
t " DMFBSMZ EFĕOFE QBSUJDVMBS RVBOUJUZ UIBU IBT CFFO NFBTVSFE t " DPNQMFUF EFTDSJQUJPO PG UIF NFBTVSFNFOU TZTUFN PS XPSLJOH TUBOEBSE VTFE UP QFSGPSN UIF NFBTVSFNFOU t " TUBUFE NFBTVSFNFOU SFTVMU PS WBMVF XJUI B EPDVNFOUFE VODFSUBJOUZ t " DPNQMFUF TQFDJĕDBUJPO PG UIF TUBUFE SFGFSFODF BU UIF UJNF UIBU JU XBT DPNQBSFE UP UIF NFBTVSFNFOU TZTUFN PS XPSLJOH standard. t "O AJOUFSOBM NFBTVSFNFOU BTTVSBODF QSPHSBN GPS FTUBCMJTIJOH UIF TUBUVT PG UIF NFBTVSFNFOU TZTUFN PS XPSLJOH TUBOEBSE BU all times pertinent to the claim of traceability.” An internal measurement assurance program* can be simple or complex, depending on the level of uncertainty at issue and what is necessary to demonstrate its credibility. The user of a measurement result is responsible for determining what is adequate to meet his or her own needs. It is the responsibility of the end user of a ‘measurement’ standard to assess the validity of a claim of traceability. Likewise, it is the responsibility of the standard manufacturer to provide the necessary information on the Certificate of Analysis that the user assesses. This mutual interest shared by both parties establishes a greater sense of trust in the quality of the standard. 1. International Standard Organization VIM, 2nd ed., definition 6.10, 1993.

* Visit inorganicventures.com/tech/icp-operations/ for additional information from this link


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