Assystem - 2015 Registration Document



signature in 2013 of a company-wide agreement in France with the Department of Labour and labour-management representatives. As a result, in the French engineering sector Assystem is a pioneer as an employee of people with disabilities. The rate of employment of people with disabilities stood at 2.44% in 2015, whereas it was 0.8% in 2007. The “Mission Handicap” project focuses on several different areas: ● helping people with disabilities remain in employment through employability management programmes; ● sub-contracting to the protected and adapted sector: promoting external or internal services; ● providing employees with information on disabilities and raising awareness; ● partnerships in the Assystem Innovation Factory in particular concerning the in-house exoskeleton project, Handroid. The Group adapts this policy to each country where it operates always with the same objective: exchange of best practices through commitments according to local legislation and the characteristics of the local market. ● Assystem successfully continued its awareness-raising programme for Group managers and employees. ● On the basis of an initial evaluation of the agreement signed in 2013, the Group has defined new initiatives: ● associating clients more closely, achieved through specific actions such as the organisation of events related to handisport, or involvement with associations such as Hanvol, which brings together the main players in the world of aeronautics; ● developing the involvement of its engineers in research and innovation projects with the aim of improving quality of life for people with disabilities. ● In 2016, Assystem is going to renew the agreements signed with its French industrial partners to continue the actions already begun. ● recruiting people with disabilities; 2015 NEWS

2015 NEWS In 2015, Assystem continued to implement and promote its commitments to diversity, both internally and externally. ● The Company has made new commitments to the Company’s employee organisations in France and elsewhere to increase the proportion of women in recruitment processes and in management with objectives in terms of figures and dates. ● The “Women of Energy” network has been extended to two new countries: Belgium and the United Kingdom, and will continue to expand outside France whenever and wherever relevant. The network’s 5 th anniversary was an opportunity to assess the need to strengthen certain areas of progress. In 2016 a new roadmap will be defined, in particular to reinforce feminisation of management which has made strong progress but essentially remains confined to junior management. ● Assystem has also set itself the objective of formally defining a charter for transmission of know-how and skills, embodied within the Assystem Institute, thus defining and emphasising the value of each person’s role and responsibilities. ● After being considered one of the 100 favourite companies for engineering students (Universum ranking) and taking 14 th position (out of 130) in the category “Company with a strong culture for diversity and integration of minorities” in 2014, in 2015 for the second consecutive year Assystem was ranked as one of top 10 engineering companies that are “great to work for” (Statista ranking of best employers for the Capital magazine). Making disabilities into workplace assets Motivated by the same ambitions as for equal opportunities, Assytem’s objectives for integration of people with disabilities aim to position the Company as an example in its business sector. Since 2007, Assystem has had a proactive policy in place for promoting the employment of people with disabilities. The financial and human resources devoted to this area have grown steadily over the past few years with the implementation of a “Mission Handicap” project in 2007 and the




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