 1, para 5. 72 UNHCR, Global compact , ibid, p. 4, chap. III. A.1. 73 UNHCR, Global compact , ibid, p. 5-6, chap. 2.2. 74 BETTS, ibid, p. 626. 75 For example, “ […] states and relevant stakeholders will contribute resources and expertise to include preparation for


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