Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet

Naum Vaiman

“And what do you consider yourself to be?” “Well, unfortunately, I don’t get to choose in this matter,” I said abashedly. “But in the cultural sense….” “I understand… But please tell me, were you circumcised?” “What does circumcision have to do with it?” “And according to you, culture is novels? Anna Karenina? Culture IS circumcision. Culture is the symbols and the rituals of a race, and history is the struggle between races.” “Yes? And I thought it was the struggle of ideas.” “Ideas are the flowers of a race and the children of myths. And history is not simply a story, but a myth. History is mythology. Peoples’ myths are the meaning of their existence and a guaranty of their survival. That is why people compose myths and fight for them. Fight to the death. Genuine wars are the wars between myths, and the last war in this sense was the Jewish- German one, and no other. And we are living not simply in history, but in Christian history, that is, our history is a Jewish myth. We were compelled to believe in it, we are its prisoners. The end of this myth is our end. So that taking part in history for us – is to participate in the Jewish fate. And this magnet will attract us all, both the ‘mixbloods’ and ‘the outsiders’. And so, I too was magnetized….”


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