Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet

Svyatoslav Loginov

life alone, and even before his death didn’t properly remember his long dead wife. But now, now it turns out he might meet his wife and son? He – a frail old man, and they – did they really stay young? Or perhaps changed to the point of being unrecognizable… What happens to people here? What might happen to a person after death? It’s easy for one that replaces his own thoughts with biblical tales, he believes in his place in heaven (somehow none of our religious citizens see themselves headed to hell, and liberally apply divine forgiveness to any and all of their sins). Of course, having arrived here, they shall cry a great cry, but they will only wonder as to the cruelty of their God. Although who is to say that they will indeed arrive here? Ilya Ilych shivered, felt goosebumps erupt all over his naked body. There isn’t anyone here… and what if each gets according to his faith? Some amuse themselves among the houris, others shout the hosanna, and he, not believing in anything, is stuck here amidst purest abstraction, without time, place, or fate. Only what does the purse have to do with any of this? He believed in money even less than he believed in God. He made money, of course, but money was no idol of his. Very odd. Ilya Ilych straightened up, even tried to rise up on tippy toes, as much as the underlying gruel would allow. No, nothing to be seen, the horizon is consumed by a pale mist. If there are people here, they are somewhere far away.


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