CSU Catalog 2019

ARDEC Hereford Bulls

In a great collaboration between CSU (via Dr. Dave Schafer, ARDEC livestock manager) and Fort Lewis College in Durango (via Beth LaShell, Old Fort Manager), our bulls summered at 7,500-ft. elevation at Fort Lewis College’s Old Fort Ranch in Hesperus, Colo.

24 CSU 322 RAM 7224

Phenotype BW AWW 92 579 1,294

Reg#:43851763  DOB: 4/23/2017 Hereford Polled RWF CRR 719 Catapult 109 CRR 109 CATAPULT 322 CRR 713 Kelly 0117 KCF Bennett 9126J P18 CSU MISS 9126J 8205 CSU Ms Team Leader 5220


51.0 37.5 12.4 3.6 42


-4 3.8 67 103 27 0.11 0.60 5.7 1.1 CED BW WW YW Milk Marb REA F:G RFI Another Catapult 322 son with growth, ribeye area (based on scan and EPD) and eye appeal. 25 CSU TRUST RAM 7237 Reg#:43851769  DOB: 4/29/2017 Hereford Polled RWF KCF Bennett 3008 M326 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET NJW P606 72N Daydream 73S TH 122 71I Victor 719T CSU MISS Z235 CSU Miss Ram Secret 8223 1.4 59 105 32 0.21 0.75 5.7 2.0 CED BW WW YW Milk Marb REA F:G RFI His impressive yearling weight performance (1,108-lb. adjusted YW, 105 YW EPD) combines well with a 13.5 sq. in. ribeye at yearling. Plus, he’s super low PAP (37). Phenotype BW AWW AYW YHT YSC US-REA US-IMF PAP 74 443 1,108 48.0 35.8 13.5 3.2 37 3

Lot 24

Lot 25

26 CSU 10Y RAM 7244

27 CSU 10Y RAM 7217

Phenotype BW AWW 80 509 1,049

Phenotype BW AWW 62 354 1,003

Reg#:43820002  DOB: 5/21/2017 Hereford Polled RWF SHF Wonder M326 W18 ET NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET NJW P606 72N Daydream 73S TH 122 71I Victor 719T CSU MISS B227 CSU Miss Dominator 8201

Reg#:43851756  DOB: 4/14/2017 Hereford Polled RWF SHF Wonder M326 W18 ET NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET NJW P606 72N Daydream 73S R Visionary 4200 CSU MISS B201 CSU Miss Z249



50.0 34.7 11.3 3.8 41

49.0 31.2 10.6 3.8 40



6 2.6 61 94 31 0.30 0.39 6.2 2.5 CED BW WW YW Milk Marb REA F:G RFI A true curve-bending bull from birth to yearling, plus solid carcass EPDs for both marbling and ribeye.

9 0.6 57 96 34 0.39 0.39 4.8 0.8 CED BW WW YW Milk Marb REA F:G RFI This son of Hometown offers impressive calving ease, combined with yearling weight growth and a yearling marbling scan.


For further information, contact Jason Ahola at (970) 491-3312

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