CYIL vol. 10 (2019)

CYIL 10 ȍ2019Ȏ LEGAL REGULATION OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MODERN GOALS … Special attention should also be given to study of issues of legal regulation of establishment and operation of the nuclear medicine centers, which can be conditionally classified, including classification on the following grounds: by the form of incorporation: the business subdivision of a medical institution and the independent medical institution; by functional purpose: diagnostic centers; diagnostic and treatment centers; centers where diagnostics is performed, radiopharmaceuticals are made, and patients are treated; as the object of design and construction: the department in an existing medical institution and the separate object of design and capital development. 9 These issues require unification. In the works of experts, attention is drawn to the gaps in legal regulation of the relations arising upon construction of nuclear medicine facilities, application of regulations for design and construction of nuclear power plant to the nuclear medicine centers and other issues. 10 In situation when it’s clear that we need international databases of the various issues of nuclear medicine in order to use all the possibilities in case when it’s necessary to undertake diagnosis or carry out treatment it seems that it is also important to develop unified rules including the principles of legal regulation of nuclear medicine, unified approaches to design, construction and operation of the nuclear medicine centers, to production, supply and transportation of radioisotope products, to production of the radiopharmaceuticals, to the requirements, rights, obligations and responsibility of the subjects of nuclear medicine, to the order of their cooperation. To reduce the risk of disputable situations, it is advisable to determine unified approaches to the legal regime of radioisotope products, diagnostic equipment, and the legal status of subjects of relations in the field of nuclear medicine. It is extremely important for further development of legal regulation of nuclear medicine at the international level as well as other aspects of nuclear law to perform comparative legal research involving scientists from various states in order to identify the best models of legal regulation and to develop proposals for international legal unification following the results of the performed studies. While defining the principles of legal regulation of nuclear medicine, it also seems very important to determine the relevance of existing international conventions to such a field as nuclear medicine taking into account the relations arising in this field. Legal regulation of nuclear medicine is very important field of nuclear law. It is necessary to compare the legal framework of radioisotopes and radioisotope products and legal framework of nuclear materials and nuclear substances, legal framework of nuclear medicine centers as objects of construction and operation and legal framework of nuclear power plants as objects of construction and operating, issues of responsibility of participants of relations which arise in the sphere of nuclear medicine and legal responsibility of participants of other relations which arise in the sphere of using nuclear energy. Now there are now clear answers 9 ROMANOVA, V.V. Legal Regulation of Nuclear Medicine Centers: Current Status and Development Objectives. Energy Law Forum . 2018. No. 4. pp. 60-64. 10 KUMAR A., KIREEV V.S. Review of the Russian Market of Nuclear Medicine // Fundamental Research. 2018. No. 2. pp. 134138. 4. Goals of Further Development of Legal Framework for Nuclear Medicine at the International Level


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