Assystem - 2015 Registration Document




Assystem’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) complies with the principles set out in the United Nations Global Compact and is overseen by the Company’s highest level of management. It is evidenced in fundamental documents like “The Manifesto for the Growth to Be” * – which has been Assystem’s overarching guide in terms of sustainable development since 2011 – and the Company’s Ethical Charter. In addition, it is embodied in the Group’s continuous improvement system of management. Assystem’s CSR approach is conducted in three main areas: ● anticipating the social and environmental challenges of customers and factoring these into the services on offer; ● ensuring the professional and personal development of its engineers and building their employability; ● participating in the development of society at large through its vision and expertise and the social and economic role it plays.

The Group must deal with the long-term crises affecting society. Its fundamental principles are: “rethinking the production processes, distribution systems and consumption habits”. The challenges and expectations of its stakeholders need to be taken into account so that “the Growth to Be” ensures that “having” contributes to greater “well-being”: ● employees: reconciling their aspiration for professional fulfilment with job security. Assystem’s aim is to promote lifetime employability for its people and therefore provide them with continuing education as well as mobility opportunities between different business sectors and geographic areas. ● shareholders: Ensuring that value is a long-term notion rather than over-focussing on the short term, and demonstrating that sustainable growth leads to enhanced profitability. ● clients: encouraging creativity, innovation and networking. ● society at large: setting an example, showing a sense of responsibility and taking into account social, ecological, economic and financial issues. The absence rate includes absences due to illness, maternity, paternity and workplace accidents. The total absence rate per country and then for the Group and the severity and frequency rates of workplace accidents are calculated using weighted average figures based on the headcount at the end of the year. Training data includes internal and external training as well as distance learning ( e.g. e-learning). Greenhouse gas emissions are calculated on the basis of a carbon footprint report prepared for Assystem’s establishments in France (excluding INSIEMA, MPH International and Eurosyn, which represent 7% of the workforce in France). This carbon footprint report took into account direct and indirect emissions related to energy (gas and electricity). The report also includes the impact of work-related travel. The Group plans to extend the reporting scope for greenhouse gas emissions to entities in other countries. The emission factors cited by the French Environment and Energy Agency (ADEME) (Version 7.1.06) were used to calculate greenhouse gas emissions.


In 2011, Assystem drew up a list of key indicators used to assess the impact of its activity on its environment and its stakeholders. These indicators are regularly monitored and are subject to an annual reporting process. In line with the Group’s CSR policy, they are constantly enhanced and improved. They serve as an addition to the Group’s key figures disclosed on pages 4 and 5 The reporting period for HR and environmental information corresponds to the financial year. The HR data published in the table below is taken from the annual HR report drawn up by Assystem’s Human Resources Department based on the situation as at 31 December 2015. The reporting scope for HR data covers the entire workforce of all the Group’s globally consolidated companies, except INSIEMA and MPH Global Services, which account for less than 10% of Assystem’s total headcount. It takes into account the relevance and consistency of the indicators in relation to the Group’s main activities. Total headcount at the year-end includes employees on open-ended contracts, fixed-term contracts, open-ended contracts for specific projects, work-study students and similar contracts, but does not include interns, temporary staff or subcontractors.

* Documents available on the Company’s website.




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